The Persian Wars (490 – 479 BC

•Greeks in ______rebel against Persian rule, ask for help from other ______

–Persian emperor ______decides to get revenge on the Greeks

•First Persian Invasion – 490 BC

–Battle at ______– Athenians attack the Persians while they are unloading and the Persians ______

–An Athenian messenger runs ______miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the victory

•He ______after delivering the message

•Darius is furious over the humiliating defeat and starts to plan another ______

–However he dies and his son ______vows to get revenge for his father

•Second Persian Invasion – 480 BC

–Battle at ______

•Greeks are afraid they won’t have enough time to ______

•A group of 300 ______decide to hold off the entire Persian army at the mountain pass of Thermopylae

•Are ______for several days until a local shows the Persians an alternate path through the mountain and they ______all the Spartans

–The Persians advance and burn ______

•Need the Persian ______to bring additional supplies

–Battle of ______

•An Athenian navy commander lures the Persian navy into the ______Strait of Salamis

•Persian ships were very large and could not ______well

•Xerxes watches from a throne on the shore as his navy is ______

–The Persian army is now ______in Greece with few supplies

–In 479 BC a large Greek army led by the might of ______crushes the Persians, ending the war

The Golden Age of Athens

•Athens and Sparta became the two most ______city-states as leaders in the Persian Wars

–Sparta not ______, Athens becomes the ______city-state

•Dozens of Greek city-states banded together for ______

–This ______was to be a league of equals

–Athens, as the largest and richest, ended up ______the entire alliance

–Became known as the ______League

•As the League’s leader, Athens controlled its ships and ______

–Would not allow unhappy members to ______

–Would ______rebelling members with the League fleet

–The League more or less turned into an Athenian ______

•Used League funds to ______Athens

–Built the ______= a grand temple dedicated to the goddess ______

•______brought much wealth to Athens

–Athens at the time was the heart of Greek ______

•Greatest rival was ______

–Had its own allied city-states = ______League

–Athens______the military might of Sparta and allies

–Sparta fears that the Athenian ______would stop Sparta from trading

–This mutual fear led to Sparta and Athens declaring ______in 431 BC

The Peloponnesian War

•War between ______and ______

–Sparta and allies dominate the ______

–Athens and allies dominate the ______

•Spartans ______Athens hoping for an open battle

–Athens______any battles on land

–Knowing they can’t compete in open battle, they ______behind their city walls, relying on ______from their navy and colonies

•In 430 BC a terrible ______breaks out in Athens, killing a third of the people

•421 ______, war breaks out six years later when Athens attacks one of Sparta’s ______

•This time Sparta destroys the Athenian ______and Athens______

–The walls of Athens are ______down and the Empire destroyed

•Costs of the war

–______major Greek city-states

•Athens nearly ______, Sparta exhausted as well

–Sparta tries to act as Greece’s ______power

•Lost too many resources, defeated by ______who also can’t maintain control

–Struggle for power in Greece led to a long cycle of warfare that left all of Greece______

–Ignored the growing power of ______to the north

********This will set the stage for the powerful kingdom of Macedonia to conquer all of Greece********

The Persian Wars Review Questions

  1. According to the notes which Persian invasion does the movie 300 take place?
  1. What was the name of the battle?
  1. What were the 300 Spartans trying to do? (What was their goal?)
  1. What was the end result of the battle?
  1. What was the end result of this Persian invasion?
  1. How might the actions of these 300 Spartans have influenced other Greeks?