SLIS 5711 – Final Project TOPIC

Tami Sutcliffe

April 16 2005

Subject Final project topic proposal

Message no. 124

Sent to Mike Pullin (SLIS5711CS2) on Thursday, April 7, 2005 11:01am

Please find attached the first draft of my final project topic proposal.



I’d like to create a Web site for a car my husband and I recently restored. We started with a body, dozens of boxes of parts and an engine. The parts had never been assembled before i.e. the car had never been driven. We are finishing the project now (although I suspect it will never be completely finished) and we plan to enter it in the All British Car Show on April 24 2005.


I would like to prepare a site that includes:

A history of the manufacturer of the car

Links, photos, scans from books we have collected

An overview of other examples we have seen of this particular model

Some running

Some in progress

Some fictional (in movies, ads, etc)

A background on this particular unit

Original photos and documents

A ‘before and after’ section – mostly photos with text

A detailed chronology of the project: probably separate pages for each phase

Searching, negotiating, hauling home, deconstruction, financing, completion

Step by step description of the main processes

Chassis, engine, paint

Tips on what to avoid/things you should do/things we learned

Things to include: RSS feed to the manufacturer’s news page, email to us, guestbook for visitors, links to vendors, shows, other owners. I’d also like a counter and some good meta data.


I’d like to submit the site to the international web-ring for this vehicle and also to the registry page of the local owners group.

We would like an online record of what we did and how it turned out, to show our families and to record some of the details we will probably forget later on.

In the long term I would like to start either a weblog or a wiki devoted to this model of car. This page would give me a base to start from.


I have access to the car, the documents and the photos, in addition to the mechanic.

I have 10MB of web space available on my current web host.

I have the FTP software, the graphic software and scanner needed.

I have a lot of personal interest in this vehicle.