JANUARY 26, 2016

Present: Dennis Zeto, Don Hazeman, Cory Wilson, Mel Milender, Mary Lou Milender, and Sandy Burgoon.

Visitors present: Joe Vene, Thore Thorson, Dennis Berglund, Dale Wilson and Fred Kelm.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Cory Wilson to accept the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Joe Vene, Beltrami County Commissioner spoke briefly about the county and Eckles Township making progress on a road exchange. Once the easements are completed and some resolutions drawn up, it can possibly be put on the county five-year road plan. Mel questioned Mr. Vene about the Solid Waste sites and was told to contact either Keith Winger or Richard Anderson regarding the sites. The Solid Waste people from Fosston think that Eckles Township is too remote to even consider a site there. Nothing is going to happen until 2018 at least.

Mel Milender informed the board that the DNR portion of the easements has been recorded regarding Balsam and Mayflower Road. Randy Forseth and Mickey Trepanier are working to find time that they can meet Mel and come to agreement on an easement on their properties.

Dale Wilson contacted Cory Wilson about the intersection of Wild Rose Lane and Eckles Road. Dale did contact Freeberg and Grund about the plans. Before anything can be done, the City of Wilton must be contacted. Mr. Trepanier, who lives on the SW corner of that intersection, wants to be included in that conversation.

The letter we received from MNDOT regarding Pete Lane was discussed, and the board feels that the City of Wilton needs to be contacted on this as well. Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to send a letter to Mr. Schroeder’s attorney informing him that the Town of Eckles will not be sending Mr. Schroeder any money. We are in full agreement with MNDOT. Motion carried unanimously. Cory will speak with MNDOT regarding the plowing of Pete Lane.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to give $100.00 to the Eckles Community Center for the purchase of paper products, etc. that will be needed for the Eckles Potluck Dinner scheduled for Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 12.30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Cory Wilson to have the Annual Audit at 6:30 p.m. on February 16, 2016 just before our regularly scheduled meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to approve the purchase up to $150.00 for a new printer for the Township Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.

Gary Berglund questioned why the township was cutting the ditches in December. He also asked why our roads are so nasty when they could be putting down better gravel product. He also questioned why the new developers are being asked to pave their developments. Discussion was held regarding equality of roads across the township.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Milender Dennis Zeto

Township Clerk Chairman