Title: Shell Station Stories – Jon & Johnny
Duration: 01:30 minutes
Jon and Johnny are both teachers and close friends. In the weekend they practice medieval re-enactment together. They show us their armour and share their philosophy on having a beard.
Shell Station Stories – Jon & Johnny
[Background music]
Uplifting music
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Jon & Johnny tell their story at the Shell Station.
I would go with that philosophy in everyday life. It always helps to have a beard.
[Split screen]
Jon & Johnny at the Shell Station
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Jon & Johnny tell their story at the Shell Station.
What brings you to this station today?
We have a little routine on Friday mornings, and it is very definitely to stop off here for breakfast.
I don't even drive, but I spend more time in here than I do most other shops.
What have you been doing today?
We both teach at a local school. We work with students that have had a difficult start in life, and we just help them on their way.
It's a great job. I really do love it, but it can be tiring at points.
So what do you do apart from teaching?
Medieval re-enactment. Swords, armour...
It's a great way of channelling stress. We're passionate about what we do, we're quite engaged. It tells you about the history the various kings and queens, the politics behind it all. It's keeping history alive.
So would you be rather teaching now or would you rather be back in medieval times?
Oh, teaching now. Better food.
We get the best of both worlds.
With the re-enactment events I get to go and live the life, get to eat the food, which is awesome...
and then I can always go back and order a pizza or use a smartphone.
It really is living the dream now.
Does it help to have a beard?
Always. But I would say that that's not just a re-enactment thing.
I would go with that philosophy in everyday life.
It always helps to have a beard.
[Background music]
Uplifting music
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[Background music plays]
Shell pecten music
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Shell Logo