REPORT OF: / Scientific Assemblies
SUBMITTED FOR: / 2018 House of Delegates Annual Meeting
PREPARED BY: / Susan Stalewski, Scientific Assembly Coordinator
DATE: / July 4, 2018
Activities of the Committee or Affiliated Organizations
Serves to provide expert consultation and technical reviewers for such areas as examinations, conventions, continuing education, etc. in discipline-related areas.
Members per Scientific Assembly:
Chemistry/UA: 2015
Education: 1915
Generalist: 4264
Heme/Hemostasis: 2100
Immunology/Immunoheme: 1991
Informatics: 764
Micro/Public Health: 2238
Molecular: 1446
Phlebotomy: 1111
Point of Care: 926
- Co-chaired SA leadership meeting in San Diego with outgoing SA coordinator
- Coordinated SA chair-vice chair listings with ASCLS staff liaison – several were out of sequence for the 2016-18 term.
- Facilitated SA submissions to the APRC and review of submissions for acceptance
- Monitored activities of SA sections discussion group/member community. Identifed those sections that may require help in strengthening activities and assisted them with developing a plan for communicating with and engaging members. SA discussions and postings in member communities are increasing, more opportunities to use libraries and announcements exist.
- Worked with the chairs of each SA and other individuals such as constituent society president regarding nominations for BioRad Professional Achievement Award and coordinate awards process with the Awards Committee. Received four nominations (two for microbiology). Will review procedures and engage SA chairs/vice chairs earlier in the term.
- Requested guidance and support to facilitate a process to ensure that each SA welcomes new ASCLS members to the section.
- Promoted the use of the Online Communities to foster involvement in the SA and will review use and suggestions for use at the annual meeting in July.
- Worked with BOK committee and SA input for Micro, General Practice and Molecular body of knowledge
- ESA and SA breakfast tables held at CLEC. Talked with many in attendance. Requested process for knowing who non-member attendees are.
- Reviewed SA mission at annual meeting.
- Worked on awareness of SA role through communication with Body of Knowledge committee and other opportunities to contribute scientific knowledge.
- Communicated with SA chairs regarding annual meeting, election of vice chairs in this year and chair activity.
- Communicated with ASCLS Today editor regarding next year’s publication schedule and SA assignments.
- Requested means of systematic identification of and communication with state SA chairs (in progresss)
Chemistry: Chair Masih Shokrani
Participated and chaired the ASCLS Scientific Assembly Meeting on Wednesday August 2nd, 2017 in San Diego, CA (a total of 21 participated in the Scientific Assembly meeting). Also, posted the minutes of the meeting in the SA library for members.
Presented the following topic, “Pre-diabetes: An Epidemic Out of Proportions” in the SPARK Session. Also, Vice-Chair of SA for Chemistry and UA, Gerald Redwine, presented the following topic, “A Prospective Study of Patients Diagnosed with Sarcoidosis: Nutrition, Health Assessment,and Environmental Exposures.” in the SPARK Session on Wednesday August 2nd, 2017 in San Diego,CA.
Submitted and presented the following poster, “Assessment of Intake of Cinnamon Supplements on Hemoglobin A1c Levels in Pre-Diabetics” at the ASCLS Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on Wednesday August 2nd,2017
Worked with the members of Scientific Assembly to send proposals for Chemistry/Urinalysis for the 2018 Annual Meeting in Chicago,IL.
Participated with the Annual Meeting Steering Committee, ASAMC, in the selectionof proposals submitted for 2018 Annual Meeting in Chicago,IL.
Continued having communications with the Vice-Chair of Scientific Assembly for the Strategic Planning for2017-2018
Will submit at least one manuscript to the Clinical Laboratory Science journal related to my research work on pre-diabetes thisfall.
Contacted and identified one author who will submit an article to ASCLS Today for the January issue (will submit before December 1deadline).
Will participate and encourages discussion within the Community to participate onthe discussion and topics of interest in the SACommunity.
Education: Chair Darius Wilson
Face to face meeting in San Diego, CA at the July 2017 ASCLS meeting.
November 12, 2017-Secured about 60 volunteers using the ESA Community to review 31 abstracts. Three were rejected. Communicated by email the results of the reviews to Karrie Hovis.
Fall 2017-Assisted Dr. Floyd Josephat, ESA co-chair, with securing reviewers for the student research and poster abstract submissions. Reviewed three of the abstracts.
Phone and email communications with Dr. Josephat, ESA co-chair to discuss preparations for CLEC and ESA meeting.
February 2018-Communicated by email with Anastasia Augustine, who is updating the MLT and MLT to MLS online directories. She provided a report for the CLEC meeting.
February 2018-Submitted an article for ASCLS Today.
February 2018-Email communication with Carol Rentas that the app project is switching platforms.
February 16, 2018-particiapted in the CEPI conference call to discuss branding.
Various email communications with Karrie Hovis regarding ESA activities.
Contacted Cindy Handley to request that she submit an article for the June ASCLS Newsletter, which she submitted on 6/11/18
Participated in phone conferences with the CEPI committee
Various email and phone communications with Dr. Floyd Josephat, ESA Vice-Chair
Received email nominations for the ballots for the CEPI committee and the ESA Vice-chair
Email communication with Mary McLane, who received funding from ESA for the Science and Engineering Festival Booth. She also provided pictures, which will be shared at the ASCLS-ESA meeting in Chicago. She requested to be added to the agenda to thank ESA in person.
ESA Vice Chair Report for 2018
Abstract Submitted:
- There were a total of four abstractssubmitted for poster consideration.
- Age-dependent Alterations in the Processing of Homologous Recombination Intermediates Leads to Reduced Crossover Assurance
- Medical Mindfulness and Hidden Health: KAP Study of CLS Awareness
- Effects of Storage and Centrifugation on Select Chemistry Analyte Stability
- Determination of Infection Prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni after MDA: Comparison of LAMP and PCR Diagnosis
- Each abstract had two reviewers, one of which was from the E&R committee.
- Three of the four was accepted for poster presentation without or with suggested revisions
- There were a total of three case studies submitted for competition
- Optimizing the impact of low-efficacy influenza vaccines
- Gene Therapy Using Viral Vectors as a Treatment for Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS)
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; A Case Study Report
- Each case study had two reviewers
- Winner of the case study competition was, Grace Tackie of Mississippi Baptist Medical Center, School of Medical Laboratory Science. Title: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; A Case Study Report
- There were a total of four research papers submitted for competition
- Quantification of HIV-1 1-LTR Cycle DNA by Using a Nested Real Time PCR
- Medical Mindfulness and Hidden Health: KAP Study of CLS Awareness
- Analysis of Pediatric Blood Culture Volume Received in the Laboratory at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (VCUHS)
- Clinical Treatment of Eye Disease
- Each research study had two reviewers
CEPI: Chair Joan Polancic
CEPI duties include:
1) Monitor and assess the trends in levels of practice and education of practitioners at all levels.
2) Develop and deliver annual mentoring and professional development activities in conjunction with the Clinical Laboratory Educators’ Conference.
3) Assess current trends in educational programs and their effects on career choices in clinical laboratory science. This is to include the updating, development, and implementation of appropriate career recruitment materials and strategies for use with precollege and undergraduate students, as well as graduate students. The Student Forum should be used as a resource as appropriate.
The CEPI met the following dates via zoom conference:
- August 30, 2017; October 13, 2017; February 13 & 16, 2018, March 7, 2018
- Mike Bishop, Daniel deRegnier, Cindy Handley, Kathy Hoag- Vice chair, Joan Polancic - Chair, Cathy Robinson
- Karrie Hovis, ASCLS Staff liaison; Darius Wilson, ESA Chair
Entry Level Curriculum (ELC)
An article to describe the development processes and identify the purpose and use of the ELC and the ASCP Board of Certification Practice Analysis was co-written by ASCLS and the BOC and was submitted for dual publication in the ASCLS Today and the BOC newsletter. The article was written to address many questions both ASCLS and the BOC have received about the differences in each upon publication of the ELC. Look for the article to be published this summer.
E&R grant
CEPI sent information via the ESA Community reminding educators about the education topics that are acceptable to receive grant funding. List of topics are located at CEPI worked with E&R last year to make these additions to support research and publication for lab educators.
Simulated lab survey
The committee continues to review possible needs for programs that use simulation labs. This is part of a larger issue of lack of clinical sites for, primarily, blood bank and microbiology.
CEPI representative to Legislative Symposium in March
Cindy Handley volunteered to attend the Legislative Symposium. She submitted several reports to the ESA Member Community to update on CLIA personnel standards posted on the main ASCLS web page, the workforce shortage,PAMA and other legislative issues. Thanks to Cindy for her continued valuable service.
Laboratory Educator Institute (LEI)
The Institute was launched at CLEC 2018 in Houston. The Institute is an online education program to assist educators with teaching and academic excellence, and with other aspects of being an educator or program director. It is designed to address four areas in which faculty may be evaluated or in which knowledge and skills are expected: education/teaching, administration/leadership, clinical practice, and research. Goals of the Institute are:
•Provide educators with skills and knowledge to effectively develop and implement courses and provide assessments.
•Develop more effective laboratory science educators and program administrators.
There are 3 courses available with additional courses in the pipeline (listed below) and to be identified as the Institute develops.
•Writing Instructional Objectives - Part 1: The Quick Start Guide – available now!
•Writing Instructional Objectives – Part 2: Advanced – coming soon!
•How to Write Multiple Choice Exam Questions – coming soon!
•The Affective Domain in Laboratory Education- available now!
•Creating and Using Rubrics – available now
•The Nuts and Bolts of Assessment and Evaluation: It’s Not Just about the Outcomes – coming soon!
The link to the LEI is through the Educator Resources webpage - Thanks to the staff for developing the shortened name and logo.
Current committee discussion is on sustaining this endeavor, including committee needs and staff oversight.
CLEC 2018 proposal
CLEC 2018 CEPI session proposal was accepted and was merged with the proposal from the Clin Lab Sci journal. The combined session addressed grants and grant proposal writing.
Session proposal submitted for CLEC 2019
Each year the Committee on Educational Programs and Initiatives (CEPI), a subcommittee of the ESA, proposes a session to address a current issue. We feel it is important to discuss the impact that programs have in placing students due to, primarily, consolidation of Microbiology and Blood Bank departments. This makes fewer clinical rotation sites available. The committee is seeing many creative solutions that could be helpful to others. This is the proposal submitted. If accepted the committee will identify panel members.
Workforce issues and their impact on MLT and MLS education
Brief Description (50 words): A panel discussion on how current workforce issues impact education programs and student placement in clinical rotations. Panel members will present creative ways used to deal with difficulties in placing students in clinical rotations. Panel members will address solutions such as virtual or simulation labs and a different way to educate students for specialty certification. We also hope to have a representative from the ASCLS workforce task force to explain their recent work. In addition, we would like to hear from audience members on concerns and creative ways in which they deal with current issues.
Phlebotomy: Chair Nicole Buza
Attended Annual Meeting (AM) in July/August
Submitted an article for ASCLS Today, written by Phlebotomy SA member
Dennis Earnst
Participated in 2018 AM proposal review
Hematology: Chair Kristin Landis-Piwowar
Members elected a Vice-Chair at the Annual Meeting to replace a vacated term.
Formed a task force of Hematology/Hemostasis SA members and identified and submitted suggestions for topics and speakers for the 2018 Annual Meeting
Chair participated in ranking the Hematology/Hemostasis and General proposals submitted for the 2018 Annual Meeting.
Identified a member to write an article for ASCLS Today (Renee Hodgkins).
Immunology/Immunoheme: Chair Stacie Lansink
Article was submitted to ASCLS Today by Lindsey Keill, Stacie Lansink, April Nelsen, and Tiffany Montalvo.
Administration (FAB 5): Chair Rick Panning
Following are the activities of the Fab 5 Scientific Assembly (Laboratory Administration/QA/QC/Regulatory/Industry/Consultants) for August 2017-June 2018
There are currently 1900 members of thisscientificassembly.
There have been 42 postings on the ASCLS Community for the Fab 5 (compared to 9 for the previousyear. The postings and the 44 relatedresponseswere a signficantincrease in activitycompared to the previousyear. The topics with the mostresponseswere as follows:
- Proficiency testing
- Document control systems
- Critical values
- CMS’s Date of Service (DOS) rule
- PAMA reimbursement changes.
Abstract and program submissionsfrom the scientificassemblywereevaluated and considered by the Annual Meeting SteeringCommittee.
Twomembers of the Scientific Assemblywerenominated for an open professionalmember for the CLSI Board of Directors. The nominatingcommittee chose to nominatesomoneelse.
A requestreceivedfrom the SA chair to submit an article for ASCLS Today. Topic requestedwastopics of Reg Affairs/Consultation and QM/Informatics.
Rick Panning, Chair and Jean Bauer, Vice Chair working on developing an agenda for the Monday, July 30, 2018 SA meeting at the Annual meeting. A new chair/Vice Chair willbeselected.
Microbiology/Public Health: Chair Marcia Firmani
Held annual meeting at ASCLS general meeting
Nominated new vice-chair for the Microbiology/PH SA
Nominated Micro/PH SA member for the biorad award
Submitted microbiology case study to ASCLS newsletter, which was published
Submitted sixteen microbiology proposals for the 2018 ASCLS annual meeting – several submitted proposals were approved and are being presented at the 2018 annual meeting
Molecular: Chair Julie Bayer Vile
Communications via the online member forum
Generalist: Co-chairs Linda Hickock, Ally Storla
No report
Point of Care: Chair Stephanie Mihane
No report