BOD Meeting 11/18/14

Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Attendees: Tammy Riebe, Bonnie Anderson, Dawn Hoff, Shannon Riley, Jill Kahler, Krista Masiak, Adria Kuberski, Joy Haese, Karel Ochs, Julie Lee, Teresa Bubbers, Shana Steele, Thorne Wittstruck, Carol Boe, Sue Kindschi, Stephanie Jackson, Diana Rohloff, Colleen Voll, Lisa Michaels-Bilgrien, Lance Maertz, Kayla Hine, Becky Blake

On the Phone: Rachel Kenits, Stephanie Fleming, Carolyn Verhage

Sue Kindschi made the motion to make Thorne Wittstruck the member’s at large chair

2nd:Tammy Riebe

Motion Passed!

Secretary Report- Becky Blake:

·  Becky thanked both Chad Johnson and Chad Sauvageau for their help with posting minutes on the WISCPHR website.

·  There is a problem with only being able to have 10 meetings visible on the website at a time, so other members will not be able to view any of the other minutes.

·  Becky will contact Kelly Shields on this matter- make sure she is scanning minutes, and remind her we approved the hard drive to start scanning, so we have minutes.

Motion to approve the last meeting minutes: Shana Steele

2nd: Thorne Wittstruck

Motion Passed.

Treasurer Report- Tammy Riebe

·  We received a check from Amazon. $30.79- everything is going well.

·  The money gets deposited into the WISCPHR account. We will continue to use this.

·  Our CD is due on Nov. 25th. So we have decided to put it back into a CD, some interest is better than nothing. The next one is due in March and we will discuss this another time.

Motion to roll over the CD into 37 months with 0.5% interest: Thorne Wittstruck

2nd: Lance Maerz

Motion Passed.

·  Lance Maerz will be sending out an e-mail on how to use the Amazon link.

·  Books go into the account at the end of the year.

·  We discussed if we wanted liability, and cancellation insurance for the 2015 WISCPHR conference. We do not know the cost yet- in 2012 liability was $584 before taxes, and insurance was $500.

·  Shana has all of the information, and will be passing it around. Next meeting isn’t until February and we could get the coverage denied so we need to make a decision on this.

Motion to purchase event cancellation and general liability insurance for an unknown period of time up to $1200 was made by Sue Kindschi.

2nd: Adria Kuberski

Motion Passed.

·  We can pay $90-$120 per year to have a company keep our information on a drive for us- our information started in 2005.

·  External hard drives are good to save long periods. We are not sure how much data will need to be saved but we have information dating back from 2005.

·  Flash drives will last longer.

·  If we get audited, or if anything legal happens this may be good to have

·  We were thinking of starting this at the end of the year so we could do 2 years at a time.

·  The person that would do this for us would know what papers we would need to keep and what we could get rid of.

·  Shana will ask Kelly Shields how far she is at scanning in documents, or if she is doing this yet. Then we can make a decision on this next meeting.

Reimbursement Update: - Diana Rohloff

·  Pulmonary reimbursement is going up to $57

·  Cardiac rehab is up to $105

·  Old codes have gone down by $27

Program certification: Bonnie Anderson

·  Make sure applications have scores from reliable tools- in initial assessments and reassessments.

·  The more work you can do now for outcomes, the better you will be. We will get more information on this over the next few years.

·  There will be some flexibility for 2015. We can download a list of checklists; on website- areas that have the checkboxes should be labeled. These are based on the core measures.

·  CMS is looking for anyway that you can document those scores.

·  WI was #1 in nation, now Ohio is #1 in number of programs nationally certified.

·  We are going away from “how to” kits- they were too time consuming.

·  The website is getting a make over and soon you will be able to walk through the process with links, which will be more user friendly for new programs that are looking to certify.

·  Mark Vitcenda created a tutorial video, which will help you with how to link your data.

·  For staff competencies: anyone that passed CCRP exam will be exempt while you are certified- for 3 years. You will need to submit continuing education credits- and will be exempted again from competencies.

·  There will be gold and silver benchmarks etc, in the future for different levels of certification for the programs.

·  CMS can have access to outcome data- we have not publicized this.

Professional certification: Bonnie Anderson

·  WISCPHR is one of the sites for the CCRP exam along with 16 other affiliates. It will be offered at a cost of $249, as opposed to $299. It is a 3 hour exam. Offered on Friday morning of the conference 9-noon. Register on AACVPR website. Pen and paper test. Will ship materials. The test is multiple choice.

·  Bonnie will have information out before Thanksgiving. Will send information out to other states. We can download the AACVPR study guide which is 250 pages long. $99 is the cost. There are 162 people who passed the test so far.

* Side note*

Lance Maerz before his meeting wanted everyone to know he saw a new diagnosis come through called: NSTE-ACS. This is a diagnosis that would include both NSTEMI and unstable angina under it’s “umbrella”. At regional meeting this came up and we were wondering what we were going to do about this. Karen Louie- said there is not enough research yet on this diagnosis. Lance had 1 referral on this, luckily the patient had heart failure and they used this diagnosis. He wanted to mention this so we can all watch for it.

Committee on telecommunications: (in notes) committee report. – Chad Johnson.

No leadership report.

Membership: Karel Ochs (see notes)

·  Karel will be on family medical leave from 01-19-14 to 04-10-14

Adria will be taking checks for 2015 membership and conference. Her address will need to be added to the brochure and website.

·  Joy will be taking over paypal registration for 2015 membership and conference

·  Karel wanted to make sure that we are going to have the same pricing structure for the conference: Membership $40, Student conference $75, and Conference (Member) $145

Motion to approve the pricing structure from last year motion was made by Bonnie Anderson

2nd Stephanie Jackson

Motion Passed.

* Side note*

During the Mayo Cardiology conference on Oct. 17-18th they gave away a one night stay at the Kalahari- compliments of the Kalahari, and Bonnie Anderson won it!

She was thinking we should ask the Kalahari if they would do the same for us at our conference. Bonnie will e-mail Kim Beyer about this and hopefully we will get this as a prize to giveaway- it’s at least worth a try.

Nomination chair- Bonnie Anderson- can’t do it anymore

·  Discussion was made about this committee: Do we have to include people from the committee? What is the person responsible for?

·  It’s a big committee. Their job is to nominate leaders. Every year we look for other upcoming leaders. This seems a more logical place for this.

·  Are there bylaw issues? Yes- this should go back to Tracy Herrewig.

·  Sue Kindschi will contact Tracy Herrewig to change this in the bylaws.

A motion was made that the nomination committee be moved to the leadership committee. Sue Kindschi.

2nd: Stephanie Jackson

Motion Passed!!

SOS Committee

·  If anyone will like to be on the SOS committee, we are looking for more members.

·  Lance Maerz agrees to be on this committee. (It is nice to have a past winner of the SOS to head up this committee).

Product Sales: Rachel Kenitz

·  There are no more digi walkers! Our goal was to not have inventory at anyone’s home.

·  What do we want to do now for product sales? Thoughts were: Fit bits? Clothing? Under Armor? Cups? Etc. You can promote a certain item on

·  Discussion: Should we have anything to sell at the annual conference? Should we get a vender to provide things? Discounts for all attendees?

·  We will discuss this more at the next ACPC meeting.

·  Discussion was made about growing the finance committee: We talked about dissolving the product sales committee. Rachel will transfer to finance committee.

A motion was made to transfer the product sales committee and combine it with the finance committee- Shana Steele

2nd: Thorne Wittstruck

Motion Passed!

EP Licensure – Lisa Wenzel, Chair

·  EP licensure- webinar is on Tuesday Dec. 2nd

·  Encouraging everyone to attend webcast and get involved.

Sue sent a List of AACVPR websites and the alliances to Adria.

* Side note*

Per Adria: Sharon from St. Mary’s used to go to the meetings said Rebecca Cowan called back. They work on team based care. In 2015 we are trying to be more organized right now we are not the best fit. In 2017 they want to save 1 million people from heart attacks and strokes. John from council and workforce said we were not a fit.

We need to look at this list from national and see who has a state affiliate.

New business:

·  WISCPHR website needs to be handier to have educational grant applications online.

·  Currently, applications have to be printed and faxed. Can any of us fix it? Or does it have to be Dave?

·  Adria will ask Chad Johnson about this and if it is possible to be downloaded.

DOTH delegation-

·  Looking for one additional experienced delegate. President elect is going- Diana Rohloff!

·  Tracy Herrewig is also going.

·  Sue will be sending out assignments for DOTH and will get them to us before Thanksgiving.

·  Please consider going in the future: WISPHR pays for hotel, meals, taxi, and airfare. We get to meet face to face to the legislators and discuss how important our patients are. We have been going since 2006.

Mission statement

·  Thorne sent out 2 different statements to pick from- not everyone received the e-mail.

·  We will make a decision during February meeting on the mission statement. .

·  Date of next meeting is February 3rd. at Chula Vista.

A motion was made to discontinue the QI committee and transition this committee and combine it with the health promotion and education committee- Thorne Wittstruck.

2nd: Shana Steele

Motion Passed!

ACPC- April 17-18 2015


·  CCRP exam, 1-5 personal professional development, LEAN concept

·  Grand opening of conference with heavy hors d’oeuvres 5:00-6:30

·  5:15 Sue will do grand opening welcome

·  7-9 FAQ’s

·  9:00 closing- water park?- meet with friends?


·  7am vendors

·  Keynote Chris Garvey

·  2 breakouts

·  Vendor break

·  11-12 keynote Dr. Nowak (by Dec. 1st)

·  Lunch- beef council sponsor -cranberry steak salad.

·  1-2 keynote Steve K.

·  Louis Kiels diabetes, Dr. Ahuja

·  TAVR, or pulmonary NP speaker?

·  Final keynote Dr. McBride

Dec 15th final confirmation on speakers.

Motion was made to adjourn Lance Maerz

2nd: Bonnie Anderson

Motion Passed