Wisconsin Honor Guard Association
Standard Operating Procedure
Presentation of the Colors
The Wisconsin Honor Guard Association’s (WHGA) Board has researched, discussed, and evaluated honor guard protocols inorder to develop a “best practice” recommendation. The following SOP closely mirrors the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia’s (DC Metro) Honor Guard’s methods and training. WHGA feels that the DC Metro’s methods are suitable for agencies with and without trained honor guard teams. The following SOP is the way that WHGA has adopted for Presenting the Colors and realizes this SOP is not the only way to accomplish this. WHGA also encourages and recognizes individualism amongst honor guard teams.
Proper FLAG etiquette dictates that the flag of the“United States of America” is always the first flag in movement and SHALL ALWAYS be to the left in a formation as the formation is viewed, and always preceded by a rifle bearer (weapon). There are no exceptions to this. Any other positioning will have the Colors inverted and is against U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1 (c).
The Color Team shall orient themselves so that, when marching in, the U.S. Colors are preceded only by the Front or Right Rifle, and then orient themselves to the audience so that the U.S. Colors are on the left of the formation as viewed. (This can not be accomplished with commands of: “To the Rear March” or “About Face” movements, as it will invert the Colors.) There can be a multiple number of additional flags, however, the U.S. Colors are always first. The following S.O.P. will provide specific directions for Presenting the Colors.
There is a hierarchy of flags and the order in which they appear. (For clarification, U. S. Flag code should be consulted.) In general, the U.S. Flag is first, any State flags are next, then a local flag, followed by any organization flags (WLEM, WHGA, etc).
A minimum of three (3) people are required to form a Color Team.
1. Rifleman
2. U.S. Flag
3. Rifleman
The commands are often instructed by the bearer of the U.S. Flag, who would be the Color Team Commander, however, this can also be accomplished by the rear rifle or a Team Commander, who is posted separately for just this function.
(Actual commands will be capitalized with the action word being stated in BOLD.)
This detail will be referred to as “Color Team”. The Color Team order will be:
· Front or right Rifle
· U.S. Flag (Team Commander)
· State Flag
· Optional Flags (if applicable)
· Rear or Left Rifle
While awaiting entrance to a venue, the Color Team is lined up in a column. From
the “at ease” or Ceremonial Parade Rest position, in the proper spacing, the sequence of Commands will be:
· “STAND BY” (Preparatory command that action is imminent)
After the command of “DETAIL”, movement occurs;
For Rifles:
· The barrel is extended out with the right arm. (Right hand cupped forward
at the top of the bayonet lug.)
· Left hand moves smartly to the small of the back, with fingers extended
For Flags:
· Left hand moves smartly to the small of the back, with fingers extended
After the command of “ATTEN-TION”; (“Atten” is preparatory, movement occurs after the “tion”
of the word)
For Rifles;
· Rifles will be brought smartly to the side (upright) in line with the right leg, while simultaneously bringing the left leg to the right leg, to the position of Attention.
· Left hand moves smartly and simultaneously to the left side (leg) to position of Attention, fingers curled, thumb straight, with hand positioned approximately at seam/stripe of pants.
For Flags:
· Left foot moves smartly to right foot, to the position of Attention, while flag does not move.
· Left hand moves smartly and simultaneously to the position of Attention (fingers curled in, thumb straight, with hand positioned approximately at seam/stripe of pants.
After the command of “PORT, ARMS”; (“Port” is preparatory, movement occurs after “Arms”)
For Rifles:
· With the right hand cupped and holding the rifle as in the Attention position, and with the right hand only, the rifle is brought to the Port-Arms angle, meeting the left hand, which grips the rifle on the forestock, in approximately the same position. Left hand slaps for sound effect. (count 1)
· Right forearm remains as parallel to the rifle as possible.
· Right hand moves to the grip area, slapping for sound effect. (this is count 2)
· Rifle is approximately 1 fist-width from the chest, in approximately a 45 degree angle, with barrel near left shoulder and stock near right hip.
For Flags:
· Left hand comes across body to grasp pole at position slightly below horizontal, so that when pole is lifted, left arm will be horizontal across body. (count 1)
· Left hand lifts pole, while right hand allows the pole to slide through, guiding it to remain straight. (count 2)
· Pole is held with the right hand low, like in the position of “Attention”, and near seam/stripe of pants, to keep it straight.
After the command of “FORWARD, MARCH”; (“Forward” is preparatory. Move after “March”.)
· All step off on left foot and march to preplanned/pre-rehearsed presentation position.
Upon arriving at the proper location in the “stage”, Color Team members will continue stepping in Mark-Time March. After the front rifle feels that the remainder of the Color Team is in place (4 to 5 steps), the front rifle will initiate a left face movement, slowly, with each Color Team member turning as well (as in a “wave”), still marching in Mark-Time. This should take 4 steps for the each member to face front. After the turn is completed, the following commands will be given by the Color Team Commander (for all, the action is the same):
· “DETAIL” (“Detail” is preparatory) (Spoken while the marcher’s left foot is on the floor)
· “HALT” (spoken on the next left step after “Detail”) After “Halt”, the marcher steps with the right foot, then the left foot will be brought to the right foot, “clicking-in”-bringing heels together.
From this position, still in the “Port-Arms” position with rifles and flags, the command sequence is:
After the command of “ORDER, ARMS”; (“Order” is preparatory; move after “Arms”)
For Rifles:
· The right hand is removed and smartly moved to the top of the bayonet lug, slapping barrel for sound effect. (This is count 1.)
· Rifle is guided down towards floor, left hand is placed just below the muzzle to assist. The left fingers shall all be extended straight and flat with just the fingertips touching the barrel of the rifle. Rifles are grounded - placed butt on floor, aside the right foot, with the magazine well facing forward. This causes no sound. (This is count 2.)
· Final position is such that rifle is straight up, along the right leg. Right hand is cupped just above the forestock, at the start of the barrel. Left hand index finger’s 1st knuckle from the tip is lodged under the bayonet lug, and palm is towards the body, left arm/hand is parallel to the ground.
For Flags:
· Open both hands slightly, so that flag pole drops to floor. Place pole close to right foot little toe (or position so that flag is straight up). (counts 1 and 2)
· With right hand, tuck in flag, between right arm and body, so that the flag won’t billow and block view in future marching. (Commander should give ample time for this, before next command.)
· Remain with left arm/hand in horizontal position, and right hand in low “marching hold”.
After the command of “READY”; (all move after “Ready”)
For Rifles:
· Rifles will bring the left hand to the belt buckle, fingers straight out and together.
For Flags:
· Flag bearers move left hand from the flag to the flag harness cup (center of body/over belt buckle), palm facing the body, with fingers straight out and together
After the command of “CUT”; (all move after “Cut”)
For both:
· In even rhythm, the open left hand comes up to the left shoulder, closing hand, as in the position of Attention, upon reaching straight up. Elbow should be in down position. (count 1)
· Drop hand straight down to position of Attention, at seam/stripe. (count 2)
After the command of “RIGHT SHOULDER-ARMS”; (“Right Shoulder” is preparatory. All move after “Arms”)
For Rifles:
· Right hand/arm brings the rifle to the “Port-Arms” position, with forearm in parallel position to rifle. Left hand is placed on the forestock, slapping for sound effect. (count 1)
· Right hand slaps the bottom of the butt stock. (count 2)
· Left hand guides the rifle around the head onto the right shoulder. (count 3)
· Final position is such that the left hand, with open flat palm, is hooked to the rear of the rifle receiver where it meets the stock, awaiting the “Cut”. (count 4, or part of an elongated 3)
For Flags:
· “RIGHT SHOULDER” is a movement command, allowing for time to switch right hand position on flag pole, so that thumb is facing up (this is a subtle movement).
· After “ARMS”, the right hand “tosses” the flag pole smartly up and to center of body, so that right hand ends up in front of face. (count 1)
· Left hand comes up to grab bottom of pole and guide it into harness cup. (count 2)
· Final position for flag bearer is such that the right hand is in front of nose, right elbow out, with left hand on harness cup.
After the command of “READY”;
For Rifles:
· Left hand is already in place as described earlier.
For Flags:
· For an outside venue or windy day, the left hand remains in control of the flag on the flag cup.
· Otherwise, left hand remains on cup, waiting for Cut command.
After the command of “CUT”;
· Rifles and Flags are then “Cut” in the previously described manner.
The command of “PRESENT, ARMS”; (For flags, hand movement occurs during “Present”, and then flag moves after “Arms”; for rifles, movement occurs after “Arms”. Commander draws out “Present”, so that this allows for time for flags to be dipped.)
For Rifles:
· A slight un-noticeable kick with the right shoulder assists the rifle movement forward to clear the hat/cover. Rifle moves out so that it is straight up and down in right hand, and is then turned so that magazine well faces to left. Allow rifle to drop in a controlled manner to the left hand, into the “Port Arms” position. This is all in one long “count” and occurs in smooth motion.
· Right hand moves up to the grip area (where held for firing), slapping rifle, for sound effect. (count 2)
· Rifle is given a twist, and positioned straight up and down, with magazine well is straight forward. Move rifle smartly, causing sound. (count 3)
· Final position is such that the left hand is grasping the rifle in a cupped grip, wrapping fingers around heat shield (which holds the weapon more securely). Right hand is cupped forward, holding the rifle at the grip area, thumb and fingers extended forward.
For Flags:
· The U.S. Flag does not move. All other flags are slowly dipped, in approximately 3 seconds, ending at a 45 degree angle. Other flags match the angle established by the State flag.
During command of “SHOULDER”;
For Rifles:
· Remain still, no movement
For Flags:
· Flags previously dipped (lowered) are slowly raised upright, at the same speed as they were lowered, in approximately 3 seconds.
After the command of “ARMS”;
For Rifles:
· Snap rifle to “Port-Arms” position, making sound. (count 1)
· Right hand is removed, then slaps the bottom of the butt stock. (count 2)
· Left hand guides the rifle around the head to rest on the shoulder and slides down so that forearm is approximately horizontal, with fingers together and straight, pointed across the port. (count 3)
· An automatic “cut” occurs” with the Shoulder Arms command. Open left hand moves to the shoulder. Close the hand, as in the position of Attention, upon reaching straight up. Elbow should be in down position. (count 4)
· Drop hand straight down to position of Attention, at seam/stripe. (count 5)
For Flags:
· Remain still, no movement.
After the command of “ORDER, ARMS”;
For Rifles:
· A slight, un-noticeable “kick” with the right shoulder assists the rifle movement forward to clear cover/hat. Rifle moves out so that it is straight up and down in right hand, and is then turned so that magazine well faces to left. Allow rifle to drop in a controlled manner to the left hand, in the “Port Arms” position. This is all in one long “count” and occurs in smooth motion. (count 1)
· The right hand is removed and smartly moved to the top of the bayonet lug, slapping barrel for sound. (count 2)