


Name of Group_ Contact Person E# Phone # Nameof event /program /topic to be used for

Location of event/program______Date(s) of event/program______

Outdoor Tent Canopies


Location Requested ______

Size Requested______

Button Maker


Number of buttons______

Walkie-Talkie Radios


Requestsmustbereceivedatleastoneweekpriortothefirstdayofyourintendedreservation.Tents can be picked up from SORC Suite A the day before the event and must be returned by the day after the event. We have (17) 10 x 10, and (2) 12 x 12 size tent canopies. Tents must be returned UNDAMAGED.On-Campus events & locations must be reserved in advance through the University Center before a tent can be reserved. Events involving food must follow the University Center & the Campus Dining Services’ guidelines.

A drawingof thebutton mustbesubmittedwiththisformforapproval.Turninyourrequestoneweek priortotheday ofyourintendedreservation. The SORC will provide supplies to make the pin-on buttons excluding the printed image at a cost of $20 per hour with unlimited amount of buttons.Payment must be made to the SORC before buttons are made.

Walkie-talkie radios are available tobeused for large events such as Relay for Life, concerts, etc. Requests must be received at least one week prior to the first day of your intended reservation.

Popcorn Machine


The SORC requires groups to use complete popcorn and oil packets we supply for $5 a day charge. You may return unused sealed packets. Popcorn machine must be cleaned before it is returned to the SORC, if it is not cleaned you will be charged $20!

DisplaysmustcomplywithTBRPolicy3:01:01:00OrganizationsandPolicy3:02:00:01GeneralRegulationsonStudentConduct.Displaysmustnot:(a)haveillegalaimsandgoals;(b)proposeactivitieswhichwouldviolateregulationsoftheBoardortheinstitutionorschool,orfederalorstatelawsandregulations,ormateriallyandsubstantiallydisrupttheworkanddisciplineoftheinstitutionorschool;or(c)advocateincitementofimminentlawlessactionwhichislikelytoproducesuchaction.Furthermore,publicdisplayswhichanaveragepersonapplyingcontemporarycommunitystandardswouldfind,(1)takenasawhole,appealstotheprurientinterest,(2)depictsordescribessexualconductinapatentlyoffensiveway,and(3)takenasawhole,lacksseriousliterary,artistic,politicalorscientificvalue areprohibited.

Reservations may be denied for groups who have had more than 2 consecutive reservation periods, in order toaccommodateotherstudentorganizations.



All equipment listedwillbeassignedonafirstcome,firstservedbasis.However,newreservationswillbegivenpriorityovergroupswhohavereservedequipmentformorethan2consecutivereservationperiods.Thecontactpersonnamedabovewill benotifiedofapprovalstatusafterreceipt ofthisrequest.

All equipment must be returned UNDAMAGED. Any lost/stolen/damaged equipment will be at the expense of the Student Organization.

Iunderstandthat failureto abide by thesepolicieswillresultinmy groupbeing denieduseofthese servicesfor onefullsemester.




RegisteredOrganizationYes No

Location ______

Initialed by ______