MINUTES of a meeting of the CEMETERY, PARKS & GARDENS COMMITTEE held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, WILTON on Tuesday 24 November 2009 at 7.00pm

Present Cllr Mrs Belk

Cllr Mrs C Blackman

Cllr J Hinnis

Cllr A Kinsey, Mayor of Wilton

Cllr P Matthews in the chair

Cllr J Rhind-Tutt

In Attendance Mrs A C Purves Town Clerk

Mr H Abel Minute Secretary


Apologies for Absence were received from Cllr Abbott

41/09. Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on October 27th 2009 were approved and signed as a true record. (prop Cllr Mrs Blackman, sec Cllr Mrs Belk – all in favour).

42/09. To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.

Cllr Matthews declared a pecuniary interest in matters relating to the BT bill.

43/09 Matters arising from the Full Council meeting

None were identified.

44/09. Finance

To confirm and authorise for payment a schedule of accounts in the sum of £3,490.74 dated 24 November 2009. (prop Cllr Kinsey, sec Cllr Mrs Blackman – all in favour)

Members asked why accounts were brought before the CP&G Committee. The Town Clerk told the meeting that she had adopted the practice of bringing any outstanding accounts before the first available committee in order to expedite payment.

The cost of dog bins was raised. The Town Clerk would meet with the Grounds Maintenance staff on the 26th November and would raise the issue with them.

45/09 To review the list of requirements at Bulbridge.

i.  Complaints about dog faeces left on the play areas and dogs not being kept on a lead. It was agreed that laminated notices advising dog owners not to let their animal(s) defecate on the public area or, if they do, to clear it up, should be displayed.

ii.  Concerns voiced about supervision of children. Members thought that Wilton Town Council could not afford to pay for this service.

iii.  Provision of a skate park for older children. The cost of a skate park at Dorchester had cost over £100,000. However, the Town Clerk reported that Dinton parish was getting rid of one because of lack of use and Alderbury parish had one that was smaller than Dorchester’s but well used. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to make enquiries about costs and availability of skate park equipment.

iv.  Erection of two goal posts. This was to be the subject of a site visit in January.

v.  Lighting needed in the area – perhaps on a timer. This was felt to be impracticable on grounds of cost and potential benefit

vi.  Installation of a mesh fence, high enough stop balls. Not clear where this should go – would look at this again once the siting of goal posts was settled.

vii.  A Youth Activities Programme/Club. This is the responsibility of the Wiltshire Council Youth Department, and was progressing.

viii. More things for teenagers to do in the evenings. This came under vii above.

ix.  Increased policing during summer evenings. This was the responsibility of Wiltshire Constabulary, and the Clerk will draw this to their attention.

x.  Complaints about foul language used by 14, 15 & 16 year olds. It was agreed that the Town Council did not support this kind of behaviour.

xi.  Concern about young people from Bemerton Heath using the area. No restrictions can be placed on who visits a public area.

xii.  Don’t want lighting for football. This would be considered after the siting of the goal posts. However, it was feared that the cost would be prohibitive.

xiii. Need an area for smaller children. There was an existing area for young children.

xiv. Move goal posts and turn pitch around so it would be smaller. This was to be the subject of a site visit in January.

xv.  Lock the play area gates after 7.30pm. Members thought that Wilton Town Council could not afford to pay for this service.

xvi. Supervision of park. Members thought that Wilton Town Council could not afford to pay for this service.

xvii.  Should have a barbecue/fun day in the park at some time. Members were not opposed to this in principle and would listen favourably to requests from organisers.

xviii.  Don’t want the basketball hoop, as it’s not used. This would be considered at a site visit in January.

xix. Want a more adventurous climbing frame. This would be considered at a site visit in January.

xx.  Want a Grinding pole. Members believed that this should be part of a skate park rather than a solitary item. Consideration would be given when more information was available on skate parks in general.

xxi. Want a see saw. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to look into costs.

xxii.  Want a zip wire. Costs are about £10,000. The one at Wishford Road had to be removed following vandalism. Members did not believe this was appropriate for Bulbridge.

xxiii.  Want a sand pit. Members did not believe this was appropriate for health and safety reasons.

xxiv.  Need toilets. Members believed that as this was a park primarily for local residents, that those in need could use their own domestic facilities.

xxv.  Want a drinking fountain. Members believed that as this was a park primarily for local residents, that those in need could use their own domestic facilities.

xxvi.  Complaints about the fact the meeting wasn’t well enough publicised. This comment was accepted.

xxvii.  Next meeting should be advertised on school gates & play park gates and in school newsletter. This comment was accepted.

xxviii.  Want the erection of simple bike jumps. It was agreed that this should be looked at again in the future.

xxix.  Need the erection of signs about penalties for allowing dogs to defecate. See response to i above.

xxx.  Need more litter bins. It was believed that sufficient were already provided.

It was agreed to hold a site meeting in early January 2010. Next, to summon a public meeting for late January to tell local residents what the Town Council proposed and then put up the goal posts.

46/09. To review other ongoing matters

46.1 Sports Pavilion

The Town Clerk reported that Michael Lyons has obtained some estimates of costs, and would be able to provide the committee with a summary document for inspection at the December meeting.

46.2 Living Rivers Project

The infoboard will be installed on the Shopping Village side of the river bank, near the road bridge opposite the beech tree on the bowls club side of the river within the next fortnight.

46.3 Minster Street Gates

The Town Clerk reported that it was unlikely that a request for funding to the Community Area Grant Scheme would be successful since the replacement of gates would be regarded as maintenance and not a new scheme. It was agreed that the Town Council should proceed and meet the cost from Council resources.

46.4 Goal Posts

Dealt with under 45/09.

46.5 Designated Public Places Order (DPPO)

The Town Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council has published guidelines on the process for applying. WC’s summary states: “This process is expensive, time-consuming and depends on a consistent level of policing and other factors.”

In view of this, Members agreed to ask for further discussion with the local police on the topic.

46.6 Grants for the revetment work at Minster Street – The Town Clerk has enlisted the help of Martin Gilcrist of the Living Rivers project, who has a lot of contacts. I hope to be able to report some progress to the next meeting.

46.7 Quotes for fencing at Wishford Road – The Town Clerk has requested three quotes for this work, and only received one so far. A report should be available for the next meeting.

46.8 Cemetery fees – the working party on the 2010/2011 Budget & Precept have recommended that the fees be increased, either up to Salisbury City Council’s levels, or by £10.00, whichever is the greater amount. It was agreed to defer a decision until after the Town Council’s precept has been set.

46.9 Quotes for double sided A2 noticeboards – two additional companies have been requested to provide quotes, in addition to Wessex Timber Windows.

46.10 The Possibility of obtaining outline planning permission for land adjacent to the cemetery – The Town Clerk has written to Wilton Estate on this matter and awaiting a reply.

46.11 Replacement of sputnik play equipment – for the third time in three years, the bearings on this piece of equipment in Minster Street have worn out and need replacing. The sputnik has been removed, and the area made safe, but the Committee was recommended to consider spending R2 money to replace it, as the Grounds Maintenance team feel it’s reached the end of its useful life. The lack of safety surfacing underneath also gives cause for concern, as it is not compliant with current Health & Safety recommendations. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to investigate costs and report to a future meeting.

Cllr Rhind-Tutt reported that a local play equipment manufacturer was based in Heytesbury and asked that this supplier be considered.

47/09. To receive monthly reports on the Cemetery and Recreation Grounds, preceded by the Contractor’s Report

Contractor’s Report. – Moss treatment needed at Bulbridge and the cap of the sputnik is missing.

The Cemetery

–  Grass needs cutting.

–  The Town Clerk reported that John & Susan Harris have finished undertaking the initial research needed to update the cemetery records and have discovered a body interred there for which there is no record. The headstone records it dating from the 1980s. The Town Clerk proposed to investigate further and, if appropriate, complete the records retrospectively.

Minster Street – Looks good and is clean and tidy.

Bulbridge – Apart from moss treatment, all looks well.

Castle Meadow – Nothing to report.

Old St Mary’s Churchyard. – Damage to wall and bricks dislodged last month. Remedial work required. Cllr Matthews will provide details of a contact for the Church’s Conservation Trust for the Town Clerk to report the damage.

Minster Street – Nothing to report.

Flouse Hole – Nothing to report.

Old Wishford Road – The Town Clerk has informed Wilton Estate about a neighbouring garden which has been extended on to Estate land leased to Wilton Town Council.

The Council Offices – M J Hazzard will commence boxing in the staircase in the next couple of weeks

48/09. Chairman’s Report

A site meeting at Bulbridge was arranged for 9.00am on Monday 7th December.

49/09. Town Clerk’s Report

Nothing to report.

50/09. To confirm the date of the next CP&G Committee meeting

Tuesday 22nd December 2009 at 7.00pm at the Council Chamber.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.18pm.

Members of the Council considered the foregoing matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder; health and Safety, and Human Rights.

Cemeteries, Parks & Gardens Committee Meeting – Tuesday 24 November 2009