
Saturday, 20.09.2013

Hour / Stadium Mladost / Stadium Locomotive / Notes
09.00 / Openingceremony / After ceremony – transportation of some athletes to stadium Loco
09.50 / ShotPutWbatch 1 (several age groups together)
09.50 / 5,000m W (women)and M (men) – several batches–till noon-time
09.50 / 100m W30- W85
10.40 / 100m M35 - M85 / Shot PutW batch 2
11.20 / 800m W (all groups)
11.30 / Shot Put М batch 1
11.30 / High Jump M60+ / Triple Jump W55+
12.10 / 800m M
12.30 / High Jump M35-55 / Shot Put M 2
12.30 / Triple Jump W35 - 50
13.30 / Shot Put M3 ? (if necessary)
13.50 / DiscusW batch 1
14.00 / Triple Jump M60+
14.50 / DiscusW 2
15.00 / Triple Jump M50 - 55
15.30 / 400m W
15.50 / Discus M 1
16.00 / High JumpW (all groups) / Triple Jump M35 - 45
16.30 / 400m M
16.50 / Discus M 2
17.50 / Discus M 3, (М 4 ?)
18.20 / Relay 4 х 100m W
18.30 / Trackwalk – WandM
– allgroups
18.40 / Relay 4 х 100m M
18.50 / JavelinW 1
19.50 / JavelinW 2 / With lighting:
it gets dark at 19.30 - 19.40
Programme for celebrating
90 years of athletics in Varna

Sunday, 21.09.2013

Hour / Stadium Mladost / Stadium Locomotive / Notes
08.40 / 1500m W
08.50 / Javelin M 1
09.00 / Half-marathon – near the sea coast
09.20 / 1500m M
09.40 / Javelin M 2
10.00 / 200m W30-85
10.30 / 200m M35-85 / HammerW (all groups)
10.50 / Long JumpW (all groups)
11.10 / Hammer Mbatch 1
11.40 / Long Jump M35-45and M50-60(onbothoppositesectorsofstadiumMladost; itispossiblethatoneofthebatchesmay go to stadium Loco)
12.10 / Hammer M 2
12.30 / Long Jump M65+
13.10 / Hammer M 3
13.20 / Relay 4 х 400m W
13.40 / Relay 4 х 400m M
14.10 / ClosingCeremony

The following events drop out from the programme: PoleVault, Weightthrow, 10000m, short (80-110m) andlong (300-400m) hurdles, steeplechase (2000 and 3000m).


  1. The main stadium will be stadium Mladost (see the photo below).
  2. AllthethrowswillbeheldonstadiumLocomotive. 5,000m and track walk will also be conducted there (to avoid crowding of athletes on stadium Mladost, and to leave it free for other events). Italsohas a sector for horizontal jumps (as it can be seen on the photo below), so triple jump will probably also be held there.
  3. Ineachofthethrowstheathleteswillbedividedin 2 or 3 batches (total), independenceontheir number in the separate age groups (but not more than 18-20athletes in one batch). Note: In Zagreb the discus throwers were about 80, which means, than an exception can be made for DT with 4 batches.

Stadium Mladost

Stadium Locomotive