PESS for Wales

Gymnastics Module 3

Tutors’ Manual

Draft 3September 2009

Title:Gymnastics Module 3


To enhance the quality of teaching and learning in Gymnastics Activities in Primary Schools


To make gymnastics activities accessible to both practitioners and learners by providing a range of practical ideas to support the delivery of gymnastic activities, including planning, delivery and assessment.


By the end of this course Practitioners should have a basic knowledge and understanding of:

The Families of Skills and how to use these activities to deliver safe, purposeful and fun learning activities that meet the requirements of the National Curriculum

They should also be able to:

Begin to identify how they might use a range of learning and teaching strategies to enhance teaching and learning in gymnastic activities

Target Groups

Primary School Practitioners with a responsibility for teaching gymnastics activities


SESSION/TIME/ TITLE / AIM / RESOURCES - Data projector, laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Module 3 CD-Rom, Personal laptops if available. Blue tack, flipchart, flipchart pens,
1: Theory (20 minutes)
Introduction / To introduce tutors and confirm that the course has been constructed in line with the CPD PE Guidelines. Discuss Mod 3 assumptions / Tutor / Course Organiser
Estyn words on small cards. / CPD Code Practice Guidelines
2: Practical
(60 minutes)
New Body Schooling ideas / To introduce and experience a range of new body schooling activities and games as well as experience a range of pedagogical approaches. / Mod 3 Body Schooling Resource cards.
Module 1 and Module 2 Shape & Position Cards small size
Learner Challenges. Move Cubes.
Skill Rapid Fire Sequences - displayed. / Mats and benches
Diamond Ranking Template. Stickies/post it notes.
Optional - Body Schooling Games Cards
3: Practical
(60 minutes)
Exploring Family of skills / To introduce practitioners to the Family of skills concept and inclusive teaching style / Bridge Family Resource Cards and Certificate.
Sequence Frameworks.
Family of skills Fronts.
Certificates / Mats, benches and Fit Balls,
Gym Bubble.
Creative Matrix.
4: Theory (30 minutes)
Preparing to work with learners / To prepare practitioners to work effectively with learners both immediately in session 6 and longer term with own learners / Flip Chart - Map with circuit of skills for session 6. Headstand, Wall Walk, Forward Roll off Bench, Forward Roll down a Slope, Backward Roll down a Slope, Developing the Push Phase 3, High Hip Hares Over a Bench, Wheeling Stars, Toppling Statues Resource Cards. / 2 x Practitioner Crib Sheets for all of the above.
5. Theory (30 minutes)
Quality L & T / To help practitioners begin to consider a range of pedagogical approaches / Card Sort activity / A4 Approaches Sheet
PMI triangle sheets
6: Practical
(90 minutes)
Family of Skills Cards / To consider some specific Family of skills cards and discuss their implications. / Learners 4 per pair of Practitioners. Plus resources from session 4 / Resources from session 4
7: Theory (30 minutes)
Quality Learning & Teaching / To help practitioners begin to consider a range of Assessment for Learning strategies and their use in the RECIPE format. / Flip Chart paper, with one strategy per page on. / Blank RECIPE templates,
pens and stickies/Post it notes
8. Theory (30 minutes)
Action Planning / To begin to consider how to ensure that the professional development is value for money and has a positive impact on standards of learning and teaching in their schools / Action Planning templates.
9. Theory (30 minutes)
Resource Review / To familiarise practitioners with the module 3 CD / Module 1 and Module 2 Shape & Position Cards. Skills A3 Sequence Cards / .
10. Theory (10 minutes)
Plenary / Opportunities to ask questions
To review the course and undertake an evaluation. / Evaluation forms,

Session Plans

Session 1: Introduction. / Suggested time: 20 minutes
AIM: To introduce tutors and confirm that the course has been constructed in line with the CPD PE Guidelines. Discuss Mod 3 assumptions
Specific learning outcomes / Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks / Support resources
By the end of this session Practitioners should be able to :
- Critically reflect on the assumptions in order to assess the impact of module 1 and 2 on teaching and learning in gymnastic activities in their own school/class etc.
- Share ideas for successful implementation / Tutors need to talk to secondary PE specialists who may be attending the course to ensure they work sensitively with primary colleagues particularly in practical sessions. Secondary specialists should adopt a mentoring role supporting and facilitating learning. Some primary colleagues may feel very threatened by the presence of secondary colleagues. Tutors to manage appropriately.
In small groups critically reflect on the assumptions, use the Estyn words to describe how many learners/practitioners from their own schools know/understand/are able to do. Discuss issues and share success strategies to enhance practice.
The course is progressive and builds on previous outcomes, things will not be revisited. / Data projector, laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Estyn words on small cards. Module 3 CD.
CPD Code Practice Guidelines
Classroom setting.
Notes / Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Session 2 New Body Schooling ideas / Suggested time: 60 minutes
AIM: To introduce and experience a range of new body schooling activities and games as well as experience a range of pedagogical approaches.
Specific learning outcomes / Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks / Resources
By the end of this activity, Practitioners should be able to:
- Recall the Body Schooling Activities from Module 1 & 2
- Recognise and name new body schooling activities
- Identify progression from Module 2 and create new Body Schooling Games
- Identify how the learner challenges can be used to enhance learning and teaching / Need to stress that this session is for them and cannot be used with learners although aspects of good teaching and learning will be highlighted.
There is a need for the practitioners to become familiar with the activities in as short time as possible.
Warm group up using Balance Tag.
Split the group into 2 halves and pair up in the two halves – A & B. Each pair moves around their half of the BSA carousel. Ask practitioners to start with the ‘Enables’ and if confident then move to main activity.
A – Baby Elephants, Footsie Rolls, Hurdle Step, Snapping Supports
B- Caterpillar, Frogstand, V Sit, Spinning Supports
Form new pairs, one from A and one from B. Use Leaner Challenges to create sequences, teach partner a new move if required. Use Roll & Do and Deal & Choose to create longer sequences.
Brainstorm what makes a good performance, put one aspect per stickie. Watch another pair then diamond rank (use diamond ranking template) best features of their performance. Provide feedback based on the diamond ranking. Use Big Mac feedback - 1st - Praise for good features and why good then2nd identify one aspect for improvement and why and then 3rd motivation. Collate ideas on Good performance on a flipchart then refer to National Curriculum Quality Words resources from KS2 Dance and discuss. Not a definitive list.
Then look at Body Schooling Games practitioners have prepared for pre-course task and in pairs discuss how these could be amended/adapted to include new Body Schooling Activities or to create new games or more complex versions.
New activities many have a focus on weight on hands. It will take time to develop the necessary strength. Highlight different Pedagogical approaches on Flip chart. Quality performance. Develop new games. / Resource cards, Gymnastic resource CD, laptop, projector, Personal laptops if available. Mats and benches. Resource Cards from Module 1 and 2. Learner Challenges. Move Cubes. Skill Cards per group and displayed.
Hall Space. Diamond Ranking Template. Stickies/post it notes.
Notes / Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Session 3 Exploring Family of Skills / Suggested time: 60minutes
AIM: To introduce practitioners to the Family of skills concept and inclusive teaching style
Specific learning outcomes / Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks / Support resources
By the end of this session Practitioners should have a basic knowledge and understanding of:
- How a Family of Skills can be used with children
- How the sequence frameworks can enhance learners sequence construction / Need to stress that this session is for them and cannot be used with learners although aspects of good teaching and learning will be highlighted and feature in some of the explore and create phases of the lesson plans.
Introduce concept of Family of skills – progressive stages that lead learners to the actual skill. Every activity is an activity in its own right and can be included in a sequence, building their movement vocabulary. Introduce the concept of inclusive teaching style and explain in the longer term, learners decide where they are going to start and then based on their responses practitioners help learners assess if this is the correct place for them too easy, too hard or just right (the goldilocks principle). Initially practitioner may need to identify/suggest starting place.
Allocate a pair of practitioners to a Bridge Family Card. Question is this the correct starting place for you? Ask them to justify what they are going to attempt next. Show practitioners the Bridge Family Certificate so they can see the big picture/order. Use reciprocal and self check styles within the inclusive stations. Encourage movements into and out of skills. Discuss how this approach will work with children, how can they be helped to make informed choices? Discuss how developing their own video clips for each progressive stage may help learners, place of home learning to look at progressive stages. Also ethos it is OK to make mistakes and learn from mistakes.
Create a sequence using Sequence Frameworks.
What makes a good sequence? Introduce Gym bubble add some content to outside, quick competition how much can you add in 1 minute. Introduce the Creative Matrix. Create 4 point success criteria as a group of four and then use this to provide feedback on the quality of the composition/sequence work.
In pairs using a set of ‘Family of skills Front Cards’ order a family of skill, identify the easiest and most difficult and those in between, is there a right or wrong order? Not really PESS has given them an order but some learners may think some activities are easier or harder than other learners so can be some flexibility to this order.
Discuss Family approach, show Certificates and consider other ways of using Sequence Frameworks.
Not a lesson, used to introduce Inclusive teaching style. Range of pedagogical approaches. Quality sequence composition. Familiarity with two skill cards.
Highlight different Pedagogical approaches on Flip chart. / Bridge Family Resource Cards and Certificates. Mats, benches and Fit Balls, Sequence Frameworks. Gym Bubble. Creative Matrix. Family of skills Fronts. Hall space.
Notes / Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Session 4 Preparing to work with Learners / Suggested time: 30 minutes
AIM: To prepare practitioners to work effectively with learners both immediately in session 6 and longer term with own learners
Specific learning outcomes / Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks / Resources
By the end of this session Practitioners should be able to:
- Identify the key safety points of any family of skills card
- Identify questions they may ask learners to ensure safe and effective learning
- Identify how they might help learners identify appropriate strategies to ensure safe and effective learning / Explain how practitioners will be working in session 6 with learners – Practitioners in pairs with approx 4 learners per pair. Practitioners warm up learners using the activity they prepared previously as pre-course task and amended earlier in session 2. Then practitioners instruct learners to set up the apparatus required for their first station and then consider first activity, try to link activity into a sequence and then move to the next activity in the circuit. Explain that whilst every precaution has been taken to ensure the activities planned are appropriate for learners, practitioners will need to ensure that this is the case both in the practical session on the course and longer term when working with learners in school. Explain that the cards have been selected on the basis that they are the ones that may cause initial concern amongst practitioners, so if practitioners can be convinced about these hopefully the others will cause no problems. Inform practitioners that this is to reassure them and maintain their confidence as the learners will enjoy the activities and be successful regardless of this intervention.
Pair practitioners up and confirm what they will be doing in the warm up. Hand each pair the family of skills card they will start with in the circuit. Ask practitioners to identify key teaching points, what they will expect to see the learners doing as they attempt the activity, any possible safety issues and what questions they might ask the learners before allowing learners to attempt the activity.
Hand out Crib sheets for their cards and ask practitioners to add any points to the crib sheet. Repeat for the second Family of skill card they will meet in the circuit. Give them crib sheet straight away this time and allow them to add anything else to the sheet. Explain that will have previous groups crib sheets to work with in subsequent rotations in the circuit. Stress practitioners role is to facilitate learning so learners must work with resources independently as much as possible with practitioners intervening only as and when necessary. Discuss how much support learners might need initially and longer term.
Before session 6 give practitioners the opportunity to look at the other cards in the circuit, so if they wish to become more familiar with all the activities they can.
Ensuring safety and facilitating effective independent learning and practitioners must ensure that learners understand that they must consider key points, safety issues and strategies to overcome/alleviate/reduce these before they attempt any activity. / Flip Chart with circuit of skills on.
Family of skill Cards for Headstand, Wall Walk, Forward Roll off Bench, Forward Roll down a Slope, Backward Roll down a Slope, Developing the Push Phase 3, High Hip Hares Over a Bench, Wheeling Stars, Toppling Statues, Tandem Soldiers, Support Train Walk, Rock and Roll to Stand.
Plus Crib Sheets for each of the above cards.
Notes / Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Session 5 Quality learning & teaching. / Suggested time: 30 minutes
AIM: To help practitioners begin to consider a range of pedagogical approaches
Specific learning outcomes / Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks / Resources
By the end of this session Practitioners should be able to:
- Begin to identify some of the pedagogical approaches promoted and discuss how they could be used / Discuss what approaches have been used so far. Refer to Flip chart. Give each pair the A4 Approaches sheet plus the card sort activity.
2 approaches per group/pair…
(Copy Me +Sequence Criteria)
(Copy me and rearrange + Roll & Do)
(Copy, change and rearrange + My Choice/Our Choice)
(Start, Middle Finish + Pair Teach)
(Show & Wow + Deal & Choose).
Practitioners are to try and place each feature under the correct pedagogical heading.
Show this section on the Module 3 CD-Rom.
Discuss other approaches that can be transferred from the classroom.
Use thinking tool - PMI triangle to reflect on approaches, encourage practitioners to take PMI sheets away and revisit.
Independent learning, learners making decisions, taking responsibility, engaged in own learning. Use a range of pedagogical approaches to continue to motivate learners. / Data projector, laptop, blue tack, flipchart, flipchart pens, A4 Approaches Sheet, Card Sort activity, PMI triangle sheets. Mod
Notes / Additional delivery ideas
Tutor log
Session 6Family of skills Cards / Suggested time: 90 minutes
AIM: To consider some specific Family of skills cards and discuss their implications.
Specific learning outcomes / Suggested delivery ideas/content/critical tasks / Support resources
By the end of this session Practitioners should have a basic knowledge and understanding of:
- Safe supporting techniques
- How these techniques can be shared with colleagues / Stress this is not a model lesson, it is an activity to help consider specific issues arising from individual cards. Practitioners will have looked the first two cards they will work with in detail and will have had an opportunity to look at the others over lunch. Each pair will work with 4 learners and then warm learners up using body schooling activity from session 2. Practitioners to instruct learners to set up apparatus for the first station. At each stage in the circuit the practitioners will allow learners to read through activity card and then ask the learners questions before the learners start working, to ensure the learners and the practitioners are happy and safe. Practitioners to use the Crib Sheets. Each set of practitioners and learners to move around all stations. At each station practitioners to leave behind their crib sheets so that the next group can use. At each station learners to create a short 3 action sequence to include the new skill - action into new skill – new skill intoand -action out of new skill. Practitioners use creative matrix to challenge learners sequence construction.