I ,………………………………………………………………………………………………….

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

being a member of the South African Veterinary Association hereby appoint

………………………………of………………………………… or failing him / her

………………………………of………………………………… or failing him / her

………………………………of …………………………………

as my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held on Tuesday 25th July 2017 at 17:00 at the Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre, 14 Viewpoint Street, Boksburg, at any adjournment thereof as follows:



The 2017 AGM of the SAVA must consider the following proposed amendments to the Memorandum of Incorporation of the SAVA.

Motivation for proposed amendments:

The resignation from the post of President-Elect by Dr Rebone Moerane and the non-availability of the newly appointed President-Elect, Dr Charlotte Nkuna to assume the role of President when the term of office of the current President expires in July 2017 has exposed a perceived deficiency in the current MoI of the SAVA. The current President of the SAVA, Dr Johan Marais, is prepared to continue in the post of President for a year [or two] until Dr Nkuna is willing to assume the role of President.

Clause 23.2 of the current MoI states clearly that no extension of the President’s term beyond two years is permitted. However, such extension is indeed provided for in Clause 23.3 and by the time the AGM is held in July 2017 during the SAVA Congress, the Board of the Directors of the SAVA will [in terms of Clause 23.3] in all probability have authorized the extension of the tenure of the current President. In order to facilitate correct and easier interpretation of the MoI in future, the amendments to Clause 23 as reflected below, are proposed. Furthermore, it is proposed that the words “and/or President” be added as indicated in paragraphs 23.6 and 23.6.1


23.1. The Board shall from time to time elect 1 (one) of their body to the office of President and 1(one) of their

body to the office of President-elect, respectively, for such period of time under such conditions as set out in the MOI. The appointments of the President and of the President- elect shall terminate ipso facto if such person shall cease for any reason to be a director, or if the Association at an annual general meeting or special general meeting of members shall resolve that such person’s tenure be terminated.

23.2. The term of office of the President shall be two years, unless otherwise stipulated in the rules of the


23.3 The Director elected as President- elect of the Association automatically becomes President of the

Association after two years or in the event of the office of President becoming vacant for any reason; failing this the President and President-elect are elected from the elected directors by the Board.

23.4. The Immediate Past President of the Association serves for an additional six months as director with full voting rights

23.5. The tenure for a director who serves as President- elect and/or President may exceed the tenure for

directorships of three years, as there will be an automatic evolution from President- elect to the office of President for an additional two years [or more as per paragraph 23.2] and thereafter the director will serve on the Board for an additional six months as Immediate Past President.

23.6. In the event of the position of President- elect and/or President becoming vacant, for whatever reason,

and none of the elected directors being available for nomination and election by the Board for the position of President- elect, the Federal Council shall put forward not more than three nominations for consideration by the Board as potential candidates for the election of President- elect and/or President. Such nominees shall be members of the Federal Council.

23.6.1 Should such a nominee be elected as President- elect and/or President by the Board, he or she shall be co-opted to the Board.




In Favour / Against / Abstain

Indicate instruction to proxy by way of a cross in space provided above, Unless otherwise instructed, my proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit.

Signed on this…………………………………day of ……………………………….2017

Note: A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and on a poll vote in his stead, and such proxy must be a member of good standing of the Association.



Proxy form to be sent to Ms Elize Nicholas : / Fax: 012-346 2929