December 2, 2016

1:30 p.m., Distance Education Rooms

Members Present: Fara Afshar, Dana Antonucci-Durgan, Paul Basileo, Steve Clark,

Peter DiGregorio, Cheryl Eldredge, Dan Feld, Adela Johnson,

Ed Hassildine, Nina Leonhardt, Susan Lieberthal, Gary Ris,

Members Absent: Albert Dawson, Davorin Dujmovic, Susan Gambale, Vivek Kumar, Dorothy Laffin, Alicia O’Connor, Kevin Peterman, Helen Wittmann


Present: Grzegorz Fabiszewski, Laura Levine, Drew Rabinowitz

I.  Minutes

a)  The minutes from the previous meeting held on October 7, 2016 were approved.

II.  Campus Computing Council and Technology Deans Reports

a.  Ammerman Campus – Fara Afshar

a)  Discussed several issues:

(a)  Student Mobile App - When students search for their SCCC app it continues to come up with another student’s app when using Apple mobile devices. Legal Affairs had requested that the app be taken down. GR to follow up with Legal Affairs.

(b)  Student Help Desk – A discussion ensued pertaining to the possibility of a Student Help Desk and the help that is currently available. A recommendation was made to place a tab for IT Help in the portal and maintained by Academic Computing. GR will present to the Academic Computing Subcommittee and Networking Services Subcommittee for further discussion.

(c)  The committee is working on a pilot for a professional development half day to be held on April 7, 2017. This will be a hands on workshop where faculty can learn about all of the tools that are used in the classroom pertaining to technology.

(d)  Office 365 for Faculty: FA to forward information she obtained to GR which explains how to use OneDrive without the use of the Cloud.

b.  East Campus – Adela Johnson

a)  The committee met and plans to administer a survey to faculty and staff. The survey is to be distributed the second week of February 2017. GR to forward the results of a previous survey to AJ.

c.  Grant Campus – No report

d.  Technology Deans Report – No Report

III.  Subcommittee Reports

a.  Academic Computing Subcommittee – Ed Hassildine

a)  EH is currently in the process of member selection for the subcommittee and will report back at the next meeting.

b.  Standards Subcommittee – Peter DiGregorio

a)  The Fall computer order has been delivered. Desktop Services and the ETU are working together to image the machines, which is a time consuming process. Once the imaging process has been completed, the computers will be distributed.

c.  Student Technology Fee Subcommittee – Paul Basileo

a)  The Subcommittee met and reviewed next year’s budget. Since no new project proposal were received, the majority of last year’s budget will be rolled over with minor changes.

d.  Training Subcommittee – No report

e.  Networking Services/ Wireless Subcommittee – Steve Clark

a)  The committee met. No new STF Project Proposal Requests were presented. The Grants Department will begin to look at infrastructure related grants in an effort to support our technology infrastructure.

b)  VDI demo: The install is complete and the pilot is targeted for the end of December 2017. Each campus will have a test area to demo use cases for a three month period.

c)  Distance Education Rooms: The Ammerman Campus DE Room is scheduled to go off line at the end of the semester. Once an alternate room has been identified and the technology is proven an Ammerman campus component will be created so the Grant and East DE rooms can connect via some modality.

d)  Cloud services: The Networking and Services Subcommittee brought forth to the College Computing Council to review the SUNY Best Practices on Cloud services. GR to bring back to CIO/VP for Information Technology.

e)  EDU Services: Some EDU Services that are being implemented throughout the college are not necessarily classroom/academic related for a use of devices which are on the administrative network. We’ve begun to segment these devices to remove them from the classroom environment and place them in their own environment where they belong. The committee proposes that the Academic Computing Subcommittee review lab spaces and departmental lab spaces to see if there is a recommendation for departmental lab spaces to be more broadly utilized. The Academic Computing Council to add the request to their next agenda.

f.  Planning Subcommittee – Gary Ris

a)  East campus membership was a topic of discussion at the last subcommittee meeting. The question arose as to whether there is one single image that all three campus ETU’s use for various models. The ETU’s responded that no, each campus and their departments have diverse needs so, while the images may be similar, they are not the same.

IV.  Old Business

a.  Fall Computer Order – Gary Ris

a)  This topic is discussed in Section III. Subcommittee Reports, b. Standards Subcommittee.

b)  The machines to be replaced can now be located in the excess database when preparing 2017-18 Budget Requests.

b.  Student Authentication status – Steve Clark

a)  Follow up on login delays: Waiting on the Mac solution.

b)  Devices that are not currently authenticating: Each ETU is aware of these devices and able to document them as they are authenticating generically.

c)  Wireless coverage map: Existing maps are in the process of being updated. Once the update has been completed a report will be distributed to provide insight as to availability of coverage. Plans for installation of additional access points at outside locations are in process.

c.  Distance Education Rooms – Alternate solutions – Steve Clark, OIT, ETUs

a)  This topic is discussed in Section III. Subcommittee Reports, e. Networking Services/Wireless Subcommittee, c) Distance Education Rooms.

d.  Print Management Software Status / connection with Academic Affairs? (Ed Hassildine)

a)  The Print Management Implementation Team is working directly with the Vice Presidents in an effort to obtain approval of the BOT to begin implementation of quotas as of Fall 2017.

b)  Charging mechanisms: Research has concluded that we will not be able to utilize the vending machines nor the ID cards as these are tied to Aramark. Unions must be included in discussions pertaining to employee quotas.

c)  Use of collected funds: An email was distributed requesting feedback as to how the collected quota funds should be utilized.

e.  Office 365 Status – Gary Ris

a)  Continuing Ed students: A definitive answer as to whether Continuing Ed students are permitted to use Office 365 has not been determined. GR and NL to discuss further.

f.  SCCC Mobile App – Gary Ris

a)  Approximately 3000 students have signed up for the mobile app, many have used the app repeatedly. GR inquired if there is anything planned as far as advising students of the mobile app’s availability. CE replied that she wasn’t aware of any plans but will check and report back her findings.

g.  Sign in at Academic Computing Centers – No report.

h.  Older equipment – PC donations

a)  To be discussed at a later date. A meeting with the College Foundation to be scheduled.

V.  New Business

a.  Computer requests needed for 2017-2018 annual budget request

a)  GR to meet with the ETUs, Desktop Services, and Networking Services to discuss options to obtain a more accurate inventory electronically.