Locating & Viewing a Project using Project Status Inquiry
1. Choose appropriate responsibility to access the OGA database.
2. Navigate to Project Status window.
Oracle Grants Accounting
N ® Project Status ® Find Project Status
B ® Find
B ® Project Status
3. The Find Project Status window appears:
The Find Project Status window appears with no data.
4. Place the cursor in the Number field and click on the gray bar on the right side of the field. This will bring up the List of Values (LOV) from which to choose the project number of the project you wish to view. Choose the project number and click on the Find button.
5. You may select a specific project in one of two ways:
· Scroll down the LOV and click on the project number for which you want information to highlight the project number, and either (a) click the OK button, (b) double click on the project number, or (c) press the Enter key.
· To narrow your search, mouse click to the left of the percent (%) sign in the Find field. Enter a partial value, such as a portion of the project number or name, followed by a % sign, and press the Find button, or the Enter key. The LOV that will be displayed will contain only the project numbers that contain the values you entered. Once you have selected the project number you wish to view, follow the instructions detailed in the above paragraph.
6. The Find Project Status window’s Number and short name fields should now be populated with data. Click the Find button to open the Project Status window.
7. The Project Status screen appears:
The Project Status screen contains budgetary information for all tasks associated with this project. From this screen you can “drill down” to view more detailed information. You cannot, however, drill up to view information about the award funding this project.
NOTE: All dollar amounts in the Project Status window are rounded to the nearest dollar.
The horizontal scroll bar allows you to view additional columns for a project. The most useful columns are the following:
Tot – Cst Bgt Total budgeted costs
Commit Amt Total of all commitments (e.g. – Reqs, PO’s)
ITD – Act Cost Actual burdened costs from the inception of the project
PTD – Act Cost Actual costs this period
Est to Complt Available balances
Ovr Bgt An asterisk indicates the project’s actual costs have exceeded the budget.
Buttons to view detailed information
By clicking on the buttons on the Project Status window, you can drill down for further information on this project to view details such as:
· Totals – totals the dollar amounts in each column.
· Events – Events cannot be viewed from the Project Status window because event information is stored on the Award.
· Invoices – Invoices cannot be viewed from the Project Status window because invoices are posted at the award level.
· Commitments – the total amount of commitments for a project.
· Project – Project Information window with details concerning the project.
· Resource Status - shows the status of the project at the resource level.
· Task Status – shows the status of the project at the task level
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Locating & Viewing a Project using Project Status Inquiry Chapter 4
Effective 03/13/02 Page 40