Spice drops - Equations

The Law of Conservation of Matter states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This applies to chemical equations. The number of atoms of each type of element must be equal on both sides of an equation.

Materials Needed:

Reaction Grid

15 toothpicks

4 different colors of spice drops (16, 12, 8, & 4 of the respective colors)

Directions…Balance the equations on your lab sheet by doing the following:

1.  Write down a color of the spice drop to represent an atom of each element in the equation. Use the color that you have the most of to represent oxygen.

2.  Create the molecules in the equation using a toothpick and the spice drops for each element in the compound.

*Be sure to put the correct number of atoms of each element on the toothpick! For example: Ca(OH)2 equals 1 Ca, 2 O’s, and 2 H’s.

3.  Place each molecule in the correct box on the “Reaction Grid.” You may not have to use all four boxes on the grid! Once you have the original equation laid out on the grid, you can only add more molecules like you have with the original. Adding single jelly beans, or taking them away, is the same as changing a subscript, and you CANNOT EVER change a subscript.

4.  Balance each equation by adding additional molecules until all types of atoms are equal. For example: # of orange reactants must equal # of orange products, etc.

5.  Write down the balanced equation in the space provided. The number of molecules in each box is equal to the coefficient for that compound.


1. Al + O2 è Al2O3

Type of reaction: ______

Balanced Equation:______

Al: ______

O: ______

2. HgO è Hg + O2

Type of reaction: ______

Balanced Equation:______



3. NaOH + H2SO4 è Na2SO4 + H2O

Type of reaction: ______

Balanced Equation:______


O:______S: ______

5. H2 + O2 è H2O

Type of reaction: ______

Balanced Equation:______



6.  Fe + CuCl2 è FeCl2 + Cu

Type of reaction: ______

Balanced Equation:______




7.  Ca(OH)2 + HNO3 è Ca(NO3)2 + H20

Type of reaction: ______

Balanced Equation:______


Extra Credit Challenge:

Ask you teacher for the left over C, H, O atoms from one of your former assignments. Carefully cut out and glue down on a large colored sheet of paper the BALANCED reaction for the following reaction. Be sure to write out the balanced reaction at the bottom of the paper.

C2H6 + O2 à CO2 + H2O