Class 3 Curriculum Grid - Autumn 2015
This grid provides you with an overview of teaching and learning in the different areas of the Year 3 curriculum this term. Keep up to date by using the home-school book and as always, we have an open door policy so you can come in at any time to find out more.
English / Mathematics / ScienceWriting: Stories and poetry linked with the Rugby World Cup 2015
Non-fiction writing linked with topic inquiry.
Talk for Writing storytelling.
Phonics, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Reading: PACT, guided reading, library visits.
Arthur - Roald Dahl
Poets for the term Roald Dahl and Michael Rosen. / Place value 2 & 3 digit numbers Money Shape & Space
Addition, subtraction,
Multiplication and Division
Handling data and measures
Times Tables 2,3,4 & 8s
Addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division – Mental maths / Rocks and Soil
Dr. Tom Tindell an Associate Professor of Geology from a Japanese University to do presentation - Rocks!
Religious Education / History / Geography
Identity and Belonging
Sacred Texts and Wisdom from Holy Book / Stone Age to Iron Age
Britain Hunter Gatherers & early farmers.
Bronze age technology and travel. Forts / Identify the 7 continents, link with Rugby World Cup.
Atlas Skills
Art / Physical Education / DT
Close observation drawing
Clay sculpture / Team Games –tag rugby, hockey
Swimming / Photo frames
French / Music / Computing
Greetings Introducing my family Numbers to 20
Asking/Answering my age / Music with Lizzie Singing/ Musical appreciation Singing Assembly – Senior Management / Login to a computer with my username and password.
Think about why and how we need to stay safe online.
Computer programming.
Books to Read / Places to Visit / Homework Timetable
Novels by Roald Dahl
Non-fiction books related to our topics. / Twickenham Stadium tour and museum
Natural History Museum
Museum of London
Soanes Centre Workshops
HAC Stadium – Fun Rugby Day / Parents And Children Together (PACT) reading every night.
· Rote learning number facts.
· Mathletics
· Maths in a practical context.
· Research related to curriculum.
· Own interest and presentations.
Practical experiences: to develop knowledge of the world and development skills.