Pastor’s Message

We enter a new season of the church year as we celebrated the Day of Pentecost on May 27th – day we lift up and celebrate the gift of the Spirit of God; God’s Spirit unleashed! One of my favorite Pentecost hymns is a newer hymn: “Send Down the Fire.”

Refrain: Send down the fire of your justice, send down the rains of your love;

Come, send down the Spirit, breathe life in your people,

And we shall be people of God.

Call us to be your compassion, teach us the song of your love;

Give us hearts that sing, give us deeds that ring,

Make us ring with the song of your love.

Call us to learn of your mercy, teach us the way of your peace

Give us hearts that feel, give us hands that heal,

Make us walk in the way of your peace.

Call us to answer oppression, teach us the fire of your truth;

Give us righteous souls, till your justice rolls,

Make us burn with the fire of your truth.

Call us to witness your kingdom, give us the presence of Christ;

May your holy light keep us shining bright,

Ever shine with the presence of Christ.

I share that hymn with you because that is my prayer for us here at Kenwood Lutheran –

·  that God’s Spirit breathe, inspire, stir, challenge, and move us in ministry

·  that we risk everything safe and secure for the sake of the Gospel

·  that our lives be filled with compassion, mercy, and peace

·  that we hold the gathered people of Kenwood Lutheran, our ministry to this part of the world, and our world in prayer, and

·  that our living gives witness our mission: “Built on a rock, with Christ as our center, we serve the community and beyond.”

Life-giving God, send us your Spirit!

Your partner in ministry,

Pr Becky

President’s Message

Congregational activities and updates: The Youth Ministry Team hosted a ‘lock-in’ on Saturday, April 28, with many well-planned activities taking place at the overnight event. The Team presented the Children’s sermon on Sunday morning – thank you Team members for your leadership skills and for setting such an outstanding example for our children. Don’t miss the Youth cookbook sales – a perfect gift for friends and family members. The Worship Ministry Team, in conjunction with Pastor Becky, continues to plan and present exciting Sunday services. Pentecost Sunday was a beautiful sea of red at church with a wonderful message for all. New opportunities for sharing your time and talents are available at church – seek out members of the Asset Management Board to volunteer over the summer for gardening, facility maintenance, and any ideas you can think of that you want to see at our church.

Thank you to all the members who planned, presented, and participated as The “Mighty KLC Players” – an evening of fun and fellowship on Friday, May 18. It was a great opportunity for sharing in the laughter, getting to know our church friends, meeting new people, and eating well. A portion of the proceeds have been given to Youth members attending the National Convention in New Orleans this summer and towards capital improvements at the church.

The Congregational Task Force has tabulated the results of the Survey sent to friends of Kenwood Lutheran and provided a copy of the outcomes - now available in the Church office. Task Force members Liz Pearson, Nadine Moeller, Kathie Severson, and Joy Michalicek will continue their work by submitting the results to the NE Synod Office of the E.L.C.A.

A Special congregational meeting was held following worship on Sunday, May 6th for the sole purpose of voting on the appointment of the Call Committee. The following individuals were appointed and have so graciously volunteered their service in this important role: Jim Caesar, Scott Goutermont, Carol Kolari, Joy Michalicek, Megan Oswald, Mary Rasch, and Jim Stein. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they begin the process of bringing a “Candidate of Choice” to Kenwood Lutheran Church.

A second quarterly Town Hall meeting will be held in June after Sunday worship with updates on congregation activities. This session will include information on Asset Mapping ideas, Mission and Visioning statements in the Continuing Resolutions, goal setting, distribution of ministry survey results to friends of Kenwood Lutheran, and the pastoral call process.

Be sure to watch for our and attend our planned outdoor service(s) this summer.

Best wishes for a happy, safe and productive summer!


Lynn Hegrenes, Your Congregation President

“Built on a rock, with Christ as our center, we serve the community and beyond.”

Our Sympathies

Our deepest sympathies to the families of Delores Beede, John Wuotila and Dale Lunde.

Blessed be the good memories of Delores, John and Dale.

Thank You Notes

Ladies of Kenwood Lutheran Church,

Thank you for your service of serving our luncheon for our mother’s funeral.

Family of Delores Beede

Dear Quilters,

Thank you for the lovely quilts! These will be given to families in need. Thank you for sharing your time and talents. Sincerely, Jessica Ollhofz, LSS Crisis Nursery

Thank You, Thank You!!

A big thank you to the entertainers, the donors for the silent auction, the dessert crew, the others working behind the scenes, and to all who attended the Talent(less) Show and Silent Auction!

We enjoyed a wonderful evening of fellowship!! A total of $969.25 was raised in support of our youth going to the National Youth Conference and for Kenwood capital improvements. Thanks again to everyone who participated!!

Thank You!

I am home safe and sound. I returned homeon April 18th. I wish to thank everyone for the prayer shawl, cards,and care packages I received while I was deployed. I wish to thank everyone for all the prayers and support you gave me and my family while I was deployed. Thank you again for everything. Craig Moeller

Dear Quilters,

You’ve done it again! Thanks to your hearts and hands, the N.E. MN World Hunger Quilt Auction raised over $11,400 for World Hunger. Your dedication to this mission of our Church has enriched so many lives. Thanks for being diligent and obedient to God’s call to minister to the hungry and needy in our world!

Grace and peace to you,

N.E. MN Synod, Hunger & Justice Team

Dear KLC and Pastor Becky,

Thank you for the visit while I was in the hospital and for the beautiful prayer shawl. I appreciate all of the prayers from my church family and it has truly helped my recovery. God Bless!

Thank you, Maija Rannikko


On May 13th Logan Nathaniel Carlson was baptized. His parents are Jon and Kari Carlson and his grandparents are Tom & Sue Muehlberger and Don & Judy Carlson.

On May 20th Faith Alexandria Klang was baptized. Her mother is Rachel Klang and her grandparents are Lori Nuessmeier and Lawrence & Bonnie Klang.

New Babies Born

Congratulations to Jenny and Nathan LaBelle on the birth of their daughter, Maya Ruby! Maya’s big brother is Brennan and her grandparents are Dave & Debby Stokes and great-grandparents are Dale & Marcia Lunde.

Congratulations to Becca (Hassett) and Paulo Kneip on the birth of their son, Elijah Kailo Vontin Kneip! Elijah’s grandma is Nancy Hasset.

Child in Our Hands

On May 6th our new drivers, both those with permits and licenses, received a special blessing and gift! Congratulations!

On May 20th our high school graduates received a homemade fleece blanket or quilt. Congratulations to Kenwood’s High School grads: Lindsay Bacon, Anna Benko, Emily Hall, Kieffer Higgins, Luke Hassett, Elizabeth Jacobson, Miranda Larson, Rachel Lufholm, Phil Oswald and

Nick Stokes.

Asset Management

(April 2012)

Income $60,985

Expense $65,249

Budget $181,984

New Member Class

On June 10th following worship we will have a short class for anyone who would like to learn more about Kenwood. Then those who are interested will be received into membership on June 24th. Please know that if you decide not to enter into membership, you are always welcome to fully participate in the life of Kenwood’s community!

NEMN Synodical Women’s Organization

Yesterday, Today, Forever

ELCA 2012 Summer Gathering

June 8th and 9th at UMD

Coupons, Coupon, Coupons!

When: Monday, June 25

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Where:Kenwood Church Basement

Cost: Free

Learn how to use coupons to save 40%-50% on groceries and drugstore items. We will review store policies, places to find coupons and strategies to help you save on your monthly groceries and drugstore purchases.


It’s a scary word. We know that change is always a part of our living, but we don’t always like the changes that affect our lives.

Beginning in June there will be some changes in our worship. First to be noticed are the candelabras. We are going to give them a rest and then bring them out on special celebration Sundays (Christmas, Easter, baptisms…). Beautiful as they are, the candles used for them are costly; therefore the Altar Guild and the Worship and Music Team have decided to use them at special worship gatherings.

Also beginning in June we will offer communion every Sunday. As summer becomes a time of travel, frequently folks are absent on the Sundays we celebrate and serve communion. Offering communion every Sunday allows Kenwood Lutheran an opportunity to serve and show hospitality to summer travelers visiting and worshiping with us.

As with any change, we often make quick judgments as to whether or not we like or dislike the ‘new’ thing being done. However, let us take time and refrain from immediate response be it positive or negative. Instead let us open ourselves to new experiences as we experiment and live with these changes for awhile.

Vacation Bible School

We are partnering with Grace Lutheran Church for Vacation Bible School this summer during the week of July 23rd. Voyageur Lutheran Ministry will lead the week.

Can You Help?


Do you enjoy gardening or want to try it out?

Perhaps you are interested in sharing your time and talent with Kenwood Lutheran! We are looking for some volunteers to take care of the garden located next to the church in the upper lot. Call or email the church office.


We are looking for someone to be in charge of keeping the supplies stocked for the kitchen. Basic supplies include such things as napkins, plates, cups, coffee, lemonade, plastic ware, placemats and disposable tablecloths.

This can be a one person job or two!

If you are interested in keeping track of what

needs to be purchased or if you would like to

do the purchasing or if you want to do both...we need YOU! Contact the church office.

Summer is here!

Once again we will need volunteers to sign up to serve coffee and bring treats for the Hospitality after worship. If you or your group could help out, please call the office or sign up in the Messiah Room. Thank you!

Cookbooks, Cookbooks, Cookbooks!

The latest KLC cookbook is on sale NOW! All proceeds go towards our youth going to the National Youth Gathering this summer. One cookbook is $12, two is $20. Don’t miss out on the best cookbook in the Northland!

LWR Kits and Quilts

We need help delivering the kits and quilts on June 8th or 9th to UMD for the NE MN Synodical Women’s Summer Gathering. Call the church office if you can help.

Grandma’s Marathon Volunteers

Sign up in the Messiah Room today to volunteer with your friends at Kenwood at the finish line.

June 16th at 6:30 a.m. This is a FUN event!

Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry

If you would like to donate towards our youth going to camp this year, it is greatly appreciated.

Checks payable to Kenwood Lutheran with CAMP in them memo.

THANK YOU! “Suicide Awareness Voices of Education” is a non-profit dedicated to suicide prevention and awareness. If you would like a $5 yellow awareness wrist band “Fight the Fight, Never Alone” (100% goes to talk to Kristy Stokes.

Thank you.


The Annual CHUM Rhubarb Festival is all day at First Lutheran on Saturday, June 23rd. Customers and Rhubarb products are needed! Roger Mattson promised 20# of Rhubarb on Monday June 11 &18 for pie baking at First Lutheran. Call Roger if you can help too!

Flowers on the Altar

If you would like to donate flowers for the altar, please do! It’s always so nice to have flowers on the altar! Just call the office and let us know you are planning to bring in flowers so we can note it in the bulletin. Thank you!

Synod Assembly Report

On Saturday afternoon about one and a half hours were spent on sexuality issues. 12-1: A Resolution Affirming and Supporting Same-Gender Couples in Minnesota - adopted as amended and 12-2: A Resolution Regarding Marriage Amendment to the Minnesota State Constitution – defeated. More information is available at

A Synod budget of $1,292,700 for 2013 was adopted. Finances have stabilized at 99% of budget after a 2 year decline, due to the recession and sexuality issues. To save money, the assembly was held at Cragun’s Resort and Zion Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids. There was just enough space for approximately 375 delegates and over 500 at Sunday’s worship. Favorable comments were made on the worship and devotions at the start of each session. Pastor Jessicah Duckworth of Lutheran was a keynote opening speaker and presided over communion while Bishop Tom Aitken preached. Our Chaplain Craig Carlson opened Sunday’s session with “Worship” using Psalm 122 as one of the 7 Marks of Discipleship.

From 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, people were divided up into community service and interest groups. For example, 200 went on a Malaria Fundraising Walk. Karen went to a quilting session – the quilt auction brought in over $11,400. Roger went with a busload of people to Second Harvest Food Bank. The group packed almost 400 boxes of NAPS food boxes in record time for low income seniors.