Chapter 2

Types of bonds

·  Sigma – the overlap is directly between the two nuclei

o  Every bond contains one (and only one) sigma bond

·  Pi – the overlap is above and below the sigma bond

o  These are formed by the overlap of unhybridized p orbitals

o  There is one sigma bond and one pi bond in a double bond.

o  There is one sigma bond and two pi bonds in a triple bond.

·  How many sigma and pi bonds in the following molecule?

o  You need to draw out all the bonds (including hydrogens which were left off) in order to answer this.

o  There are 14 sigma bonds and 3 pi bonds.


§  When orbitals hybridize, the s and some or all of the p orbitals of the outer shell combine to form hybrid orbitals

o  The p orbitals that don’t get involved remain p orbitals

§  What’s the hybridization?

o  Count the charge clouds (sigma bonds and lone pairs)

§  Call it #

o  Hybridization is sp#-1

§  So if there are three charge clouds, then the hybridization is sp3-1=sp2

§  What’s the electronic geometry?

o  sp → linear

o  sp2→ trigonal planar

o  sp3 → tetrahedral

§  What’s the bond angle?

o  sp→ 180°

o  sp2 → 120°

o  sp3 → 109.5°

§  What’s the molecular geometry?

o  If all the charge clouds are bonds, then same as electronic geometry

o  If 2 bonds and one lone pair, then bent


o  If 3 bonds and one lone pair, then trigonal pyramidal

o  If 2 bonds and 2 lone pairs, then bent

Big picture!

§  When you identify the hybridization of an atom in a molecule you are identifying what type of orbitals that atom has.

§  Bonds form from the overlap of these hybrid orbitals.

§  A frequently missed type of question in this class is something like “the carbon-oxygen sigma bond of acetone is formed from the overlap of what orbitals?”

o  Identify the hybridization of both atoms involved.

o  Look to see if you are asked for the sigma or pi bond.

§  If you were asked for the pi bond, then it’s always the overlap of two p orbitals.

§  If you were asked for the sigma bond, then it’s just the two types of hybrid orbitals of each atom.

·  In this case because both the oxygen and carbon are sp2 hybridized the sigma bond is formed from the overlap of two sp2 orbitals.

Bond rotation

§  Single bonds rotate

§  Double and triple bonds don’t

o  You would have to break the pi bonds in order to rotate around that bond.

§  It’s really that simple!

o  If this isn’t making sense, play with your models.

Drawing in 3D

·  Anything coming out of the page should be drawn on a wedge and anything drawn going into the page should be drawn on a dash.

·  If an atom is sp3 hybridized, make sure you draw the dashed and wedged pieces outside the angle formed by the two flat pieces.

o  This doesn’t make that much of a difference now, but from quiz 2 and on, you will miss points (a lot of them) if you do this incorrectly.


§  Structural isomers and constitutional isomers are the same thing

o  They have the same molecular formula, but the atoms are connected in a different order.

o  If you can’t tell whether two molecules are identical or isomers, see if you would name them differently

§  Ex. 2,4-dimethylhexane vs 2,3-dimethylhexane

§  Stereoisomers

o  The atoms are connected to each other in the same order, but they differ in their arrangement in space

§  Ex. R/S, E/Z, cis/trans

§  At this point in the course, you are only responsible for cis/trans isomerism

·  There are two types of cis/trans isomers

·  cis/trans double bonds

o  cis double bonds have both “pieces” on the same side of the double bond

o  trans double bonds have both “pieces” on opposite sides of the double bond

o  When do I have cis/trans isomerism possible?

§  You only have cis/trans isomerism possible when A≠B and C≠D

§  Be careful to make sure the double bond is in the same position when you are comparing two similar structures.

§  The two compounds on the right above are stereoisomers of each other and the compound on the left is a structural isomer of the right two.

·  cis/trans on rings

o  When both substituents on the ring are facing the same way (both on wedges or both on dashes), then you have a cis isomer.

o  When the two substituents on the ring or facing different ways, then you have a trans isomer.

o  Be careful when comparing two compounds to make sure that the two substituents are still on the same carbons of the ring.

§  These two are structural isomers, not stereoisomers because the chlorines are 1,3 to each other on the first ring and 1,2 to each other on the second ring.

Intermolecular Forces

·  Boiling point is a good measure of intermolecular forces.

·  Solubility is also an expression of intermolecular forces.

o  Like dissolves like.

§  Like in polarity.

o  What will be soluble in water?

§  Salts

§  Polar organic molecules where the polar part is not overcome by huge nonpolar R-groups.

§  Ex. As the carbon chains of alcohols get longer, they become less soluble in water and more soluble in nonpolar solvents.

§  With larger carbon pieces, the more branched isomer will be more soluble in water than the less branched isomer.

o  What will be soluble in hexane?

§  Most organic compounds, as long as they’re not too polar.

·  London dispersion

o  Present in all molecules

o  The weakest of the attractions

o  Which of the following has the lowest boiling point?

§  Branching lowers boiling point, so the third molecule has the lowest.

§  This is because more branched isomers are more compact, so the London dispersion forces are smaller.

§  The unbranched chain, then, has the highest boiling point.

·  Dipole-dipole

o  The interaction between two polar molecules

o  Stronger than London dispersion

§  Remember that polar molecules still have London dispersion forces.

·  Hydrogen-bonding

o  Only happens in molecules where hydrogen is bonded to oxygen, nitrogen, and fluorine.

o  Remember that hydrogen-bonding compounds still experience dipole-dipole attractions and London dispersion forces.

Classes of compounds

Classification / Functional group
Alkanes / Just carbon and hydrogen
No multiple bonds
Alkenes / At least one carbon-carbon double bond
Alkynes / At least one carbon-carbon triple bond
Aromatics / For now, benzene and compounds that contain benzene rings

Alcohols / -OH (hydroxyl group)
Ethers / R-O-R’
Aldehydes / (carbonyl group)
Ketones / (carbonyl group)
Carboxylic Acids / (carboxyl group)
Acid chlorides /
Esters /
Amides /
Amines / (amino group)
Nitriles / R-CN

You’re not responsible for naming these compounds until we cover them later.

·  For Test 1 of 301, we’ll have nomenclature of alkanes.

·  For Test 3 of 301, we’ll likely have nomenclature of alkenes.

·  For the Final of 301, we’ll likely have nomenclature of alkynes and alcohols.

A molecule can belong to more than one class of compound!

I can guarantee that at some point you will be asked to circle the functional groups on a large molecule and state what class of compound each functional group makes the molecule.

·  Understand the difference between functional group and class of compound!

·  Ex. –OH is a functional group called a hydroxyl. If a molecule has that functional group, then it is an alcohol.

·  You don’t need to circle the boring bits of the molecule and say “alkane.” That’s just the default.

·  “Cyclic” is not a class of compound or functional group.