Detailedinformation (date and location) regardingtheentranceexamwill be sentviapostalletter and e-mail.

The practicalexamroundincludestwoturnswhichtakeplace in twodifferentoccasions.

EXAM TURN #1 -Handing in portfolio, CV, and coverletter

1. Portfolio

The portfolioshouldcontain aselection of yourpreviousartwork. ApartfromyourworkdirectlyrelatedtoMedia Design (digital image, sound, video computeranimation, documentation of yourinstallations, interactiveobjects, webdesign, compuer game design) we alsoacceptitemsthatdemonstrateyourskill in otherareas of visual arts. We prefertoreceivedigitalformatsunlessyoufind it necessarytopresentyourartworkalsoin original (drawing, comicstrip, painting, photograph, print etc). In thelattercasepleasehand in youroriginalartworks in a sealablefolder.

Digital artworkshould be submittedaslink oron USB drive (twocopies),the DVD covershouldfollowour uniform template (find it onour website)

-Pleaseinclude a short Word document (.docformat) onthe DVDorpendrive, in whichyoudescribetheconcept of theartworkyousubmitted.

-Avoid non-Latin (special) characters in any of thefilenamesyouuse.

-The extent of theportfolio is notlimited, however, it should be clear and wellstructured.

2. CV includingyourportrait

3. Coverletterdescribingyourmotivationtojoin METU, a maximum of one A4 page


Digital images: in widelyusedformatslike JPG or TIF. The filesize per itemshouldnotexceed 5 Mb

Moviefiles:in widelyusedformatslike MOV, WMV, MP4, or MPEG

Interactiveformatsorgamesshould be submittedalongwiththeirdocumentation (stills, videos) followingtheaboveinstructions.

We donotacceptany project files of authoring softwares.


  1. Statementprovidingyourauthorship of thesubmittedartwork.
  2. DVD covertemplate

Statement and DVD covertemplatesmay be downloadedfromour website

  1. Proof of payment of theexamfeewhenyouhand in yourportfolio. A photocopy of the bank transferrecord is alsoaccepted. Don’tforgettobringyour ID, passport, ordriver’slicense.

The results of thefirstround of theentranceexamwill be publishedonour website. The list of resultswillnotincludeanynamesbutpersonalcodes of theapplicants.The date and location of thesecondroundwillalso be posted here.

Keep in mind thatthedocumentsthatyousubmit in thefirstexamroundwill be ownedbytheuniversity, and willnot be returned.

EXAM TURN #2 -Interview

The personalinterviewwillincludediscussion of yoursubmittedportfolioaswellasyourexperience, motivation and futuregoals in thefield of visual arts. Youmayalsopresentsomeartworkotherthansubmitted in theportfolio.

The schedule of theinterviewsmay be subjectto minor changes. Thereforepleasemakesureyouarepreparedforpossiblyextendedwaitingtimes.



Phone: 06 1/273-24-19 (onofficedaysbetween 8 am and 4 pm)