DRAFT January Faculty Senate Minutes

Friday Jan. 19, 2007 SB132 Called to order at 12:36 p.m.

Present: (AT) Joe Black, Ramon Vigil; (CHSS)Lisa M. Orick-Martinez, Kate Parker, Ray Moore; (ECA) Lynne Lucero, Peggy Brock, Sue Small, Anthony Onimole; (HWPS) Saul Carrasco; (MSE) Patricia Wilber, Bill Kuipers, Philip Carman; (BIT) Robert Preble, Jackie Lamoureux; (AALT) Sally Pearson; (A&C) Jeanette Rich; (IT ECA) Trish Holmes; (ITS) Lillian Lozano-Harkness Absent: Jenna Johnson-Nale Carol Ross Steven J. Andrews Karen Conners, Joe Skenadore;

Opening called at 12:36 PM.

There was a quorum

November 2006 minutes were approved

Philip Carman was nominated for the office of Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate. Voting was unanimously in favor and Philip accepted the position.


Chair’s Report: Lynne distributed copies of the draft CNM calendars for school years 2008 thru 2011. There was some discussion of the fact that there are two Monday holidays in the spring semester and if an instructor has MW and TR sections of the same class it makes it difficult to keep up in the MW sections. The discussion involved some possible solutions. Lynne asked that everyone review the calendar and provide input to Jane Campbell.

Lynne gave an overview of the most recent Governing Board meeting. There is an election in District 6 on February 6th. The next Board meeting is February 20th, please attend if you can.

Treasurers Report: Sue suggested that we use some of the funds to provide coffee and cookies for the Faculty Senate meeting and to sponsor coffee for the division faculty meeting. The suggestion was well received and Sue will do the necessary paper work to bring the matter to a vote by the Senate. Any expenditure of Faculty Senate funds must be voted on by the Senate.

The Senate has $96.25 in its account.

AALT: Sally noted that enrollment is down 0.7% so it is unlikely that the state will reduce funding. The AQIP Site Visit Report has arrived and it is very positive. The next AQIP meeting is Jan 26th. The next in the series of faculty events aimed at student success is scheduled for the morning of March 9th. Please reserve a space on your calendar. The event will give instructors a chance to share best practices they use in classes to improve retention. Sally was surprised at the lack of interest in the Presidential Search Forums and encouraged us to take the opportunities to meet with the candidates. Sally mentioned the programs that were deleted during the last Board meeting and discussed some changes in the relationship between CNM and TANIF

CCC: No CCC report.

AQIP: Lynne reiterated that the report from the AQIP site visit has arrived and is very positive. The teams to work on the projects are being formed and course release time is being offered to the team facilitator. The teams included: Marketing, Communication, Scheduling, Early Alerts, and the Steering Team. Everyone is encouraged to get involved.

Budget Report: Ramon mentioned several items under consideration to address the possible reduction in funding due to lower enrollment. Ramon is going to put together a document that will be included in the minutes.

Academic Policy Committee: Bill told us there has been no APC meeting yet this year but the main item of concern is the Student Complaint Process. He also reminded us that participation on the APC is a concern. Sally will bring this up at the ALT meeting; perhaps the deans will be able to help to get the word out.

ITS: Lillian reviewed several items of interest including: password concerns, the domain change from TVI to CNM, the new version of WEB CT, wireless hotspots, Web Filtering and SPAM.

New Business: Philip asked if there was interest in having a pop up added to banner so that when students dropped a class a pop up would ask the student: 1. Are you sure you want to drop this class? 2. Have you talked to your instructor? Trish suggested adding a multiple choice question concerning why the student is dropping the class. The suggestion was well received and the matter will be pursued.

Lynne told us the Faculty Forum on Scheduling held near the end of last semester was a success and there will be a demonstration of the scheduling software on Jan 26th from 1:30 to 3:00 in M103. There was some discussion of scheduling concerns.

Rich Calabro distributed copies of the Institutional Course Scheduling Team’s Guiding Principles, Operation Principles and Recommendations and gave us a brief overview of the work being done by the Institutional Course Scheduling Team. Ramon, Trish, and Lynne volunteered to take turns attending the teams meetings to provide faculty input.

Lynne distributed a list of questions designed for presidential candidates and asked that everyone take a look at them and to suggest more.

Please note: The next Faculty Senate meeting is not the customary third Friday of the month.

CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at 3:12 p.m. Next Meeting Feb. 23, 2007, 12:30 – 2:30, SB 132.