College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Name:Calendar Year:

Review Period:

This review period will include all calendar years since last activity report submitted.

This report is for you to record significant activities in which you were involved during the past calendar year(s). Please complete and return this report together with your updated curriculum vita.

This report will be preserved as part of your permanent personnel record and will be used as one of the bases for the periodic review of faculty/instructorsas well as promotion and/or tenure reviews. This process will result in a closer coupling between performance, evaluation, and salary increases allowing the Dean and the faculty member to adjust workloads as appropriate.


TEACHING and ADVISING: include information on courses taught, course enrollment, undergrad and graduate advisees, and course evaluations. Please also list other teaching and advising activities, such as courses developed, undergraduate and graduate education, and other non-CEOAS teaching. Advising and mentoring beyond course-related activities, such as career planning, internships, etc., should be described as well as outputs and impacts of efforts to promote equity, inclusion, and diversity through teaching activity.

One page or less

RESEARCHSUMMARY: Provide information on grants submitted, awarded, and declined from the past three years. Information manuscripts published, in press, and submitted should be included in your résumé along with any awards or invited talks. This section should discuss what you think are your most important research activities and findings of the past year, multi-institutional projects, field programs or cruises that you have led, etc. and other evidence of research productivity and impact. Also describe efforts madeto promote equity, inclusion, and diversity through your research activity.

One page or less

SERVICE:Information on committees (national, professional, college and university) should be included in your résumé. This section should discuss service activities such as reviewing, chairing special sessions and workshops, as well as student recruiting and public outreach.This may also include program leadership, management, and outputs and impacts of efforts to promote equity, inclusion, and diversity.

Half a page or less

SELF-ASSESSMENT & Work Plan for Upcoming Year:Upon reviewing the past year, do you think you accomplished your teaching, research, and service objectives? Are there areas where you were unable to meet your objectives? What factors or conditions limited your effectiveness?How could the College assist you in continued professional growth and effectiveness as a faculty member?

What do you plan to accomplish in the coming year?

Half a page or less

SUPERVISION:This section should discuss your role as a supervisor and how you plan, monitor and evaluate employee performance. “Employees” in this context are any Research Associates, Faculty Research Assistants, Post-Docs, Classified Employees, and undergraduate student workers paid from your grants; as well as graduate students paid from your grants for whom you are not the advisor. How effective are you at inspiring, coaching and counseling employees? How do you help your employees develop their abilities and recognize their accomplishments?

Half a page or less

Signature: Date: