Spirit Squad Tryout Rubric


5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
  • toe-touch
  • herkie (L)
  • herkie (R)
(pick one) / Head is up, shoulders are back and chest is up, legs are straight, toes are pointed, great height, lands with feet together / Form is close to perfect with minor errors, toes are pointed, height is good, lands with feet together / Form needs some work, toes are not pointed, some height on jump, landing is slightly off / Form needs some work, toes are not pointed, very little height on jump, lands with feet apart / Form needs some work, toes are not pointed, height is low, lands off balance
SIDELINE / Knowledge
-1 point for
starting over / Knows all words and moves with no errors—speed is perfect / Knows most words and moves with a few errors—speed is good / Knows most words and moves with some errors—speed is good / Knows some words and moves, many errors—speed is too fast / Does not know words and moves, many errors—speed is too fast
Motions / Arms are stiff and straight, clasps are below the chin, elbows are tucked in / Arms are mostly stiff and straight, clasps are below the chin, elbows are tucked in / Arms are fairly stiff and straight, clasps are off, elbows are a little out / Arms are loose and not straight, clasps are also loose, elbows are out / Arms are very loose, clasps are also loose, arm form is considerably off
ROUTINE / Knowledge
-1 point for
starting over / Knows all the moves with no errors—speed is perfect / Knows most of the moves with a few errors—speed is good / Knows most of the moves with some errors—speed is good / Knows some moves but has many errors—speed is too fast / Does not know moves and has many errors—speed is too fast
Motions / Arms are stiff and straight, motions are exact / Arms are mostly stiff and straight, motions are almost exact / Arms are fairly stiff and straight, motions are not exact / Arms are loose and not straight, motions are not exact / Arms are very loose, motions are off
SPIRIT / (Enthusiasm and confidence) / Smiles throughout, shows confidence even if a mistake is made, volume is great in cheer / Smiles most of the time, fairly confident even if a mistake is made, volume is good on cheer / Smiles sometimes, mistakes are noticeable based on expression, volume is good on cheer / Smiles very little, mistakes are noticeable based on expressions, volume is low on cheer / Not smiling, lacks confidence, volume is very low on cheer

**Judges circle the box that is appropriate for each category

/30 possible points