Rome Kingdom 200 years- Part 1, pages 1-2

Rome was a Kingdom

List the reasons why Rome was built where it was


Who ruled the family? ______What was their job? ______Who ruled the people? ______What was their job? ______

Why did kings think they had the right to rule? ______


What evidence supports the idea that the Etruscans might have been Greek? ______

______Where is it believed that the Etruscans came from? ______

What does it mean that men and women were equal? ______

______Where or who did they trade with? ______


Romulus and Remus

Why did Romulus and Remus believe they had the right to rule Rome? ______

Why did Rhea send her boys done the river? ______

Who found them?______

Summarize the last paragraph describing how Rome was formed? ______Gods and Goddesses

How did the Romans come up with the may gods and goddesses they had?


What didn’t the Romans change about the gods or goddess? ______

Which two gods were Roman inventions? ______

Who is the leader or king of the Roman gods and goddess ______

List the gods and goddess and what they are ruler of.








Rome Kingdom 200 years- Part 2, pages 3-4

Patricians and Plebeians

Patricians ______



Describe in your own words each of the following Pater Familias: ______

Would both classes have slaves? Why? ______

Who were the citizens of Rome?______

What was the language of Rome? ______

Who did they worship for religion? ______
What was it illegal to do? What do you think about this? Why?


What is an atrium?______

What were their apartments called? ______

Describe the poor, unsanitary living conditions of the plebeians.


Describe the rich and poor life style


Click On Daily Campus

What was the campus?______

What was the campus used for by the Romans? ______


What are some similar activities that we do today? ______

Click On Pantomime/Theatre

What is Forum and what is the purpose? ______


What is a Pantomime? Why was it performed? ______

List 4 other facts about theatre

Rome Kingdom 200 years- Part 3, pages 5

Click On Circus Maximus

Why was the Circus Maximus built? ______

Why did they rebuild using marble and concrete? ______

Why was it unusual that women attended? (think about what you know about women during this time) ______

Click On Horatius at the Bridge

Who was the last king? ______

Who did the king go to for help? ______

Why did the people go to the city of Rome? ______

Who saved Rome? ______

How did he save Rome? ______

Rome established government by the people and for the people it was called ______

For about 500 years, Rome was a Republic Part 4 page 6-7

Click on Republic Government

______is the highest power in the government. They are elected for ____ years. There most important power was to ______.

Who selected the senate? ______Their term was for ______. There were ______seats in the senate. What are they responsible for ______.

Who made up the Assembly?______Where did they meet? ______

What was the one power that the plebeians did have? ______

Why was this important? ______


Read the chart- when could the consul choose a dictator? ______

Click on SPQR

What does SPQR stand for?______

Why was SPQR important for the people? ______


12 Tables

What are the 12 Tables?


Where were the 12 Tables displayed?______

Read over some of the laws given, which two would be important to you and why?


Click on Daily Life

Read through the information Things we don’t know and what we do know

At the bottom of the page click on The ancient Romans started their day with breakfast.

What did the Plebeians eat for breakfast? ______


What did the Patricians eat for breakfast? ______


For about 500 years, Rome was a Republic Part 5 page 8-9

Roman Houses

How were plebeians living style similar to yours? How were they different?


Why did patricians have windows facing the court yard? ______

Clothing and Hair Styles

Why did the Roman’s stop wearing togas? ______

What did they begin to wear instead? ______What material was used to keep them cool? ______, to keep them warm? ______

What can facts can you provide about men’s clothing? ______


What color did women usually dye their hair? ______. What did they use protect themselves from the sun?______What were some sandals decorate with ______.

How were Roman boy’s different from boyhood to adulthood? ______


When did boys become citizens? ______How did they celebrate? ______


What is a bulla? ______

When do girls stop wearing them? ______

When do boys stop wearing them? ______When can start wearing them again? ______

Status of Women

Who was a women’s guardian? ______

What changed came for women during the 500 years that Rome was a Republic?


What changes came in marriage? ______

For about 500 years, Rome was a Republic Part 6 page 10-11


What was the Forum? ______

What did the Romans do in the Forum? ______


What is an orator? ______What was their job? ______


What else was the Forum used for? ______


How did they make sure men and women did use the bath at the same time?


What else was available at the baths? ______


What are baths like in today’s society? ______

Could kids use the bath? ______Was there a fee to use the bath? ______

When could salves use the bath house? ______

Kids and School

During the days when Rome was a Kingdom did Roman children go to school? ______Who taught the children? ______

Where children mostly taught during Rome as a Kingdom? ______

When Rome was a Republic who did they borrow their educational system from? ______

At what age did most children begin going to school? ______When did school begin?_____

Why did students need to bring candles to school?______

What did boys do at rhetoric school? ______

How did the poor get their education? ______


What happened to the senate when Rome was an Empire? ______

Wedding Customs

When could a Roman get married?______

Why was choosing someone to marry so important during the first 500 years of Rome?


Why is the ring wore on the third finger on the left hand? ______

What did the ring stand for? ______

What is a dowry (dowries)? ______


Why was the belt tied in the ‘knot of Hercules” ______

What are the 3 things that we do at weddings that are similar to the way Roman’s did?

For about 500 years, Rome was a Republic Part 7 page 12

Roman Legion

What was the armor made of? ______


How many people were in each legion? ______

How did they identify which legion was theirs? ______

What was also part of their uniform ______



Do think it was a good idea for shoes and other items to make noise? Why or why not?


How long did they need to serve in the legion? ______If they retired what were they given? ______

Roman Roads

What does the expression “all roads lead to Rome” mean______



What did the milestone tell people in Rome? ______

Provinces and Expansion

What is a province? ______


Why was each province important to Rome? ______


Click on Barbarian and tell me what made you a barbarian? ______



The Aeneid by Virgil

What was this story about? ______

For about 500 years, Rome was a Republic Part 8 page 14-15

Hannibal and Punic Wars

What two groups of people fought in this war? ______

How long was the First Punic War? ______Why were they fighting? ______


What was the outcome of the First Punic War? ______



What did Carthage offer Rome to end the war? ______

What happened to make Carthage furious? What did they decide to do? ______



Why did Hannibal’s father make him swear to fight Rome? ______

How did Hannibal win most of his battles? ______

How did Hannibal plan to attack Rome? ______Why? ______

Why didn’t his plan work?


2. ______

3. ______

What is a talents? ______

How did Hannibal die? ______

Why do you think he did this?



Julius Caesar

What month was named after Julius Caesar? ______

What law did Julius Caesar break? ______


Cicero was educated as a ______. He served as a ______which is the highest position in the Roman Republic government.

Why Cicero flee Rome? ______

For about 500 years, Rome was an Empire Part 9 page 16-18

Republic Fails

What some of the problems facing Rome?


2. ______

3. ______

What is a tax farmer?______

What was the problem with the tax farmers? ______



What was the problem with elected officials? ______


How did the wealthy protect them selves? ______

Why couldn’t the government protect the people of Rome? ______

Rome was an empire

What things stayed the same? ______



Who now had the power? ______

Who was the first emperor of Rome? ______

Roman Emperors

During the 500 years of Rome as a Empire how many emperors were there? ______

Click on writing after Nero- what made the Senate realize that Nero was insane? ______


Trajan was the first emperor from ______. What happened under his rule?



Pax Romana

What does Pax Romana mean? ______

Where did the Romans get most of their culture? ______


How were improvements made in health? ______

How was crime reduced? ______


What new rights did women have? ______


How was entertainment improved for the poor? ______

For about 500 years, Rome was an Empire Part 10 page 19

Afternoon/ Siestas

Why do you think people took siestas in mid afternoon? ______



Why did the poor go to bed as soon as it got dark and rich stayed up? ______


What did the Romans do for entertainment? ______




Holidays and Festivals

Valentine’s Day is Rome was a festival called ______which honored ______.

What did young people do on this day? ______

What do you think about this? ______


Cupid is the son of ______who is the goddess of ______.

What was the May Pole made of and look like?______


Why did they celebrate summer? ______

Why did people put flowers on their window ledges? ______

What did the Romans do to celebrate around 25th of December? ______

For about 500 years, Rome was an Empire Part 11 page 19

The Grand Pantheon

Why was the Grand Pantheon built? ______


What happened to Pompeii? ______

Why were archaeologists able to learn so much about the Romans from Pompeii? ______


At the end of the page Click on Pompeii-The Sleeping Giant

What mountain erupted to cover Pompeii? ______

What items did the people of Pompeii trade? ______

When did the earthquake hit Pompeii? ______When did the volcano erupt? ______

How many years between them? ______

What other city was buried in ash? ______What was the problem

with digging it up? ______


What was the Colosseum used for? ______

Why would the Colosseum flooded with water? ______

What was the problem with this? ______

When was the Colosseum build?______

For about 500 years, Rome was an Empire Part 12 page 20


Why was Spartacus sold into slavery? ______

How did Spartacus and the slaves with him defend themselves? ______


Where did they camp? ______

Why were the wealthy afraid of Spartacus? ______


How long was it before Spartacus was captured and killed? ______

Rise of Christianity

How was Christianity different from the Roman religion? ______


Why were Christians hunted? ______What do you

think about this? ______

What two things did Christianity believe?

1. ______


2. ______


Who ruled that Christianity was legal? ______

How was this good and bad? ______


For about 500 years, Rome was an Empire Part 13 page 21-23

Barbarians/Rome Falls

What 3 things caused Rome to be broke?


2. ______

3. ______

Who were the five barbarian tribes attacking Rome? ______


What two things did Emperor Valens do to keep the barbarians from attacking Rome?

What does it mean Rome fell?______

Which part of Rome continued for another 1000 years?______


What did Rome contribute to the world?



2. ______


3. ______




5. ______


6. ______




8. ______


Emperor Diocletian Splits the Empire in Half

What were two problems that Rome faced?



What was the first thing Diocletian did as emperor? ______


Why did Diocletian split the empire? Do you think this was a good idea? Why or why not?





What parts did Western Rome contain? ______

What parts did Eastern Rome contain? ______

Why do you think he moved a lot of the money to Eastern Rome? ______


______was the first Christian Roman emperor?

Constantine choose ______to be his capital and changed it to ______.

How was Western Rome becoming less important? ______

