Local heritage fund project questionnaire for applicants

[Note: council use only: council use of this questionnaire is optional but recommended]

Please complete this form and lodge it with your final claim for payment. Type directly into the highlighted areas.

1 Did the local heritage funding help to improve the condition of your heritage item?

Please check one box only

No A little To some extent Greatly

The condition of my item improved beyond expectations

2 Did the conservation management plan help to improve the management of the heritage item?

Please check one box only

No A little To some extent Greatly Not applicable

The condition of my item improved beyond expectations

3 Was your project successfully completed?

Please check one box only

Yes it was very successful, we achieved everything we set out to do.

Yes it was mostly successful, we achieved most of what we set out to do.

No it was unsuccessful, we did not achieve what we set out to do.

4 What contributed to your project’s successful completion or what prevented your project from being successfully completed?

5 Does your project contribute to heritage tourism?

Please check one box only

No Yes.

If ’Yes’, please check all applicable answers

My heritage property/item is open to the public (e.g. for open days for the heritage festival)

My heritage property/item is part of a local heritage trail or interpretation walk

My heritage property/item is part of a main street or town centre heritage precinct

My heritage property is a commercial heritage tourism venture, e.g. bed and breakfast accommodation, or a heritage tourism venture such as a gold mining site

How else, if at all, does your heritage property/item contribute to heritage tourism?

6 Was paid employment created by your project?

Please check one box only

No Yes

If ‘Yes’, please complete the following:

Number and type of paid tradespeople employed on the project, e.g. two roofers, plumber, carpenter and joiner:

Number and type of other paid professionals employed on the project, e.g. engineers, architect:

7 Could people volunteer to be part of your project?

Please check one box only

No Yes

If ‘Yes’, please complete the following:

Number of volunteer hours contributed to the project:

8 Was there media coverage of or media interest in your project (includes newspaper, magazines, newsletters, radio, TV, digital media such as ezines, social media sites and online blogs)?

Please check one box only

No Yes.

If ‘Yes’, please complete the following:

Number of media inquiries and media releases, articles or comments on the project, including media coverage on online blogs or social media sites:

9 Were there any other forms of community involvement in your project, e.g. fund raising days? If so, please tell us about them.

10 Did council staff provide helpful assistance and advice on the project?

Please check one box only

No A little To some extent Greatly

The help offered exceeded expectations

11 Was the application form for grant funding easy to understand and complete?

Please check one box only

No A little To some extent Greatly

The easiness of the form exceeded expectations

12 Was claiming project funding easy to complete?

Please check one box only

No A little To some extent Greatly

The easiness of claiming funding exceeded expectations

13 Was the project’s final report easy to understand and complete?

Please check one box only

No A little To some extent Greatly

The easiness of the final report exceeded expectations

14 How can the NSW Heritage Grants Funding Program assist your project in the future?

15 How can we improve the NSW Heritage Grants Funding Program?

Project name:

Project no.:

Your name:
