VCAA Assessment Online

Importing Students From CASES 21 – CHESS Schools Only

Table of Contents

Abstract 1

Log into CASES21 2

Browse to P Drive 3

The StudentExport.vbs is run automatically on all Central CASES21 schools at 3am every morning and exported to an OnDemand folder on each schools P Drive 3

Import students in to On Demand database 5

Open IE on the a machine with access to U drive (Where you copied the CSV file to in the previous steps). 5

Browse to the On Demand IP Address 5

Add site to Trusted Sites if prompted 5

Click on “Administrative System” link 6

Log in with username and password supplied 6

Click on Student Tracking 6

Click on School 6

Click on Search 7

Click on View 7

Click on Import Students 7

Click Browse 8

Browse to CSV file 9

Click Import 9

Click OK in confirmation Window 9

Repeat process for all year levels required 9

Confirm import was successful 10

Click Student Tracking in the bread crumbs 10

Click Students 10

Click Search 10

Confirm that your students have imported 11

Troubleshooting 12

Unable to save to database 12

Duplicate student external XID 13

Contact Details 13


This is a guide for school technicians or office staff detailing the process of importing students into the On Demand database.

NB. This document applies ONLY to CHESS Schools. Other schools should refer to the importing instructions provided on the On Demand DVD. If you need a copy of the instructions please contact the On Demand Helpdesk.

Log into CASES21

The first thing you will need to do is log into CASES21

Go to the Utilities Menu -> Applications -> Explorer (Windows)

Once you open Explorer (Windows) you will see a screen similar to below. Note: Each school has a unique school folder known as P:\ 01XXXX. WhereXXXX denotes school number.

Browse to P Drive

The StudentExport.vbs is run automatically on all Central CASES21 schools at 3am every morning and exported to an OnDemand folder on each schools P Drive

Click on Chess on ‘\share (P :\). Click on your unique school folder in P:\01XXXX where XXXX denotes your school number

Click on your OnDemand folder in your unique school folder.

Highlight your saved .csv file from 3am from P:\01XXXX\OnDemand folder

Note: Each year level exported will be named in the format: Students-[DEECD Number]-[Year Level].csv

Go to the “Edit menu” select “Copy” (OR Ctrl C on your keyboard)

Click on U:$ on ‘Client’ (U:)

Go to the “Edit menu” select “paste” (OR Ctrl V on your keyboard)

Alternately you can drag and drop files in the explorer window.

Remember U$ on ‘Client’ (U:) is your users directory on your machine. You can only copy files within the explorer window but you cannot drag files to your desktop of your machine

Import students in to On Demand database

Open IE on the a machine with access to U drive (Where you copied the CSV file to in the previous steps).

Browse to the On Demand IP Address

Typically this address will be 10.x.y.23. The values of x and y will be unique to your school.

Add site to Trusted Sites if prompted

If you are prompted with a security warning then it is advised to add this site as a trusted site. This will avoid further security warnings from this site.

Click on “Administrative System” link

Log in with username and password supplied

Click on Student Tracking

Click on School

Click on Search

Click on View

Click on Import Students

Click Browse

Browse to CSV file

You will now be shown a file open dialog box. Browse to the directory that you ran the StudentExport.vbs file from and select the CSV file to import.

Click Import

Click OK in confirmation Window

Repeat process for all year levels required

Confirm import was successful

Click Student Tracking in the bread crumbs

Click Students

Click Search

You can also fill in a search filter before clicking the search button if you wish. It may be a good idea to search by year level as the imports are also per year level.

Confirm that your students have imported


The import of students can fail for a number of reasons. The most common of those can be fairly easily fixed.

Unable to save to database

If the import fails with the message of:

Import failed: Unable to save to database ['You have entered a record that already exists or has been used.' (-2147220991)]

Followed by a series of failures with message:

Import failed: Unable to save to database ['Method '~' of object '~' failed' (-2147220991)]

The problem is that the field stdnt_extrnl_xid does not match the stdnt_xid field in the database and is causing errors. This can be fixed fairly quickly but will require someone with access directly to the On Demand server, preferable a school tech.

Log into the On Demand server. It’s address will usually be 10.x.x.23 where x is specific to your school.

Open “Query Analyser” and connect to (local) using Windows Authentication.

Enter the following as the SQL command in the Query window EXACTLY as it appears below.


UPDATE student

SET stdnt_extrnl_xid = stdnt_xid

WHERE stdnt_extrnl_xid IS NULL

Once you have entered this click on the green “Play” symbol to execute the query. Alternatively you can press [F5] on the keyboard to execute the query.

You will see a confirmation along the lines of “(16 row(s) affected)”.

Once you have done this exit from Query Analyser and try the import again.

Duplicate student external XID

If the import fails with the message:

Import failed: Duplicate Student External Number XID

There is a different problem to before. The issue here is that the students name and/or date of birth has been changed in CASES and no longer matches what is recorded in On Demand. On Demand then thinks that you are trying to create a new student with the same ID as an existing student. Unfortunately these ones will have to be updated manually this time around. Once their name and date of birth matches what is in CASES then the future imports will work without issue.

The most common cause of this so far that a middle name has been recorded for students where previously it was blank.

As with all import error messages the import has only failed for the records shown in the error log, all other students will have been imported successfully.

Contact Details

On Demand Helpdesk

Any queries regarding VCAA Assessment Online technical support or training programs should be directed to the On Demand Helpdesk on 1800 827 721. Please leave a message on our Voice Mail service if we are unable to answer your call immediately. Alternatively E-mail enquiries to .

DEECD Service Desk

Any queries regarding CASES 21 or CHESS should be directed to the DEECD Service Desk at

Importing Students From CASES 21 Page 2 of 13