Commissioning Toolkit for In-House Commissioning of Small Buildings

California Department of General Services

Conclusion and Other Resources

Conclusion / By utilizing this Toolkit, project teams can effectively carry out fundamental building commissioning of small buildings using project teams already involved in the design and construction processes, including in-house and design consultant project team members. The Toolkit is intended to be a “living” online document with editable templates, specifications and forms that can be customized for specific projects or used as sample documents. Additional Functional Performance Test (FPT) forms for more building systems will be added to this Toolkit in the future.
As the DGS gains more experience commissioning its own small buildings and more tools, guidelines and training becomes available, the DGS may eventually undertake the in-house commissioning of large facilities as well.
Other Resources / Numerous valuable resources are available for more information, tools, functional performance test forms (FPT’s) and references supporting building commissioning for all types and sizes of buildings. The following are a few:
·  California Commissioning Collaborative (CCC): See: This non-profit organization is supported by California utilities and state agencies and staffed by Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. (PECI). Numerous tools and resources have been developed including:
Ø  California Commissioning Guide: New Buildings
Ø  California Commissioning Guide:Existing Buildings
Ø  Commissioning Assistant Commissioning Tool
·  Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. (PECI): See: Organization involved in building commissioning efforts throughout the U.S. They staff the California Commissioning Collaborative and produce the National Conference on Building Commissioning (NCBC). PECI also maintains an extensive Resource Library that includes tools, reports, papers, guidelines and case studies supporting Cx.
·  Building Commissioning Assocation (BCxA): See: A national organization for Cx providers that has developed handbooks, Cx templates and papers for the Cx industry.
·  Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED): See: Green Building Rating Systems developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) include requirements and credits for building commissioning, as well as useful information in their Reference Guides for LEED-NC versions 2.1 and 2.2.
Ø  Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design-New Construction v2.2 Reference Guide (see EA credits P1 & 3)