CHSHPEH Unit College Bulletin Report

Office of the VPP

Dr. Brad J. Stewart, who graduated in May as a member of Leadership Montgomery’s 14th class, is now a member of the group’s program committee as well as a mentor for Leadership Montgomery’s Emerging Leaders’ program.

OnJuly 26, 2014, Marylanders from across the state came together at the Cultural Arts Center (CAC) at Montgomery College Takoma Park / Silver Spring to celebrate the 24th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The 2014 celebration recognized how far society has come in promoting the rights and community inclusion of people with disabilities in their efforts to lead productive, meaningful and independent lives. The 24th Anniversary program featured keynote remarks by disabilities advocate Ricardo Thorntonand music byThe Dennis Fisher Band.

Professor of English Esther Schwartz-McKinzie, Ph.D. graduated this summer from the HERS Bryn MawrInstitute,at Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. In addition to receiving a generous scholarship from the HERS Institute, Dr. Schwartz was supported by Dr. Brad Stewart and by the recommendation of Dr. DeRionne Pollard. The HERS program represents an important opportunity for women faculty and administrators to develop their leadership skills through the in HERS Summer Institutes at Bryn Mawr College, Wellesley, College or the University of Denver.

On Thursday, Sept 4, 2014, Jay Williams, assistant secretary of Commerce, spoke to a standing room only crowd of business students and others at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. Mr. Williams is the Assistant Secretary in charge of the Economic Development Administration (EDA), of the US Commerce Department. Mr. Williams delivered a short lecture on economic development but was more interested in hearing from the students about the challenges they face.

Anthropologist and noted researcher on students and libraries, Nancy Fried Foster came to the Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus on September 10, 2014, for a lecture. Dr. Foster's seminal work, Studying Students, resulted from her and others' work at the University of Rochester Libraries, where she was employed as director of anthropological research. Now senior anthropologist at Ithaka S+R, a leading higher-education research and consulting non-profit, Dr. Foster is working with the Montgomery College Libraries to study each campus' students' needs and preferences for 21st-century library services, programs and space, using ethnographic methods.

Health Sciences, Physical and Exercise Sciences

Professor Sabrina Beroz is the first Health Sciences faculty member to become certified by the Association for Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) and the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) support the Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator (CHSE) certification. The exam is administered by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.

The Montgomery College Guaranteed Admission Agreement with George Washington’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences is a great opportunity for our health science graduates and is available for all MC graduates. The best part of the agreement is that they have made the tuition guaranteed for our graduates at $552 per credit, allowing for affordable access to our graduates, as their published rate is $1,300 per credit.

Montgomery College and the Department of Health Enhancement, Exercise Science and Physical education are entering their second year of articulation with Salisbury University at Shady Grove. Students who complete both programs will have an AA in Health Fitness, a BS in Kinesiology with a minor in health education and be eligible to sit for multiple advanced certifications in health and fitness.

The Health Enhancement, Exercise Science and Physical Education department on the Rockville campus welcomes LaKishaNickens-Gaither to our full-time faculty. Professor Nickens-Gaither received her B.S. from Howard University in Physical Education with a concentration in Athletic Training. She also holds an M.S. in Exercise Science and Health Promotions with a concentration in Fitness and Wellness and an M.S. in Sports Management with a concentration in Intercollegiate Athletics from California University of Pennsylvania.

From simulation to savior seems to apply to us, as our own Matt Sandee was apparently out saving lives. On Tuesday morning, September 2, Matt Sandee, simulation lab technician, was waiting for the commuter train in Dickerson, MD, when he noticed a man fall off the approaching train and down the nearby embankment. Matt immediately went to his aid. When he reached the man, he found him regaining consciousness and bleeding profusely from his head. Matt, along with another bystander, immediately provided first aid, called 911, and waited until the first responders arrived."It's not every day that you get a chance to be that helpful to anybody. I feel good and I'm glad he's okay, “said Sandee.

Good news from the Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) Program –out of 15 graduates, 14 were able to take the National Board Exam for PTA in July. All 14 passed on the first attempt. This is the first step toward getting their license to practice in Maryland and to getting their first jobs. We also received a report from the Federation of State Boards on the average scores of our students. The average score for our students was roughly 100 points higher than they needed to pass the exam. In addition, our students’ average scores beat the average scores for Maryland PTA schools (by about 20 points) and the average for all US schools (by about 40 points).

Mental health affects us all. NBC4 and Montgomery College are coming together on Friday, September 12 to talk about "The Mental Health and Wellness of Youth and Adolescence" in a community style forum, in Theatre 2 of the Cultural Arts Center on the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. A panel of experts, including mental health providers and educators, will address, engage and interact with the audience.The Community Forum will include youth, parents, educators and health care professionals in a dialogue about mental health issues and concerns of young people to provide perspective, understanding and information about resources available.

Over the summer, nursing students had a new clinical experience that involved community collaboration. The clinical site was Youth Haven Camps, a camp for kids living with and affected by HIV. Eight MC nursing students were involved and provided teaching to camp counselors and campers on a variety of topics including blood borne pathogens, hydration, ticks, poison ivy, epi-pen use and bullying. These students had a full range of nursing experiences that included medication administration, documentation, camp sanitation, emergency care, and multidisciplinary collaborations to name a few. Interestingly the entire nursing staff was comprised of MC Nursing alumni. Materials to aid the students in success with this project were donated from: MC Health Sciences Dean, Angie Pickwick; MC Nursing Director, Barbara Nubile; MC Lab Coordinator, Patsy O'Meara; The Olney Children's Dental Office; The Montgomery County Graduate Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., The Dental Office of Dr. Ericson; and Put Life First, Windy Crumm, President.

Angie Pickwick, instructional dean of the health sciences at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus, is a member of the NBC4 Community Advisory Board. In harmony with Montgomery College's mission, Dean Pickwick led the effort to support the NBC4 Backpacks 4 Kids program at Montgomery College. Thanks to the Backpacks 4 Kids program, children whose parents cannot afford new school supplies will have support on the first day of school. This year's efforts have been a huge success for lots of needy kids!

In the spring of 2012, the National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (N-OADN) approved the formation of a national honor society for Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) programs. Montgomery College was chartered as the Beta Chi Chapter, and spring 2014 was the first induction of 12 members.

To be considered for membership, students must have attained a 3.0 overall GPA, maintained a 3.0 GPA in all nursing courses, and must have demonstrated conduct on campus and in the clinical areas that reflect integrity and professionalism.

Through a new grant-funded collaboration, Montgomery College nursing students have worked with local healthcare clinics serving vulnerable residents, exposing future nurses to the community health field. Thanks to the generosity of the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, three Montgomery College nursing students earned a Community Healthcare Nursing Scholarship to complete their nursing degree, while caring for uninsured patients at Holy Cross Health Center and Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Care. "The involvement of students allows our patients to receive more one-on-one nursing care and education," said Rachel Catrambone, RN, BSN, who worked with a clinical rotation student last spring at Holy Cross Health Center.

Nancy Greenawald is credited as a content reviewer for the 3rd edition of Barbara Behrens and Holly BeinertPhysical Agents: Theory and Practice, published by FA Davis.

The nursing lab provided an opportunity for the filming of a video which aired on NBC4 as a promotional for back to school. One of the spots on the video included our own Nursing Professor, Lawrence Ahwireng, who starred in the piece as a nurse providing back-to-school immunizations.

The lab also provided space for the filming of a PSA by the African-American Health Program to promote breast feeding awareness and understanding. An article about that experience was memorialized on Inside MC in an article entitled, Nipple Ripple! When Did Breastfeeding become so Controversial? See the link:


Dr. Sharon Fechter, professor of world languages, was the recipient of the Phi Delta Kappa 2014 Educator of the Year plaque on June 14, 2014. Phi Delta Kappa is an international educators' honorary organization. The honoree is selected from the metropolitan area (DC, MD, VA) based upon outstanding contributions to the field of education in the areas of leadership, research and service. Recipients over the years have included university presidents, school superintendents, prominent principals, outstanding teachers, and others in the field of education.

Dr. Hernandez-Fujigaki, Professor of History, collaborated with two Montgomery College faculty members (Maria Sprehn-Malagon and Linda Robinson) in the writing of the book Latinos in the Washington Metro Area, which is a stunning portrayal of the Washington, DC area’s Latino community. The authors discuss the Central and South American political conflicts and economic challenges that stepped up 20th-century Latino immigration and led to the formation of Washington-area community groups committed to social justice. Also noted are the academic and occupational achievements among Latinos that led to a highly diverse workforce and a strong Latino influence in fields ranging from education to medicine to politics.

Five World Languages full- and part- time faculty presented on a variety of topics at the American Association of the Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese annual conference held in Panama City, Panama this past July. The faculty were Ivonne Bruneau-Botello, Fabian Faccio, Sharon Fechter, Christina Gentile, and Allyson Lima.

Montgomery College American Sign Language students interpreted for a performance at the Arts Barn on September 19th.

In celebration of International Peace Day, the peace and Justice Studies held an event called Soccer for Peace; on the Germantown Campus. Last fall when the vent was held, more than 62 countries represented were represented.


Marian Graham (AELP & political science) has been appointed to a two-year term on the board of directors of the Maryland chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (Md-AATG).”

Dr.ChritianaOkechukwu, an AELP faculty member in RV, just published a new book entitled, No Say in the Matter, the first in a trilogy about the changing roles of women in African society.

Professor Robert L. Giron, AELPand other poetsincluding Yvette Neisser Moreno, Laura Shovan, Ellen Cole, Pamela Murray Winters, Linda Joy Burke, Kim Roberts, and Dean Blehert read in the Mariposa Reading at the Writer's Center in Bethesda.A reception followed the reading.

Art (But they already turned their report in so I am passing along for them)

Professor Claudia Rousseau, Art, wrote and published a monograph on a Washington DC sculptor and organized and curated an exhibit that opened September 6that the American University Museum in the Katzen Center for the Arts of this sculptor's recent work. The book is Sam Noto, Sculptor: A Persistent Curiosity, XLibris (Random House), 2014.It is available on Amazona and Barnes and Noble and at the AU Museum Bookstore.The exhibit, "Sam Noto, Steel Sculpture: Anxiety + Hope",in the works for two years, is a major accomplishment. It will be on view through March 15, 2015.

John Deamond, Instructional Lab Coordinator for the Visual And Performing Arts at TP/SShas an upcoming artist residency at St Mary’s College of Maryland later this semester, and have been in two art exhibitions recently: Life is Flux: Visualizing Change in Art and Biology through September 25 at St. Mary's College of Maryland, and IMGforums: Images from the Internet at the Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts in Toronto, Ontario.
