Guidance Notes for Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership -Small Grant Programme – 2016/17


Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) are statutory bodies established under the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2011.

The aim of Lisburn & Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership is to help make our communities safer by focusing on the policing and community safety issues that matter most across the City. The Partnership is funded by the Department of Justice (DoJ), the Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) through the Joint Committee and Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council.

We have political representatives, statutory organisations and publically appointed members of the community that play a role in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.

To help make Lisburn & Castlereagh safer, the PCSP will:

  • Consult and engage with the local community on the issues of concern in relation to policing and community safety. The Policing Committee has a responsibility to provide views to the relevant district commander and the Policing Board on policing matters.
  • Identify and prioritise the particular issues of concern and prepare plans for how these can be tackled.
  • Monitor – a Policing Committee comprising the political and independent members will monitor the performance of the police and work to gain the co-operation of the public with the police in preventing crime.
  • Deliver a reduction in crime and enhance community safety in the district, directly through its own actions, through the work of delivery groups or through support for the work of others.
Aim of Funding

Funding is available to local groups, organisations and partnerships wishing to undertake a Policing and Community Safety Project under one of the following objectives:

The funding specifically aims to obtain the co-operation of the public to work with the police to prevent crime and enhance community safety. Therefore this funding may be used to either improve an existing, or start/develop a new relationship with the police.

Objective 1

  • To work in partnership with local communities to reduce the number of incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour by promoting local intervention initiatives.
  • To reduce the harm and effects of drug and alcohol as a contributing factor to crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • To continue to work in partnership to increase reporting of Domestic Abuse incidents and to provide support for victims of Domestic Abuse.
  • To increase the confidence in policing by developing and enhancing opportunities for engagement between local communities and police.

Objective 2

  • Reduce the fear of crime and help people feel safer, especially vulnerable groups and/or those at risk of becoming victims of crime including addressing hate crime.
  • To reduce road deaths and serious injuries by working in partnership with statutory and voluntary organisations.
  • To reduce the number of burglaries by working in partnership with key statutory and voluntary organisations.
  • To reduce business and retail crime.

Projects should have a direct impact on the creation of safer communities with lower levels of crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour and/or increased confidence in the police/reporting of crime within the Lisburn Castlereagh City Council area during the period up to 28 February 2017.



The small grant awards will be allocated in the range of £500 to £5000. Lisburn& Castlereagh PCSP is not obliged to accept any or all bids and reserves the right to fund successful applications in part or in full.

Only one application will be accepted from each group/organisation/partnership.

Projects submitted should contribute to and reflect the Aim of Funding section as outlined in either objectives 1 or 2.

Key Requirements

Applications must satisfy the following mandatory requirements. Applications that fail to clearly satisfy these mandatory requirements will not progress to the next stage of the assessment process.

Mandatory Requirements

  • The project must proactively involve the PSNI in its delivery. If you consult a PSNI Officer during completion of the application, you must insert officer`s name. The application must also be endorsed by signature of the appropriate PSNI Officer. (Page 2 on application form)
  • To focus in areas recording high/increasing levels of crime, fear of crime or anti-social behaviour
  • To focus on those days and times when the problem is most likely to occur
  • Applications must provide evidence of need and a rationale for what is being proposed
  • Intervention programmes shall incorporate developmental opportunities that encourage behaviour/attitudinal change
  • Applications must include a clear number of measurable outputs/performance indicators
  • Project promoters must submit progress and financial reports to Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP in line with the letter of offer
  • Project promoters will carry out a post project evaluation on the initiative
  • Project promoters will ensure reference to Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP in all media or promotional literature attached to the project
  • Child Protection Policy (If Appropriate) including Access NI clearance. If your group develops and delivers activities or programmes for children and young people, you must provide a copy of your child protection policy and approved by Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP.

Please Note: Funding shall be provided for projects with a completion date no later than 28 February 2017.


Contact Details and Brief Description of Project

In this section please provide full contact details, background of project and describe briefly what the project will entail. For example, details of what the project will consist of, who will be involved, number of participants, where it will take place, including the aims, objectives, inputs and expected outputs and impact of the project and any other relevant information that you feel necessary should be included. Significant evidence of the problem/issue exists within the targeted groups ie locations, days and times should be demonstrated.

Evidence of Need for the Project

In this section you must identify vulnerable groups, locations, days and times where diversionary/intervention measures are required. Provide evidence of the problem, this may be in the form of statistics, survey findings, anti-social behaviour audit, strategies etc.

Project Costs, Match Funding and Partnerships

In this section you must provide full details of project costs clearly identifying any other funding and partnerships involved in the delivery of the project ie Police Service Northern Ireland (PSNI), Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), Housing Associations, Lisburn& Castlereagh City Council, Schools, Youth Services, Health Trust, Youth Justice Agency, Education Authority or Probation Board.

Cost of Project

  • Breakdown of costs

Each item of cost should be clearly listed with an overall total for project cost provided.

  • Total Amount Applied for from Lisburn& Castlereagh PCSP

Clearly state the total amount of money required fromLisburn& Castlereagh PCSP. Please note that this must not exceed £5000

  • Match Funding

Please provide and list full details of 20% match funding secured from own organisation and/or partner within the project. This may be in the form of ‘in cash’ or ‘in kind’ contributions. Evidence of match funding must be provided.

  • Partners

Please provide details of organisation(s) that are formal or informal partners involved in the project.

  • Arrangement for Financial Control and Accountability

Give details of how the funding allocation will be managed (bank account details, invoices, who will be in charge of managing funds etc) and who will be held accountable.

  • Submission of claims

All claims to be fully completed on form Annex B which will be issued with the letter of offer.

Monitoring and Evaluation

In this section clearly outline the processes you will apply to monitor and measure the effectiveness of the project, and how you will ensure good financial control. Please note that you will be asked to submit a brief description of the outcome of your project


Each document listed on page 10 of the applicationmust be submitted along with application form. Failure to submit any of these documents will result in your application being null and void.

Conditions of Grant Aid
  • Applications will only be accepted from constituted groups/bodies or neighbourhood watch schemes (NWS) or Community Liaison Police Committees (CPLC) operating in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.
  • 20% Match funding must be secured
  • Projects must be completed by 28 February 2017.


For further details please contact:

Mrs Angela McCann (PCSP Manager)

Mr James Bingham (PCSP Officer)

Mr Stephen Addley (PCSP Officer)

Lisburn & Castlereagh PCSP

Civic Headquarters

Lagan Valley Island


BT27 4RL

T: 028 9250 9279/284/374


