July Monthly Meeting held on Monday, 16th July 2012, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells

Presiding: Cllr. S. Reilly

Present: Cllrs. B. Collins, B. Curran, S. Drew, C. Ferguson, B. Reilly, O. Sweeney.

Also Present: Mr. K. Stewart, Town Manager, Ms. A. Bird, Town Clerk,

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer.

There were apologies from Cllrs. T. Grimes and F. Lynch for their inability to attend.


The minutes of the:

-June monthly meeting, held on 18th June2012, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. S. Drew, subject to the following amendment “It was agreed that any questions in relation to the AFS would be dealt with at the July monthly meeting”.

-Annual meeting, held on 18th June 2012, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. S. Drew, seconded by Cllr. O. Sweeney.


  • Letter from Save Our Cross Committee congratulating the Cathaoirleach on her election and requesting an update on the reinstatement of the Cross.

The Town Engineer stated that he had written to the Department of National Monuments and was awaiting a reply; a traffic management plan for Cross Street would also have to be considered.

Cllr Sweeney requested that the maintenance of the other Crosses be also considered.

Cllr. Collins proposed that the matter be put on the agenda for the September meeting.

Monthly Reports

The following items were raised:

-Cllr Drew

Potholes at entrance to HeadfortPark

Requested if trees vandalised at Headfort Grove were being replaced

-Cllr Sweeney

Requested if there were any plans to resurface Kenlis Place

The Town Engineer stated that it was not the intention to carry out works at the moment. Water mains on the street, which are cast iron, will have to be renewed.

-Cllr Ferguson

In relation to road gully at the bus stop isit sufficient when there is heavy rain.

The Town Engineer stated that there is a box shore on opposite side. A survey had been carried out in the last few weeks. He also stated that there are major surface water issues in the town from the backlands and will continue until this addressed.

-Cllr B. Reilly

Asked if it was known who caused offal spillage on Carrick Street and if those responsible could be charged for cost of clean up.

The Town Engineer stated it was not known at present but he would carry out checks.

-Cllr Collins

In relation to street sweeping, if businesses could be supplied with timetable for road sweeper so they could have swept outside their premises in advance.

Kellective have photos of manhole covers with Celtic design, could they be passed on to Utility Companies.

The Town Engineer informed members that:

-Tenders for Block Grant works at St Colmcille’s Villas would be going out in the next two weeks. The works would also involve the re-design of the Moynalty Road junction. Works should commence with 6 – 8 weeks. Consultation will take place with the Residents of the area the works will also involve some disruption.

-Tenders for works at Magdalene Court closed the previous Friday.

Manager’s Orders

The Manager’s Orders, as circulated, were noted.

Questions to the Manager

Cllr S. Reilly

To ask the Manager, if it can be confirmed that if Kells Town Council is abolished under the Local Government Act that Kells town residents will no longer be required to pay for parking similar to towns such as Dunshaughlin and Oldcastle where there is no Town Council in operation.

The Manager stated that there are no proposals yet to abolish Town Councils. In the likelihood of such abolitions legislation would be specific about Bye-Laws and Rules in place and would remain in force.

Cllr S. Drew

Can the Manager please provide an update as to when the proposed fencing and landscaping improvement works at the Maudlin entrance to Magdalene Court will be undertaken?

The Town Engineer stated that tenders had closed previous Friday. A contractor would now be appointed and works should commence in 3 – 4 weeks.

Cllr S. Drew

Both sides of the entrance road into The Westfield housing estate areregularly congested with cars parked during the day and in particular on days when the District Court is sitting. This is causing substantial concerns re safety and access for the residents of Westfield. As the HSE offices are also due to be located in this vicinity shortly, can the Manager review the parking situation in this area and advise what action the council can take to alleviate the problem?

The Town Engineer stated that the road was not in charge of the Local Authority and could not be included in Council’s Bye-Laws. In the absence of Bye-Laws the Gardai have authority to prosecute. The Engineer also stated that the owner of the road can approach the Council to have it taken in charge.

Cllr C. Ferguson

Can the Manager advice when the wooden fence is removed at the Market Cross.

The Town Engineer stated that the structure was not permanent and was put in place for Phase 1 of works, re-roofing, at the Heritage Centre. It was proposed to leave in place for the moment as the next stage of works would commence within the next 4 – 5 months.

Cllr C Ferguson

Provide an update on the improvement works at Magdalene Court.

As previously stated, tenders for the proposed works closed the previous Friday.

Notice of Motion

Cllr S Reilly

That Kells Town Council establishes a Kells Junior Political & Policing Forum (KJPPF).

Proposed by Cllr S Reilly

Seconded by Cllr O Sweeney

Following a discussion on content of motion it was agreed to bring forward to next JPC meeting.

Cllr S Reilly

That the Town Council write to AIB Kells Branch and Bank of Ireland Kells Branch Banks to express the concern of the Council members that ATM facilities are under resourced, especially at weekends, which is having a negative effect on local traders.

Proposed by Cllr S Reilly

Seconded by Cllr B Collins

The motion was carried.

Cllr S Drew

That Kells Town Council request the Department of Social Protection, in conjunction with the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, to provide an initiative similar to the CE Scheme whereby unemployed persons on the Live Register can be recruited by the Local Authority to carry out works that cannot be undertaken by the Council due to restrictions on staffing.

Proposed by Cllr S Drew

Seconded by Cllr B Reilly

The motion was carried.

Cllr S Drew

That Kells Town Council instigates aPoints of Heritage Tourism Project for Kells to promote a walking tour of the Historic Sites in the town, to include a booklet and audio-walk recording for visitors and tourists to the town.

Proposed by Cllr S Drew

Seconded by Cllr B Reilly

Cllr Drew stated that Navan Town Council and Meath Tourism have promoted an audio walk for the town and the provision of a similar project for Kells would facilitate tourists and also benefit the town.

The Manager stated that he would look at and examine what done in Navan and also look at costs involved and funding available.

Cllr C Ferguson

That Kells Town Council proceeds with the safety railings to the front of O’Growney Terrace in consultation with the residents of the area. Also address issues concerning the erection of structures on council land, parking, amenity improvements and maintenance of the back park.

The Manager informed Cllr. Ferguson that the motion was invalid. At the previous meeting members asked the Town Engineer to suspend works for one month to give Members the option to lodge motion to rescind resolution passed at the May meeting, no such motion was received.

Any Other Business

Cllr. Ferguson raised the following issues in respect of O’Growney Terrace


-back park

-structures on green

-height of fence

The Town Engineer stated that he we would prepare a detail drawing of barrier, which would be on display at Reception from Thursday for one week. He stated that consultation in the absence of a Residents Association is difficult.

Under the Planning & Development Act, Class 33, goal posts are exempt. The issue of liability lies with the individual/s who erected same. The posts can’t be left in position overnight. The base of the barrier would be embedded in concrete.

Following a query from Cllr. B. Reilly the Town Engineer stated that the barrier would be erected at edge of green area along the footpath.

Cllr. Collins

-asked the Town Engineer to check the flower bed on Cavan Road as some slippage had occurred

-requested that potholes on old Cavan Road be repaired

-that Local Heroes be requested to remove signage erected

Cllr. Curran requested

-update on Town Hall and Community House

-if monies given to North Meath Community Development Association had been returned

The Town Engineer stated that the Town Hall Contractors have been on site but was reluctant to move forward with the weather.

The Town Manager stated that he would have to come back on the other issues.

Cllr. Ferguson requested

-that the grass on the Headfort Road be cut

-that a letter of thanks be sent to Local Heroes

Cllr. Drew requested that the Draft AFS for 2011 be discussed at the September meeting.

In relation to query from Cllr. Sweeney in relation to grass cutting on the Navan Road, the Town Engineer stated that Contractor was on site.

Cllr. B. Reilly raised the matter of the erection of a plaque at St. Colmcille’s House in memory of the Bridget Carpenter.

Cllr. S. Reilly congratulated Rory McNamara on winning a golf championship at the weekend.

A vote of sympathy was passed with the family of the late:

Maureen Reilly

Annie Gogarty

Cathal Meehan

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______


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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: