Western Association
Missouri Mid-South Conference
United Church of Christ
Western Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Peace United Church of Christ
Hartsburg, Missouri
“Sacred Conversation on Race: A Family Talk” is the theme for our Annual Meeting. Rev. Clairnel Nervik and Peace UCC congregation in Hartsburg, Missouri have agreed to host this year.
We will be having a panel discussion with members of our own Association from diverse and multicultural backgrounds telling their stories.
Registration is at 9:30 AM. The cost is $30.00 per person which includes lunch. Enclosed in this mailing is a flyer to be posted on your church bulletin board or included in your Sunday bulletin and a registration form.
This will be an important day for the congregations of the Western Association and the Missouri Mid-South Conference. Please encourage as many people from your congregation as possible to participate. We will have a business meeting as well as Christian fellowship and worship.
See you April 25.
Linda Stenger, Chairperson
Western Association
Missouri Mid-South Conference
United Church of Christ
Western Association Annual Meeting – April 25, 2015
ASSOCIATION OFFICERS (elected for one-year term)
CHAIRPERSONMr. Ron Wendle Member, Bethel UCC, Kansas City
VICE-CHAIR Rev. Kemery Baldwin Pastor, St. Peters Evangelical UCC, Billings
SECRETARYMs. Nancy Lewis Member, California UCC, California
TREASURERMr. Dennis ZellerMember, Ebenezer UCC, Levasy
Class of 2018
Ms. Melissa Larson (first term)Member, Country Club Cong. UCC, KC
Rev. Colette Jones (first term)Retired Pastor, Central UCC, Jefferson City
Mr. Wayne Kanenbley (first term)Member, St. John UCC, Florence
Rev. Tim Fairley (first term)Pastor, Immanuel UCC, New Franklin
Those Classes Currently Serving (not up for reelection)
Class of 2017
Rev. David Lyon (second term)Pastor Emeritus, St. Luke’s UCC, Independence
Rev. Elizabeth Deveney (second term)Pastor, Trinity UCC, Lexington
Mr. Don Dittmer (second term)Member, St. John UCC, Emma
Mr. Paul Osgood (second term)Member, Country Club Congregational UCC, KC
Class of 2016
Mr. David Rauch (first term)Member, St. Peter Evangelical UCC, Billings
Ms. Jeanne Kruger (first term)Member, St. John’s Chapel UCC, Springfield
Rev. Karen Aitkens (second term)Pastor, Bethel UCC, Kansas City
Ms. Elaine Hudson (first term)Member, Zion UCC, Mayview
(All of the delegates are elected at the Conference Annual Meetings)
Rev. Karen Aitkens (first Synod)Pastor, Bethel UCC, Kansas City
Rev. Clairnel Nervik (first Synod)Pastor, Peace UCC, Hartsburg
Ms. Ula Sao (first Synod)Member, Cong. Christian Church of Samoa, KC
Rev. James Fuller (first Synod)Pastor and MID, Ivanhoe UCC, Raytown
Rev. Stephen King (second Synod)Retired Pastor, Country Club Cong. UCC, KC
Rev. Judy Fiocco (second Synod)Member, UCC of Fulton, Fulton
Ms. Paula DeSeure (second Synod)MID, Peace Christian Church UCC, Kansas City