Lesson Objectives:


•God is Powerful.

•God shows his power through making powerful things (like the rhino beetle).

•God has done mighty things (parting the Red Sea, making a donkey talk).

•God is more powerful than death – he will never die and he can make us live forever.

•God is the ultimate superhero.

Teacher Preparation:

•Watch Week 4 video on DVD Disc 1.

•Read the Bible story (Exodus 13:17-14:30) and the Memory Verse (Jeremiah 32:17).

•Other verses for your study: 1 Chronicles 29:11, Psalm 66:3, Psalm 93:4, Jeremiah 32:17, Daniel 4:3, Luke 4:36, Luke 6:19, 1 Corinthians 6:14, 2 Corinthians 13:3.

•Print and prepare Exit Ticket cards (1 per child) and Superhero God trading cards (1 set per child).

•Make a stack of 6 Superhero God trading cards for each child. The stacks should not be the full set, but a random grouping of 6 cards so they can participate in the Your Turn trading activity.

•Hang Week 4 banner.


(Boldfaced materials are provided with the curriculum and you can find them in the Week 4 Folder on Print Materials Disc 1. The videos are located on Disc 1 (DVD) and Disc 3 (DVD-Rom).)

Clive & Ian’s Wonder-Blimp of Knowledge Week 4 video

Exit Ticket Cards (1 per child)

Superhero God Trading Cards (1 set per child)

• Week 4 Banner

• Bible(s)

• Sticky notes, pieces of paper, or index cards for Memory Verse game

• Art supplies for Your Turn activity: pencils, colored pencils, markers

• Cards or Paper Slips for Banner


INTRO (5 Minutes)

VIDEO (15 Minutes)

BIBLE STORY (15 Minutes)

MEMORY VERSE (5 Minutes)

YOUR TURN (20 Minutes)

EXIT TICKET (5 Minutes)


(5 minutes)

SAY: Who can tell me some names of some superheroes you know? Those are some great examples! What makes these characters superheroes? Yes, you are right. They are able to do things that ordinary humans cannot do! We’ve already seen that God can do some pretty powerful things – create the universe, raise people from the dead, love us with a powerful love.

Point to last week’s banner on “How Old is God?” and remind kids of the truths they learned about God’s eternal nature and his power over life and death.

SAY: Wow! I’d say that God is really powerful. Who thinks that God is as powerful as a superhero? Clive and Ian get this question today in their Wonder-Blimp adventure. Let’s find out what they learn.


(15 minutes)

Supplies Needed: Week 4 Video, Banner for Week 4, Cards or Paper Slips

Watch the Week 4 Video from Disc 1 (DVD) or Disc 3 (DVD-Rom).

SAY: Now let’s see what truths about God we learned from Clive and Ian’s exploration!

Break into small groups to discuss the video, with an adult leader for each group. As the kids talk, write truths directly on a couple of cards. The cards will go on Week 4’s banner.

Make sure these questions are addressed as kids recall their knowledge:

Q: How powerful is God?

A: God is more powerful than anything or anyone.

Q: How do we know that God is powerful?

A: God’s Word and works show us his power.

Q: Does God use his power for good or for evil?

A: God only uses his power for good.

Q: Does God use his power to help me?

A: Yes, God loves to use his power to help his children.

Q: Is God as powerful as a superhero?

A: Yes! He is MORE powerful! He is the most powerful superhero that will ever exist!

Bible Story:

(15 minutes)

Supplies Needed: Bible(s)

Read Exodus 13:17-14:31.

Note: This is a long story. You may want to read just Exodus 14:19-31, or read the story from a children’s Bible or storybook Bible. You can ask a volunteer or volunteers to read the story.

Discuss this question in small groups or as a whole class:

Q: How does the story of the parting of the Red Sea show God’s power?

A: God protects his children by using his great power to destroy their enemies (the Egyptians), split a sea in half, and lead his people on their journey (keeping the sea apart as the Israelites crossed and leading them by day with a pillar of cloud and by night with a pillar of fire).

Memory Verse:

(5 minutes)

Supplies: Sticky notes, pieces of paper, or index cards for Memory Verse game

Remind the kids that God tells us that we can know him by knowing his word and hiding it in our hearts.

Today’s verse is:

Jeremiah 32:17

Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your out- stretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.

Read today’s verse over with the kids a couple of times out loud and talk about it for a few minutes. Talk about how it shows that God can do anything (“nothing is too hard for you”) and how God has “great power.” You may want to write the verse on a poster board or white board for the kids to reference during the game.


Put kids in small groups or pairs. Have them split up the words in the Memory Verse so that each kid writes some of the phrases in the verse – 1 phrase per card/piece of paper/sticky note. After all of the phrases are written out, they should scramble them and then put the phrases in the correct order to make the verse. They can start by looking at the verse and then try to do the unscramble from memory.

Note: Depending on the age of your class or time restrictions, you may want to write out the verse phrases on cards before class.

Your Turn:

Supplies Needed: Superhero God Trading Cards (1 Set Per Child), Art supplies


(10 minutes)

(Note: This activity can be done as a whole-class and teacher- led activity OR as a small group activity. Choose the one you think your students will respond the best to.)

SAY: Raise your hand if you agree with this statement: “God is as powerful as a superhero.” Yes, you’re right. He is! I hope you’ve seen that God is the most powerful superhero of all!

SAY: How many of you like to collect trading cards or know someone who does? Today we’re going to play a game where you will collect an entire set of Superhero God trading cards. Then you will get to make your own.

SAY: By the time you are done trading cards, you should have a card for each of these categories that describes God’s amazing power: Powerful Love, Powerful Creator, Power Over Life & Death, Powerful to Destroy Enemies, Powerful to Protect, Powerful to Save. Each of you will get a group of cards, but it won’t be all of them. You will have to go around the room and trade cards with each other until you get a full set of 6 cards. Help each other out. If you know someone who has a card someone else needs, help them get that card.

SAY: When you are finished and have all 6 cards, you may sit back at your seat and make your own Superhero God trading card. Think of an example in your life or in the Bible that shows God’s incredible power!


(10 minutes)

Kids will work on making their own Superhero God trading card. Have them share their cards with each other in their small groups or with the entire class.

Exit Ticket:

(5 minutes)

Supplies Needed: Exit Ticket (1 Per Child)

As kids finish their Your Turn projects, have them try to write answers to the questions you talked about today. If you are out of time, tell students to discuss the questions on the Exit Ticket with their parents and share the Memory Verse.

Jellyfish One, LLC grants permission to churches, schools, and other licensees to edit Clive & Ian’s Wonder-Blimp of Knowledge Church Edition materials to fit their requirements and needs. These resources are intended to be downloaded and printed for use by the subscribingentity only and may not be electronically transferred or duplicated by other non-subscribing entities. Any unauthorized reproduction of this material or incorporation into a new work is a direct violation of U.S. copyright laws.Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.©2015 Jellyfish One, LLC. All rights reserved.