Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

The SEDTC is committed to ensuring that applicants are selected on the basis of merit. Completion of this form will help us to ensure that our policies and procedures are effective in avoiding discrimination and promoting equal opportunities in awarding studentships. The information you provide will be used for monitoring and statistical purposes and will form a confidential record that will be stored electronically and manually and form the basis of the personnel record for the successful student. This information is also required by the ESRC for reporting purposes.

The information you provide on this form will not be released to those involved in making the decision on who receives a studentship.

Notes on Answering Questions

Q2. The definition of a disability is that defined within the Disability Discrimination Act and given below:

“Any physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Long term is taken to mean the impairment would reasonably be expected to last, or has lasted, 12 months or more.”

It includes sensory/physical as well as chronic medical conditions, mental health problems and dyslexia/other specific learning difficulties.

If you indicate that you have a disability please classify the type of disability on the Equal Opportunities Recruitment Monitoring Form based on the following (you may select up to 2):

51 – Specific Learning Disability (such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia)

52 – General Learning Disability (such as Down’s Syndrome)

53 – Cognitive Impairment (such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder or resulting from head injury)

54 – Long-standing Illness or Health Condition (such as Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, Chronic Heart Disease or Epilepsy)

55 – Mental Health Condition (such as Depression or Schizophrenia)

56 – Physical Impairment or Mobility issues (such as difficulty using arms or using a wheelchair or crutches)

57 – Deaf or Serious Hearing Impairment

58 – Blind or Serious Visual impairment

96 – Other type of disability

Where you have included a disability, the information you have given will be used in considering arrangements for selection procedures and will help us to provide adequate support for your particular needs.

Once completed please return this form by the deadline of 4pm on 22nd February 2013 to the relevant University Contact as follows:

Kent: Ann Tull

Reading: Chris Robson

Royal Holloway: Ben Credland

Surrey: Emma Dewhirst / Charlotte Ayling

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
The SEDTC is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy and we acknowledge, understand and embrace cultural diversity.
Name: / Date of Birth:
Pathway applied to: / Nationality:
1. What is your gender?
2. / Do you consider you have a disability as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act?
Please use the codes laid out in the Notes on Answering Questions page of this Form.
Yes (Please specify) Disability 1: Disability 2:
I do not wish to disclose this information
3. / Do you carry out a caring role for dependents
Child(ren) under 18
Other Dependents
I do not wish to disclose this information
4. / * I am White
Any other (Pease specify)
I am Black or Black British
Any other (Please specify)
I am Asian or Asian British
Any other (Please specify)
I am of Mixed Ethnicity
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other (Please specify)
Any other ethnic group
(Please specify)
I do not wish to disclose this information
I do not wish to disclose this information
* These are the classifications developed by the Office of Population, Censuses and Surveys, used in the question on ethnic group in the 2001 Census.