Has your apprentice made a real difference to your business?
Do you want your business or your apprentice to be recognised by the city?
In York, we are keen to recognise and celebrate the achievements of apprentices and the business benefits of recruiting apprentices.
There are five awardcategories:
- York Apprentice of the Year aged 16-24(smaller employer)
- York Apprentice of the Year aged 16-24 (larger employer)
- York Apprentice of the Year (aged 25+)
- York Smaller Employer of the Year (less than 100 employees)
- York Larger Employer of the Year (100+ employees)
Nominations will be assessed by an independent panel.
All nominations will be recognised on the evening.
Amazon voucherswill be presented to apprentice award winners.
In order for apprentices to be eligible for an award, they must have completed their apprenticeship between 1 November 2017 and 31 October 2018.
Deadlinefor submitting nomination forms:Friday 19 October 2018
Award category (please tick one)1 / Apprentice of the Year / aged 16- 24 smaller employer (less than 100 employees)
2 / Apprentice of the Year / aged 16-24 larger employer (100+ employees)
3 / Apprentice of the Year / aged 25+
4 / Smaller Employer of the Year / less than 100 employees
5 / Larger Employer of the Year / 100+ employees
Nominee details(the individual/employer you are nominating)
Employer Award
Name of the employer:
No. of employees & no. of apprentices / Employees: Apprentices:
A contact name at the business:
Apprentice Award
Name of apprentice:
Apprenticeship framework / standard and level:
Training provider:
Job title:
Contact for apprentices’ workplace e.g. line manager
(if different from the nominator)
Nominator details (your details)
Job title:
Nominations Criteria:
The panel will assess nominations against each of the following five criteria and award a maximum of 10 points per criteria:
- Outstanding qualities of the apprentice or employer
- Experience, knowledge and skills gained from the apprenticeship
- Significant progression & achievements
- Business benefits to the employer
- Commitment to advocating & supporting apprenticeships
What makes this apprentice or employer stand out?To help demonstrate please record your comments against the individual criteria listed below.(Suggested word-count of 1000 in total). If handwriting, please continue on a separate sheet if needed.
1 / Outstanding qualities of the apprentice or employer2 / Experience, knowledge and skills gained from the apprenticeship
3 / Significant progression & achievements
4 / Business benefits to the employer
5 / Commitment to advocating & supporting apprenticeships
Consent for case study(Please tick)
Available to attend the Ceremony on Tuesday 27 November (please tick)
Please return by Friday 19 October to Melody Hardcastle:
| 01904 553732
Melody Hardcastle, York Apprenticeship Hub, City of York Council
West Offices, Station Rise, York Y01 6GA