Pilot Clinical Data Set /
Version: V3 /
Valid from: 01/04/14 /
Draft: 31/10/13 /

Pilot Clinical Dataset

Description / Response / Codes / Notes / New (N) or existing (E) clinical data set item
Examination / Yes / No / 0101
0121 / If any of the specified codes present value = yes / E
Radiographs taken / Number > or = 0 / 0201
0204 / Cumulative value of all codes ie 2 x 0201 and 1x0204 value = 3 / E
FP17DC provided / Yes / No / N
Private treatment provided
as an alternative to NHS / Yes / No / N
Preventive, Diet and Lifestyle advice / Yes / No / 3807
3887 / If any of these codes present and transmitted under 0601 then response is yes. / N
Oral hygiene instruction /
Tooth brushing advice / Yes / No / 3885
3890 / If any of these codes present then response is yes. / N
Prescription of fluoride supplements / Yes / No / 3883
3889 / If either code present then response is yes. / N
Scale and polish / non-surgical
periodontal treatment / Yes / No / 1001
3886 / If any of these codes present the response is yes / E
Root surface debridement / Yes / No / 1021
4001(together with 0601) / If any of these codes present the response is yes
4001 used for follow up root surface debridement so this code would only apply where transmitted under 0601 umbrella. / N
Fluoride varnish / Yes / No / 0711 3888 / If this code used then response is yes / E
Fissure sealants / Number of teeth is > or = 0 / 0701 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where this code used / E
Endodontic treatment / Number of teeth is > or = 0 / 1501
1551 / Cumulative count of these codes and tooth notations, so if 1501 used at UL3 and UL2 then value = 2. / E
Permanent fillings
& sealant restorations / Number of teeth is > or = 0 / 1401
1441 / Cumulative count of tooth notations where one or more of these codes used. So if 1401 and 1421 used at UL2 then the value would = 1, but if these codes used at UL1 and UL2 the value would = 2. / E
Extractions / Number of teeth is > or = 0 / 2101
2202 / Cumulative count of tooth notations where any of these codes used. / E
Crowns / Number of teeth is > or = 0 / 1711
1726 / Cumulative count of tooth notations where any of these codes used. / E
Laboratory made splint /
Bite raising appliance / Yes / No / 2991 / If this code present the response is yes. / N
Veneers or inlays / Number of teeth > or = 0 / 1601
1701 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where either of these codes used / N (Combines 2 existing CDS items)
Bridgework / Number of units > or = 0 / 1802
1832 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where any of these codes used. / E
Upper acrylic denture / Number of teeth / 2731
2733 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations in the upper arch where any of these codes used. / E
Lower acrylic denture / Number of teeth / 2732
2733 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations in the lower arch where any of these codes used. / E
Upper metal denture / Number of teeth / 2741
2745 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations in the upper arch where either of these codes used. / E
Lower metal denture / Number of teeth / 2742
2745 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations in the lower arch where any of these codes used. / E
Private periodontal treatment / Yes / No / 8001 / If this code is present the response is yes / N
Private fillings / Number of teeth / 8002 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where this code is used. / N
Private indirect restorations / Number of teeth / 8003 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where this code is used / N
Private bridgework / Number of units / 8004 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where this code used / N
Private dentures / Number of teeth / 8005 / Cumulative count of number of tooth notations where this code is used / N
Private prevention / Yes / No / 8006 / If this code is present the response is yes / N
Other private treatment / Yes / No / 8007 / If this code is present the response is yes / N