Joint Professional Standards Department

Misconduct Investigations and Outcomes January to March 2017

Suffolk Constabulary currently comprises of 1058.8 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Police Officers, 95.1 FTE Police Community Support Officers (PCSO), 805.8 other members of Police Staff, together with a further 215 Special Constables; a total of 2174.7 FTE individuals.

During the fourth quarter of the year 2016/17, the Force dealt with 32,149 reported incidents and investigated 11,859 crimes which lead to 2,368 arrests.

During this period the Joint Professional Standards Department (PSD) recorded a total of 92 new Complaint cases (public complaints) for Suffolk and 14 new Misconduct cases (internal matters).

During this period PSD formally investigated and finalised a total of 8 cases of Misconduct, involving 6 Police Officers and 2 members of Police Staff.

4 cases resulted in a finding of no case to answer

3 cases resulted in a case to answer for which Management Action was the outcome

1 was assessed as amounting to Gross Misconduct

Misconduct is defined as a Breach of the Standard of Professional Behaviour as described in Schedule 2 to the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012.

Gross Misconduct is defined as a Breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour so serious that if either admitted or proven, dismissal from the Police Service would be justified. These matters are heard at a public Misconduct Hearing.

Where Officers or Members of Police Staff are dismissed as a result of misconduct proceedings, appropriate vetting records are maintained and can and will be disclosed in the event such an Officer or Member of Staff seeks employment with another Law Enforcement Agency.

Those individuals with a Gross Misconduct and dismissal outcome will also be held on the College of Policing’s Disapproved Register.

Nature of Offence / Outcome
1 / A police officer attended a misconduct hearing in respect of Discreditable conduct
Driving with excess alcohol / Dismissed without notice