COURSE – 7th grade Social Sciences

YEAR – 2015-2016

TEACHER(S) –Mr. Brennen Knight

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Social Sciences curriculum provides students with an understanding of their role in the community, state, country and world. It also helps them to understand the role of our history and the history of others in making the world what it is today. In Douglas County Schools we want to prepare students to be active citizens in our democratic society, to teach students “HOW” to think, not “WHAT” to think, to empower students through geography to understand the world and to realize we are globally interdependent, and to promote awareness and acceptance of others, both nationally and internationally.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The seventh grade curriculum standards are based on the Georgia Performance Standards written by the Georgia Department of Education. For a detailed analysis of these standards, refer to the Department of Education website, They are also in your students agenda. We also will use Common Core Standards for Social Studies with literacy being the focal point.

Areas of study: Geography, Economics, History, and Government of the following regions:

Southwest Asia (The Middle East)

Southern and Eastern Asia


Also included in our studies are:


  • DCSS and CHMS procedures and expectations
  • Duties and responsibilities of a citizen

Second Steps

  • This program, presented by the 7th grade counselor, Ms. Nabulsi, focuses on students making wise decisions in everyday situations they face in Middle School.

TEXTBOOK: World Cultures and Geography, McDougal Littell Publishing Company.

The textbook is a supplemental material resource and will be used occasionally. We also will use many supplemental materials such as the internet, atlases, Discovery Learning, various sources in the Media Center, and EOYT (End of Year Test) prep materials.IMPORTANT!! Please sign the “Internet Permission” note in your student’s agenda.

GRADING POLICY: Grades are based on class participation, effort to complete assignments, and mastery of the Georgia Performance Standards and will be weighted as follows:


Tests/Common District Assessments (cumulative)30%


Quizzes (formative) 5%

Participation (CATS)HW, etc. 10%

Total 100%

IMPORTANT!!!! If a student chooses not to do/complete an assignment, it is considered “missing work,” not “makeup work.” Makeup work is reserved for those students with EXCUSED ABSENCES and is then allowed to complete the missing assignments with no penalty following the DCSS policy.

The teacher has the discretion to accept any missing assignment. Please note any assignment allowed to be submitted or“MISSING WORK” will receive partial credit rather than full credit.

Students are expected to meet all deadlines as posted. If a student chooses not to do/complete an assignment, it is considered “missing” and is coded as a 0 in Infinite Campus. In order to receive partial credit for a missing assignment, you must communicate with me in person to determine if the assignment will be accepted for partial credit. It is important to remember, the TEACHER HAS THE DISCRETION TO ACCEPT OR DENY SUBMISSION OF LATE AND/OR MISSING ASSIGNMENTS. Partial credit will be determined by the type of assignment, deadline, and teacher discretion. If you have been absent from class with an EXCUSED ABSENCE and miss a deadline, you have one day plus one to make up your assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve your assignments in the “What Did I Miss?” binder located on the student information counter. If you have any questions about the assignment, ask the peer counselor in your group. If you prefer to speak with me, you make stay after class or stop by on the way to connections. Many of the resources will be posted on Schoology. Each student will be given one copy of a printable resource. It is your responsibility to print additional copies. If you ask for another copy, you will be deducted 10 points. The posts and resources on Schoology are time sensitive. It is very important that you complete the assignments during the “window” of operation as you will be locked out after the deadline. Resources are constantly updated and removed on a unit of study basis.

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Conferences are scheduled as needed with students and parents. The agenda book is used daily for assignments and notes to parents. Parents are encouraged to write notes to the teachers as well. Children benefit tremendously when parents and teachers have open lines of communication and work together. Please view and sign your student’s agenda each school night for assignments, homework, and notes. NOTE: If a parent/guardian writes a note to the teacher it is the student’s responsibility to inform the teacher of the note.

BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: Students are required to maintain self-control and to follow class and school wide procedures that are discussed in the opening unit on “Citizenship” as we go over our district and school procedures. These will be reinforced throughout the school year. Guidelines are outlined in the CHMS Student Handbook about behavior and discipline procedures.

NOTE TO PARENT/GUARDIAN: Please go over the CHMS Student Handbook with your student and sign/return the form in the back of the handbook.

Best wishes as you begin your 7th grade year. With organization, effort, honesty, and a positive attitude you will be very successful.