Instrument Family Notes

Family: ______

List the instruments in this family (spelling counts):

What is the same about all the instruments in this family?

What are these instruments made of?

What vibrates to make sound?

Instrument Notes

Name of Instrument: ______

How big is it?

How high/low does it sound?

Five facts about this instrument:






PowerPoint Planning

For each instrument, explain why you did, or did not, choose it.


·  trumpet

·  flugelhorn

·  French horn

·  trombone

·  baritone

·  tuba


·  violin

·  viola

·  cello

·  string bass

·  harp


·  snare drum

·  bass drum

·  timpani

·  orchestra bells/glockenspiel

·  xylophone

·  chimes


·  flute

·  oboe

·  clarinet

·  alto saxophone

·  bass clarinet

·  bassoon


Group Dynamics

1 Difficulties with group dynamics severely impact progress and achievement.

2 Some difficulty with taking turns, respecting others, active participation.

3 Group members interact positively. All contribute on a regular basis.

4 Group members interact positively. All are actively involved at all time.

Instrument Family Notes - Group

1 Instrument Family pages are incomplete.

2 Instrument Family pages are complete. Incorrect information totals more than 25%.

3 Instrument Family pages are complete. Information is at least 75% accurate.

4 Instrument Family pages (four) are accurate and comprehensive.

Instrument Notes - Individual

1 Instrument Notes are incomplete.

2 Instrument Notes are complete. Incorrect information totals more than 25%.

3 Instrument Notes are complete. Information is at least 75% accurate.

4 Instrument Notes pages (four) are accurate and comprehensive.

PowerPoint Content - Individual

1 Slide criteria in Process Step 6 is not met.

2 All slide criteria in Process Step 6 is met. Information lacks organization and accuracy

and/or has many spelling or grammar errors.

3 All slide criteria in Process Step 6 is met. All information is accurate and most is organized. No more than three spelling errors.

4 All slide criteria in Process Step 6 is met. All Information is organized and accurate. No misspellings or grammatical errors.

PowerPoint Appearance - Individual

1 Slides are difficult to read and graphics detract from content.

2 Slides are difficult to read or graphics detract from content.

3 Background makes it easy to see text. Font size/style easy to read.

4 Background makes it easy to see text. Font size/style easy to read. Layout/theme is the

same for all slides and supports the theme.

Presentation - Individual

1 Speaker is unsure of what to say. Problems with fluency, clarity and volume.

2 Speaker knows what to say. Problems with fluency, clarity and volume.

3 Speaker knows what to say and speaks in a clear, loud voice most of the time.

4 Speaker knows what to say, speaks in a clear, loud voice and make eye contact with the


Presentation - Group

1 Group is not adequately prepared. Discussion is needed in order for group to proceed

and/or slides have not been compiled into one presentation.

2 Students know whose turn it is and slides have been compiled into one presentation.

3 Students know whose turn it is and transition well between speakers. Slides have been

compiled and layout/theme is the same for all slides. Some misspellings or grammatical


4 Students know whose turn it is and transition well between speakers. Slides have been

compiled and layout/theme is the same for all slides. No misspellings or grammatical

errors. PowerPoint and musical examples fit into the flow smoothly.