CDS Council Meeting

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Attending: Kathryn Yamamoto, Naomi Rombaoa Tanaka, Andrew Nojiri, Tammie Picklesimer, JoAnn Yuen, Rebecca Ozaki, Megan Conway, Martha Guinan, Jean Johnson,

Absent: Christy Nishita, Tiffany Wong

  1. Old Business
  1. Personnel Committee- Annual Reviews
  2. Model of Accessibility
  3. Promotion Criteria for CDS/ Hiring Personnel
  1. CDS Council Activities
/ Becky
Personnel Committee- Going over annual report review format. Working on MOA. Still in process.
Promotion criteria- need to agree that CDS will accept what COEproposed. Group discussion of different lines- research vs. instructional. JoAnn- Feels CDS faculty need to use the process for the CDS promotion and tenure that we put forth and created. Use fellow faculty who have gone through the process as mentors.
Workshop in Spring on promotion and tenure- Becky and Martha will schedule and present a workshop for CDS. Consider giving specific examples of steps for faculty at different levels
Andrew- OHR doesn’t have workshops for promotion and tenure specifically for CDS. Beverly McCreary puts on workshop 2x a year for UH guidelines.
Workshops completed since last meeting: SPSS for Data Management by Ranilo Laygo, Access Surf, Intermediate Microsoft Word 2007 by Jocelyn Kasamoto at ITS, Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability by Annie Moriyasu and Juana Tabali- Weir. We would like to increase participation at these workshops (only average of 5-6 people attend)
To promote participation, JoAnn suggested that we invite people from CDS to present workshops instead of waiting for them to volunteer / Becky will keep Council updated on progress and completion of these tasks
Upcoming workshops: Creating Posters out of Power Point with Tom Conway. Next semester: Photoshop by Ranilo Laygo, Promotion and Tenure by Becky Rude Ozaki and Martha Guinan
  1. New Business
  1. CDS Assembly- Friday, 11/19/10 @ Japanese Cultural Plaza, Mo‘ili‘ili Room
  1. CDS Annual Report
/ Kat reviewed agenda for the day. She will be moderator for the program. Martha will help Kat with lei for presenters.
JoAnn- Electronic copies will be emailed to staff. Hard copies will be available at Assembly. / Will move project poster displays to Spring Assembly
Naomi to email electronic evaluation forms to group after Assembly
  1. COE Workload Procedures
/ Becky- Jean will be attending meeting on this topic and needs our comments/ feedback. New procedures not a close match for type of work we do at CDS. Need to teach 5 formal classroom credits each calendar year and 9 credit hours engaged in research and service. We would need to get Dean’s permission 3 months before the start of each year to get waiver for the research we do. Doesn’t include service that is not related to college or university. Becky feels we need more clarification on this paperwork. / Everyone needs to review COE Workload Procedures document that was sent out. If we have comments, forward to Jean by tomorrow, 11/18/10.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 10:00 am- 11:30 pm (December meeting cancelled) / Kat and Naomi will review Assembly Evaluations at that time