Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110012
14 Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi – 110 067
Bid/Tender Document for
Merging of NISCAIR Library Collection with NSL Collection
PART I – Data Sheet Preparation, Data Entry & Physical Processing
PART II- Shifting & Merging of Documents
( i ) Last date of collecting Tenders: 13/11/2003
( ii ) Last date for the Site/ Work Inspection : 13/11/2003
Time : 11.00 Hours
(iii) Last date for Submission of Bids : 17/11/2003
Time 14.30 Hours
(iv) Date of Opening of Technical Bid : 17/11/2003
Time : 15.00 Hours
(v) Tentative Date of Opening of Financial Bid : 27/11/2003
Time : 15.00 Hours
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg (Near Pusa Gate), New Delhi - 110012
Bid Document No...... (Part I / Part II / Both)
Date of Issue......
Name of the Firm: ...... ………………………
...... …
Important Notice
An incomplete offer and/or Late bid is liable to be ignored. To aid the bidders in submitting complete offers, a checklist is included in the bid document (Annexure - 0). The bidders must fill this and submit along with their offer in their own interest.
Section – I
1.1 Sealed bids in two parts i.e., Technical Bid and Financial Bid are invited for the merging of NISCAIR Library Collection at Pusa Campus, New Delhi -12 with NSL Collection at S.V. Marg, New Delhi – 67. The work consists of two parts :
PART I – Data Sheet Preparation, Data Entry & Physical Processing of documents
PART II- Shifting & Merging of Documents
The bidder can bid for either Part-I or Part-II or both parts.
The bidder may inspect NISCAIR Library at Pusa campus and NSL Collection, SV Marg and have an idea about the nature of work involved in order to make estimates about the cost of work.
Contact person:
· Ms. Aruna Karanjai at NSL, NISCAIR, 14 Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi – 67
· Mr. Indra Sen at NISCAIR Library, NISCAIR, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi -12
(i) The bids complete in all respects should reach National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources, NISCAIR BOOK SHOP(Ground floor) Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg,New Delhi 110 012 in the presence of bidders who choose to be present at Conference Hall NISCAIR, Dr K.S. Krishnan Marg, (Near Pusa Gate) Ph: 25843182 Fax: 25847062, 25849949, e-mail : akmittal@niscair. res. in. Website: www.
(ii) Introduction
The National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) is a constituent unit of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR). The R&D Programmes being undertaken at NISCAIR are geared towards meeting the information needs of the different segment of the society. National Science Library acts as a major Information Centre in the country in the area of S&T. It has one of the finest collection in Science and Technology. The basic objective is of building up a comprehensive collection of S&T publications in the country and offering services on a National Scale..
2.2 Scope of Work Including Technical Specifications
NISCAIR library has a rich collection of Books, Reports, Journals, Conference Proceedings, Standards etc. It is planned to identify firms who are engaged in works related to Merging of Library Collection who could provide services as per terms and conditions in the tender document to our satisfaction.
The firms shall be required to undertake the job of Merging of NISCAIR Library Collection with NSL Collection. The jobs are of highly prestigious nature and hence their quality and schedule have to be scrupulously maintained. The estimated value of total work for Part-I is around Rs. 5 Lakhs and for Part-II is around Rs. 3 Lakhs. Hence the total estimated value of both the parts will be around Rs. 8 Lakhs.
The following jobs are to be carried out:
Datasheet Preparation
Data sheets have to be prepared for Monographs, Serials and Bound Volumes directly from accessioned NISCAIR Library Documents in the format given in ANNEXURE-5, 6 & 7 at NISCAIR, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, under the overall supervision of NISCAIR staff. A minimum of 500 Datasheet should be prepared per day and this work should start at least two weeks before the data entry work is started.
Data Entry
- Data should be entered from the prepared data sheet into the FOXPRO database structure provided by NISCAIR with 100% accuracy. The average number of characters in different types of record is given in Annexure –I. The Software Microsoft FoxPro will not be provided by NISCAIR
- The entered data should be submitted on daily basis in lots of 500 records along with printouts of good readable quality for proof reading by NISCAIR Staff. The firm would have to provide free messenger service for collecting the material and delivery of electronic data at our Office.
- The proof read printouts will be returned back to the vendor for carrying out the correction and the corrected data thereafter should be submitted within two days.
- The bar code printout of the corrected final data should be provided in the prescribed format
Physical Processing
The Physical processing of Library Documents includes following jobs after Data Entry and Bar Code Printing:
1. Pasting and sealing by cello tape of Classification Number at one place (Only for Monographs. Estimated quantity is 30,000).
2. Bar Code pasting at two places for monographs (Estimated quantity is 30,000).
- Stamping of Library Name, writing Accession Number, date at three places, cutting of existing accession numbers, name of library etc. for all the documents.
- Book Slip Pasting at two places for all documents which will roughly be 70,000.
The physical processing work is to be carried out at NSL, S.V. Marg campus under overall supervision of NISCAIR staff.
Shifting of NISCAIR Library Documents to NSL
The documents (about 70,000) are to be physically shifted from NISCAIR Library, Pusa Campus to NSL, SV Marg. The documents should be shifted to NSL in lots of 20,000 or more as soon as the work related to the preparation of data sheets for these books is over. All the materials required for shifting such as Sutli, Scissors, Gum, File Covers, Carton Boxes, Paper, Vehicle etc. have to be arranged by the vendor. The steps broadly envisaged in shifting are as follows:
1. Noting Accession Numbers and Packing – The accession number of each document should be first noted in a register sequentially and then a bundle should be prepared. The number of documents to be packed in a bundle will depend upon the size of document, since it has to be handy for easy transportation. Four copies of the list of documents should be prepared. On the top of each bundle, a copy of list of documents should be put for verification. Two copies for filing at NSL Library and Pusa Campus Library and one copy for the transporter. He will get the initials of the officer responsible for sending and receiving at both the locations respectively and hand over copies accordingly. After the delivery a copy of this list will be returned daily to the Officer-in-charge, shifting, NISCAIR Library, Pusa Campus.
2. Transportation – The bundles should be kept in boxes in presence of responsible officer and transported. These should be unloaded in presence of responsible officer and boxes emptied. .
3. Arrangement at NSL – The documents should be placed on the shelves in the same sequence on a regular basis till the data is entered, proof read, corrected and handed over to NSL.
4. Merger at NSL – Finally the documents would have to be merged with the existing NSL collection.
Merging Of Shifted Documents with NSL Collection
The shifted documents should be shelved in NSL at proper place as follows :
1. Publications will have to be kept at one place as per the classified sequence first. Thereafter, these will be shelved and arranged as per the system being followed by the NSL.
2. Shelf rectification of entire stack area wherever required will have to be carried out. Enough space has to be left at proper places for future additions. Merger of documents may have to be carried out on all the four floors of NSL.
3. NSL/NISCAIR library does not have lift/escalators in the building. Lifting, shifting, shelving, rectification on the same floor or from one floor to another floor, if required, will have to be carried out manually.
(iii) Time Schedule
The total time schedule for Part-I is 4 months and for Part-II is 3 months. For both the parts jointly the time schedule is 6 months.
(iv) Eligible Bidders
(i)This invitation for bids is open to all quality registered firms engaged in works related to Merging of Library Collection from Delhi and its adjoining regions only who have executed similar type of work order for at least two libraries with more than 10,000 collection.
(ii) 5 year experience in this type of work
(iii) The vendor should own at least 10 pentium computers with higher configuration, media compatibility for transportation of digital data-3.5” floppy drives and printers and
(iv) Qualified manpower with preferably B.Lib. Science or higher for data preparation.
(v) The firm should have experience in data sheet preparation , data entry & merging of Library holdings.
The bidders must also read the requirements as indicated in clause 3.4 and 3.8.
(v) Cost of Bidding
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, the NISCAIR will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or the outcome of the bidding process.
(vi) The Bidding Documents
(vii) The services required, bidding procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the bidding documents. The total bid document consist of 31 pages. In addition to the invitation for bids, the bidding documents include:
(viii) Instructions to bidders
(ix) Schedule of requirements
(x) Technical Specifications and Price Schedule
(xi) General Terms & Conditions of Contract
(xii) Contract form, etc.
3.3.2 The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required or submission of bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of its bid.
3.4 Preparation of Bids
(xiii) Technical and Financial Bids
The bids are to be submitted in two parts in separate sealed envelopes
(xiv) Technical Bid + EMD
(b) Financial Bid
(xv) Technical Bid
The Technical bid prepared by the bidder shall be provided in the following Model Response format:
Model Response Outline
1. Standing of each bidder — past experience and performance in the works related to Merging of Library Collection during the last five years, Please attach supporting documents & list of other Govt. Departments and Public Sector units for which the bidder has carried out similar type of contracts.
(xvi) Level of agreement with the proposed terms and conditions.
(xvii) Copy of registration of Company.
(xviii) Details of subcontractors and agreements thereon if any.
5.. Availability of internet access and related facilities. Bidder to give address of their website if any.
(xix) Total regular manpower and manpower on contract available with the bidder.
(xx) Financial Bid
(xxi) The financial bid shall indicate the Unit prices for each and every item indicated in the specifications and also the grand total in each part.
(xxii) Prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed during the bidders performance of the contract/empanelment and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price, quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected.
(xxiii) All prices and other information like discount, etc., having a bearing on the price shall be written both in figures and words in the prescribed offer form. If there is discrepancy between the price/information quoted in words and figures, whichever is higher will be treated as final.
(xxiv) The evaluation of financial bid will be done on Grand Total price.
(xxv) The payment will be done for the actual number of documents for which work has been carried out.
(xxvi) Submission of Bids
(xxvii) Sealing and Marking of Bids
(xxviii) The bids shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers which shall be marked as “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid”.
(xxix) The outer envelope containing Technical Bid and Financial Bid shall be addressed to The DIRECTOR, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, Dr K S Krishnan Marg, New Delhi- 110 012. Financial bid is for which job(s)/part(s) must be mentioned on the top of the envelope.
(xxx) The outer and inner envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidder to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared late.
(xxxi) Deadline for Submission of Bids
(xxxii) Bids must be received by NISCAIR at the address given in Section-I not later than the time and date specified on the cover page. In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being declared a holiday for NISCAIR, the bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day.
(xxxiii) The Director, NISCAIR may, at his discretion extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bid documents, in which case all rights and obligations of NISCAIR and bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
(xxxiv) Late Bids
Any bid received by NISCAIR after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the NISCAIR will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the bidder.
(xxxv) Bid Opening and Evaluation
(xxxvi) Opening of Technical Bids
NISCAIR will open all technical bids in the first instance in the presence of bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend, at the time, on the date and at the place specified in Section-I. The bidders’ representatives present there, shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. In the event of the specified date of the bid opening being declared a holiday for NISCAIR, the bids shall be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day.