Allington Quarry Waste Management Facility

Community Liaison Committee


Meeting8 September, 7-9pm (site visit 6.30-7pm)

AttendingMalcolm RobertsonJohn Turner

Myra FarrerDavid Porter (& colleague to observe)

Tom CookTom Jeral (for Jim Wiegner)

Brian White (chair)Jabbar Neseyif

Kent County CouncilKent County Council

Kent County CouncilBob Napthine

Steve Bruce-JonesFiona MacIntosh (minutes)

Environment AgencyNicola Barker

ApologiesPeter Dyer

Jim Wiegner (Tom Jeral substituted)

Tony Harwood

No apologiesRoss Knowles

Kent County Council

Action points are noted in bold


All attending introduced themselves.


As above.


Minutes of the meeting of 23.6.04. were accepted as accurate.

It was reported that there had been no progress to date on discussions regarding land take at the perimeter of the site for landscaping the road widening scheme. Kent Enviropower has offered to talk to KCC about volunteering some land. KCC to progress.

It was reported that, due to lack of available and appropriate contracts, transfer of waste by rail was not planned for the opening of the facility in 2006, but that the option to receive waste in this form would be kept open and that the potential would be kept under review by Kent Enviropower.

It was reported that works on site using bentonite were completed and excess materials are being removed from site for appropriate disposal.

FM was asked to continue to seek a date from Prof. Bridges to attend a future meeting.

FM was asked to provide 2 sets of questions tabled by Ross Knowles to the EA and KCC along with answers already provided by Kent Enviropower.


David Alexander gave a presentation.

There was discussion surrounding the disposal of asbestos brought to civic amenity sites.

Fly tipping and height barriers at civic amenity sites were discussed.

KCC’s education programmes and work in schools was discussed.

The intention to have a visitor centre on site at Allington Quarry was discussed.


Steve Bruce-Jones gave a presentation on waste management at Allington Quarry.

There was some discussion surrounding municipal contracts for waste to be brought to the site.

There was discussion over controls applied to wastes brought to the site.

There was discussion surrounding the separation/recovery of metals for recycling at the facility.

MR updated the committee on Maidstone Borough Council’s recycling programmes.

There was discussion surrounding how residues from the combustion process would be controlled and disposed of.

There was discussion over future possibilities for additional recovery/recycling.


The next meeting will be on site on 27 October, starting at 18.30.

The following meeting will be held on 16 November (a change from the proposed date), starting at 18.30. Professor Jim Bridges will attend the meeting which will discuss health impacts.


There was discussion surrounding old proposals for ash weathering on site. This element of the original proposal was removed from the planning application. There is no intention to weather ash on site.

It was agreed that a future session should discuss water issues and both Mid Kent Water and the EA should be asked to send an expert speaker to the meeting. FM to arrange.

There was discussion surrounding emissions monitoring and flue gas treatment. It was agreed that a future session would address these issues with the EA providing a speaker. Date to be agreed. KT to present.

There was discussion surrounding the application for certain works during the construction process to be allowed to have 24 hour working if required.

FM circulated a copy of answers to questions previously tabled by Mr Knowles.

FM circulated an answer to a question raised by Bob Napthine. It was agreed that BN should explain the question and answer at a future meeting.

Brian White informed the meeting that over past meetings there have been two people who were invited to join the Committee but not attended. Letters have been sent informing the people that heir places will be offered to others. (NB. Not discussed at the meeting - One person is from the EA. If the EA wishes to substitute another member, please contact Fiona.) One was a local community member. The committee agreed that Nicola Perryman, a local resident, should be invited to take up the vacant position. FM to action.

There was discussion surrounding the project web site which is being prepared. Liaison Committee minutes will appear on the web site. Names of members representing EA ad KCC will not be shown. Names of local community members will be shown. ANYONE WISHING TO HAVE THEIR NAME REMOVED FROM THE PUBLISHED MINUTES MUST CONTACT FIONA MACINTOSH IMMEDIATELY.

Brian White read to the committee a quote regarding the early work of the committee which he had provided to Waste Recycling Group for a corporate publication.

It was suggest that each meeting should have standing agenda items as follow:

  • Progress report from Kent Enviropower
  • KCC update
  • EA update
  • Complaints received.


Committee Secretariat: Fiona MacIntosh, Tel: 0845 601 5432, Email: