Provider Search- Overview
AetnaASA launched a new website for provider look up August 2017. Below are the URLs:
URL (Starmark):
Standard AetnaASA PPO network (Medical/Dental):
URL (CoreSource):
Standard AetnaASA PPO Network (Medical/Dental):
Aetna Dental Administrators Network (Dental only):
AetnaASA – Performance Network:
Highlights/steps on the new website for provider searches:
1. Click on “Medical” or “Dental” button.
2. Select from the drop down box, the Provider Type (Medical doctor, hospital, all medical providers, general dentist, specialty dentist, etc.
3. Type in zip code and select mileage radius for the search.
4. Click on “Search” or refine your search by clicking on “Advanced Search”.
5. Advanced Search allows you to search by provider name, specialty, condition or more.
6. With selecting specialty, the list will be on the bottom left of the screen. You can select up to five provider specialties.
7. When you have your search results, the top right side of screen, allows you to Sort the results by distance, provider name, or specialty.
8. On left side of screen, you can do a side by side comparison of the providers, refine location or refine by results. You can also create a directory or create a List with the results of your provider searches.
9. Compare feature allows up to three providers to compare.
10. Under each provider is a “More details” button. This allows you to get location distance, hours of operation, map to the provider office or text/email the details.
Provider Name Search
Under the Advanced Search function, you can search by provider name. When typing in the provider name, if you do the full name, you have to type in Last Name followed by a comma and then enter the first name of the provider. You can also just type Last Name.
Labs/Durable Medical Equipment (DME) providers
You can find individual labs and DME providers in the Advanced Search section and select the provider type in the left hand drop down box or type in the name. For DME, you need to type in Independent Durable Medical Equipment and for Lab, you need to type in Independent Lab.
If you are looking for the listings of national labs and DME providers and what equipment they supply, after you put in a zip code and click on the Search button, on the left hand side, there is a Tools and Resources button. Click on that button and the listings will be there.
Tools/Resources Section
After you type in zip code and click the Search button, there is a Tools and Resources section on the left hand side of screen. Below I have outlined the various documents in this section and if they are applicable to our block of business:
· Autism Spectrum Disorder Providers- lists provider specialty by group practices and the individual physicians within those group practices.
· Behavioral Health Information- this will take you to the aetna direct website. On that site, there are links on various services. These outline details on what outpatient services, treatment programs and inpatient services mean in a behavioral health setting. The Frequently Asked Questions document/link applies to our members, EXCEPT the URL provided. This is NOT for our members, as we do not use the website.
· Fitness- This link directs you to an outside membership to GymNetwork360.
· Hearing Discount Locations- lists a few locations with savings off retail prices.
· How we build our networks – indicates how AetnaASA goes about with how they contract with providers.
· National DME list – list of the durable medical equipment providers AetnaASA has national and what equipment they supply.
· National Lab list- list of the national lab providers AetnaASA has contracted.
· Natural Therapy- information on what a natural therapy provider is and also a national listing of providers in this specialty.
· Vision- providers contracted with AetnaASA for vision care.
Video Guide
Here is a short video illustrating the new features of the web page and how to use the new provider look up tools.