1. Who killed a brother and sister from reckless, drunk driving?
  2. Why was Vera Claythorne going to Indian Island?
  3. Who was going under the false name of Mr. Davis?
  4. Who is captain of the passenger boat?
  5. Who was responsible for killing their employer when they withheld medicine from her?
  6. Who has terrible nightmares/daydreams of the sea/ocean?
  7. What hangs about the mantelpiece in each of the bedrooms in the island mansion?
  8. What reason does Emily Brent give for coming to Indian Island
  9. After their search, what do Blore, Armstrong, and Lombard discover about the island?
  10. Who is the one person who refuses to speak about the charges made against him/her?
  11. Who drowned herself after becoming pregnant?
  12. Who is Hugo?
  13. What crime does gramophone recording accuse each person of in the house?
  14. Who was responsible for killing 21 African tribesmen?
  15. What does Lawrence Wargrave do for a living?
  16. Who allowed a weak boy to drown?
  17. Who is the author of And Then There Were None?
  18. What warning does Blore receive from the old man on the train?
  19. What conclusion does Wargrave come to about the owner of the house?
  20. Which of the characters has accepted his/her fate and waits patiently for the final outcome?
  21. What is strange about Justice Wargrave’s appearance when he is found dead?
  22. Who has a revolver on the island?
  23. Who does Emily Brent write in her diary as the murderer?
  24. How does William Blore die?
  25. What does Vera see in her room that she had not noticed before?
  26. Why did the murderer decide on these particular ten victims?
  27. What is at the center of the dining room table?
  28. Who dies from a supposed ‘bee sting’ that turned out to be a syringe?
  29. How does Philip Lombard die?
  30. Who is Cyril?
  31. What is William Blore’s profession?
  32. What was the title of the record that Roget’s played on the gramophone?
  33. What murder was Dr. Armstrong accused of committing?
  34. What item went missing that had Mr. Rogers very frazzled?
  35. Who does Vera believe is waiting for her in her bedroom after she kills Philip Lombard?
  36. How does General McCarthur die?
  37. Who is often described as a “wary old tortoise?”
  38. Who ended up being the murderer of the guests of Indian Island?
  39. Who did Justice Wargrave have an alliance with?
  40. Who did Justice Wargrave kill that was NOT on the island?
  41. Who is U.N. Owen?
  42. What are the guests reduced to eating?
  43. How do the police manage to solve the crime of Indian Island?
  44. How does Vera Claythorne die?
  45. How does Dr. Armstrong die?
  46. How does Lombard suggest the survivors make contact with people on the mainland?
  47. What was strange about Vera Claythorne’s hanging?
  48. What does Emily Brent do to pass the time?
  49. How would you describe Anthony Marston?
  50. How did Dr. Armstrong commit murder?