Hemet High School – Instructor: Mr. G. Romeril

2016 - 2017

Dear Parents / Guardians of Spanish Student,

Welcome to Spanish II. Your student will build on the basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of Spanish language acquisition. I hope that the experience will be enjoyable for both you and your student. Students will also develop an understanding of Hispanic cultures and be able to recognize and value the differences between those and their own. Coursework will include daily communication activities, structured group activities, daily homework, examinations and occasional projects.

By focusing on the Hemet High Student Goals, your student will develop reading, writing and communication skills, display ethical and honest behavior, apply knowledge and use reasoning skills and become a life-long learner.

The information below will familiarize you and your student with my expectations. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or contact me at school at 765-5150. I can be most easily reached before 7:40 a.m. or after 2:30 p.m. I also encourage you to use aeries and to keep up to date on your student’s assignments and progress. I will provide weekly updates of all assignments and the expected course of study. Students will also have access to an interactive website that accompanies our textbook. They will receive account and login information in the first month of school. I am excited about the opportunity to work with your student.

Thank you,

Gary L. Romeril


Three ring binder

Textbook: Descubre 2

Spanish-English Dictionary (strongly recommended)

Pencils, pens and paper

Class Rules:

1.  Come to class prepared and on time.

2.  Remain seated throughout class and be attentive.

3.  Be respectful of others and school property.

4.  No food, drink or use of electronic devices in class.

5.  Give your best effort.


First Offense: Verbal warning

Second Offense: Brief conference with student

Third Offense: Call home, behavior contract, OCR

For profanity or fighting, student will be immediately sent to an administrator.

I will follow the outlined school policies regarding tardy and dress code violations.

Grading: Grades will be based on a cumulative point/percentage system. Points may be earned via tests, assignments, daily participation, notebooks and other projects. Grades will be updated and posted regularly in the classroom and on aeries.

Grade Scale:

94-100% A 84-86% B 74-76% C 64-66% D

90-93% A - 80-83% B - 70-73% C - 60-63% D -

87-89% B+ 77-79% C+ 67-69% D+ 59% and below F

Class Participation: The nature of foreign language acquisition inherently requires that your student attend and participate daily. Therefore, absences (unexcused) will result in no credit for participation on the day of the absence. Exceptional participation will result in extra points towards the student’s grade.

Homework & Makeup: Homework will be assigned daily (often in the form of studying). I strongly encourage 30-45 minutes daily. Written assignments will be due at the beginning of the period (no exceptions). If the student has an excused absence, he/she will have two days for each day missed to complete the assignment for full credit. Late work will be accepted up to two days late with a 10% penalty per day. No work will be accepted after the two days. Cheating or copying will result in zero points on that assignment or test. Tests must be made up on student’s own time (before/after school or during 1st lunch).

Notebook: Students are required to keep a notebook for this class. Homework calendars, class notes and writing prompts will be kept in this notebook. The format of the notebook will be described in the first few weeks of class.