Depression: White Light Relaxation
Hypnosis Script
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Depression: White Light Relaxation Hypnosis Script

Depression: White Light Relaxation Hypnosis Script
Begin with your favourite Induction and Deepener from Hypnotic World.
I'd like you now to imagine or become aware of a black mass inside your stomach.
This black mass is the depression, which you've had for some time now. And now I am going to give you a way of removing these feelings of depression - a way that you can use any time you feel the need to - both now and in the future.
I'd like you to take a long comfortable intake of breath - and as you breathe in I want you to imagine drawing up some of this black depression.
Draw it up from your stomach - and as you breathe outwards I want you to see or sense or simply be aware of this blackness flowing out in to the air.
And then watch as it is engulfed by the positive energy that is flowing around you.
This blackness is now turned in to positive energy - as once again you take a deep, comfortable inward breath, drawing up more of that black depressive mass and then breathing it out once again to become part of the wonderful positive universal energy around you.
The energy takes form as a healing white light that shimmers and glows and sparkles and radiates around you.
And you may notice now even after this very short time how you are feeling brighter, happier and perhaps a little lighter - as though any weights have been lifted from your shoulders.
Once again take a deep inward breath - and breathe out this depression - to be surrounded and overwhelmed by all this positive energy.
I want you now to continue drawing up this blackness and breathing it out in to the air to become positive energy - do this now as I'm quiet for a few moments.
That's good - and now I'd like you to begin to imagine or become aware - of a small ball of white light inside your stomach - and this ball of light is only the size of a golf ball.
This is a healing white light - and this healing white light begins to glow brighter and is becoming slightly warm and so comfortable inside your body.
Now begin to notice it increasing to the size of a tennis ball - notice now how the light seems to radiate outwards.
As the healing warmth begins to spread and radiate through your body and your mind- you begin to feel so calm and peaceful - and happy.
This beautiful, warm healing light now grows and spreads throughout your entire body.
Feel the warmth and energy flowing through you - filling you with feelings of peace and calm.
This healing white light is now reaching through every fibre of your being - radiating and soothing every area in which it is needed.
You are so relaxed and comfortable now as this healing white shimmering light spreads throughout your entire body.
You feel happy and able to deal with any difficulty - because you now know that you can deal effectively with anyone and everything - whatever comes your way.
And you find that those little things that - in the past - would previously upset you - do now just calm and relax you.
And as you continue to feel the warmth and energy, this healing white light begins to reduce in size.
It is reducing now back to the size of the golf ball.
And you are continuing to feel the positive effects of this wonderful energy and well-being within you from this healing white light.
And this healing white light is within you always - for whenever you feel its need.
And any time in the future should you notice those old feelings of depression returning - all you need to do is begin to take some slow, comfortable deep breaths and begin to exhale that black depression and watch as it transforms into your own, positive, healing energy - that healing white light that belongs to you and to you alone.
You can then call upon your healing white light to increase your energy levels and restore your feelings of peace and well-being - wherever you are - whatever you are doing and whenever you wish to.
I am going to stop talking for a short while to allow you to continue enjoying this wonderful feeling of comfort and peace and when I next speak to you, you will not be startled by my voice.
That's good - and now that you have created your healing white light you can use this technique whenever you wish to - whenever you want to - wherever you are - to eliminate those unwanted feelings and draw positive, healing energy into your body and mind.
All aspects of yourself benefit from your healing white light and you begin to feel - and continue to feel - the calm sense of inner peace that is developing with you.
In a moment I'm going to count from one to five and at the count of five I want you to come all the way back - and bring with you that positive, healing white light.
One - two - three - coming slowly back - four - eyelids beginning to flutter and five - eyes open - wide awake - mind and body feeling already wonderfully refreshed and invigorated.

Downloaded by Marion Schellekens (member #13495).

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