Saturday, 20.09.2013
Hour / Stadium Mladost / Stadium Locomotive / Notes09.00 / Openingceremony / After ceremony – transportation of some athletes to stadium Loco
09.50 / ShotPutWbatch 1 (several age groups together)
09.50 / 5,000m W (women)and M (men) – several batches–till noon-time
09.50 / 100m W30- W85
10.40 / 100m M35 - M85 / Shot PutW batch 2
11.20 / 800m W (all groups)
11.30 / Shot Put М batch 1
11.30 / High Jump M60+ / Triple Jump W55+
12.10 / 800m M
12.30 / High Jump M35-55 / Shot Put M 2
12.30 / Triple Jump W35 - 50
13.30 / Shot Put M3 ? (if necessary)
13.50 / DiscusW batch 1
14.00 / Triple Jump M60+
14.50 / DiscusW 2
15.00 / Triple Jump M50 - 55
15.30 / 400m W
15.50 / Discus M 1
16.00 / High JumpW (all groups) / Triple Jump M35 - 45
16.30 / 400m M
16.50 / Discus M 2
17.50 / Discus M 3, (М 4 ?)
18.20 / Relay 4 х 100m W
18.30 / Trackwalk – WandM
– allgroups
18.40 / Relay 4 х 100m M
18.50 / JavelinW 1
19.50 / JavelinW 2 / With lighting:
it gets dark at 19.30 - 19.40
Programme for celebrating
90 years of athletics in Varna
Sunday, 21.09.2013
Hour / Stadium Mladost / Stadium Locomotive / Notes08.40 / 1500m W
08.50 / Javelin M 1
09.00 / Half-marathon – near the sea coast
09.20 / 1500m M
09.40 / Javelin M 2
10.00 / 200m W30-85
10.30 / 200m M35-85 / HammerW (all groups)
10.50 / Long JumpW (all groups)
11.10 / Hammer Mbatch 1
11.40 / Long Jump M35-45and M50-60(onbothoppositesectorsofstadiumMladost; itispossiblethatoneofthebatchesmay go to stadium Loco)
12.10 / Hammer M 2
12.30 / Long Jump M65+
13.10 / Hammer M 3
13.20 / Relay 4 х 400m W
13.40 / Relay 4 х 400m M
14.10 / ClosingCeremony
The following events drop out from the programme: PoleVault, Weightthrow, 10000m, short (80-110m) andlong (300-400m) hurdles, steeplechase (2000 and 3000m).
- The main stadium will be stadium Mladost (see the photo below).
- AllthethrowswillbeheldonstadiumLocomotive. 5,000m and track walk will also be conducted there (to avoid crowding of athletes on stadium Mladost, and to leave it free for other events). Italsohas a sector for horizontal jumps (as it can be seen on the photo below), so triple jump will probably also be held there.
- Ineachofthethrowstheathleteswillbedividedin 2 or 3 batches (total), independenceontheir number in the separate age groups (but not more than 18-20athletes in one batch). Note: In Zagreb the discus throwers were about 80, which means, than an exception can be made for DT with 4 batches.
Stadium Mladost
Stadium Locomotive