Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th March 2016 at Retford Town Hall

Present: / Councillor G Jones (Chairman)
Councillors / J R Anderson
H M Brand
R B Carrington-Wilde
D Challinor
A Chambers
G Clarkson
M F T Critchley
K Dukes
J Evans
S E Farncombe
S Fielding
G Freeman
M T Gray
K M Greaves
S A Greaves
K H Isard
S Isard
J A Leigh
D J Merryweather
J W Ogle / G A N Oxby
D G Pidwell
D Potts
J Potts
D R Pressley
M W Quigley
H M Richards
M Richardson
J M Sanger
S Scotthorne
S E Shaw
J C Shephard
A K Smith
M Storey
K Sutton
T Taylor
C Troop
J White

Officers in attendance: D Armiger, J Hamilton, M Hill, N Taylor, R Theakstone and S Wormald.

Also present: Mr A Sutton – Independent Remuneration Panel Member

(Meeting opened at 6.30pm.)

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, read out the fire alarm/evacuation procedure, and also enquired as to whether anyone wanted to film/record the meeting in accordance with legislation; however, even though there were three members of the public present, this was not taken up.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B A Bowles, D Hare, A Simpson and A D Tromans.


(a) Members

There were no declarations of interest by Members on matters to be discussed at the meeting.

(b) Officers

There were no declarations of interest by officers on matters to be discussed at the meeting.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meetings held on 17th December 2015 and 28th January 2016 be approved.

(Councillor J W Ogle joined the meeting at this point.)


Chairman's Communications

The Chairman advised Members that the charity fashion show which she had hosted on 23rd February at Worksop Town Hall raised £695 for the Bereavement Room at Bassetlaw Hospital.

She reminded Members about the Bassetlaw Achievers Awards to be held at Worksop Town Hall on 8th March; also about the raising of the Commonwealth Flag on 14th March at 10am at both Retford and Worksop Town Halls.

The Chairman also informed Members that a luncheon event will be held on Thursday, 21st April for residents of Bassetlaw who will be 90 years old to help celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.

Chief Executive's Communications

The Chief Executive congratulated the Sturton Ward Neighbourhood Planning Group on the successful referendum in February, which made Sturton the third are to ‘make’ a Neighbourhood Plan. The Council is working with a further 15 areas.

He went on to give some statistics about the new splashpool being built in Retford.

The Chief Executive then advised Members about the ‘Big Ideas Big Ambitions’ event which is to be held at Worksop Post-16 Centre on 9th March. 45 employers and organisations have signed up to take part in this event which will showcase apprenticeships, skills for work and opportunities for 14-18 year olds, helping them to make informed choices about their futures.

Leader’s Update

The Leader stressed the importance of the ‘Big Ideas Big Ambitions’ event which will help deliver one of the Council’s key corporate priorities – a District that maximises its potential.

He went on to praise the excellent continental markets which had been held recently at both Retford and Worksop.

The Leader then advised that a full Council Meeting would be held in the near future concerning Devolution, at which he hoped Members would engage to discuss what he considered to be probably the most important decision that the District Council will make.


There were no questions by the public of which notice had been given in accordance with Rules of Procedure Number 10.


One question was asked by Members in accordance with Rules of Procedure Number 11.

From Councillor M T Gray:

“Would the appropriate portfolio holder please advise us of the average number of traders using the Retford market stalls (all market days) over the past two years?”

Response by Councillor J White:

The Cabinet Member for Regeneration gave some statistics regarding the number of traders and stalls on both Retford and Worksop markets, and advised that this information would be circulated to all Members after the meeting.

Supplementary question from Councillor M T Gray:

Councillor Gray asked how the Council would be progressing the markets going forward?

Response by Councillor J White:

The Cabinet Member for Regeneration replied that the Council is proud of its markets. Recent heavy winds had forced the closure of several markets but officers are looking at how other authorities cope such conditions. Across the East Midlands, Bassetlaw’s markets are faring better than most, although generally across the UK markets are failing due to the rise in retail centres and internet shopping. Family members are also not so willing to carry on with the family business/stall. The Retford Intervention Strategy will be looking to improve Retford market square along with other areas in the town centre. The markets are a priority for the Council, we are not accepting their decline and do want to make improvements to them.


The Chairman proposed a change in Agenda Order to bring forward Agenda Item No. 9 and to defer the first Motion until after Agenda Item No. 13. This was seconded by Councillor S A Greaves.

RESOLVED that Agenda Item No. 9 be brought forward and the first Motion be deferred until after Agenda Item No. 13.


(a)  Member Allowances – 2016/2017

Mr A Sutton, Independent Remuneration Panel Member, presented the recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel to Members. He offered Dr Woodman’s apologies for not being present due to illness. He thanked the Panel for their work and support during the last year, also Council officers, particularly Mrs S Bacon, Principal Solicitor. He referred to the full report in the Agenda and read out the Panel’s recommendations.

Councillor M T Gray reiterated the fact that elected Members are not eligible to join the Local Government Pension Scheme, as stated in paragraph 2.3 of the Panel’s report. He had raised this point last year.

RESOLVED that the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel be adopted i.e. all Member allowances for the financial year 2016/17 be frozen as detailed in Appendix D of the report.


The Agenda contained three motions, notice of which had been given in accordance with Rules of Procedure Number 12. (The first motion had been deferred until after Agenda Item No. 13.)

(a) Proposed by Councillor M F T Critchley and seconded by Councillor T Taylor:

“This Council determines that any future planning application for energy related drilling for oil, gas or coal, for which the Council is a consultee, will be put before a full Planning Committee to ensure that the electorate, to who we are answerable, sees that the process is democratic, open and transparent.”

Councillor S A Greaves proposed an amendment to the motion, which was seconded by Councillor D G Pidwell:

“This Council determines that a review be undertaken by the Planning Committee within the next six months to determine whether any future planning application for energy related drilling for oil, gas or coal, for which the Council is a consultee, should be automatically put before a full Planning Committee.”

The amendment to the motion was circulated to all Members and Councillor M F T Critchley requested an adjournment so that the amendment could be considered.

(The meeting was adjourned from 6.50-7.08pm.)

The Monitoring Officer confirmed that the amendment was valid.

Councillors M F T Critchley, T Taylor, H M Brand, S A Greaves, K H Isard, D R Pressley and G A N Oxby, spoke to the motion, with Councillor S A Greaves summing up before the vote was taken.

A recorded vote was requested by at least seven Members.

FOR Councillors J R Anderson, H M Brand, R B Carrington-Wilde, D Challinor, A Chambers, G Clarkson, K Dukes, J Evans, S E Farncombe, S Fielding, G Freeman, K M Greaves, S A Greaves, G Jones, J A Leigh, D J Merryweather, G A N Oxby, D G Pidwell, D Potts, J Potts, D R Pressley, A Rhodes, H M Richards, M Richardson, J M Sanger, S Scotthorne, S E Shaw, J C Shephard, A K Smith, M Storey, C Troop and J White.

AGAINST Councillors H Burton, M F T Critchley, M T Gray, K H Isard, S Isard, J W Ogle, M W Quigley, K Sutton and T Taylor.


RESOLVED that the amendment to the motion be supported.

(b) Proposed by Councillor D Challinor and seconded by Councillor S A Greaves:

“In order to help tackle the problem of Pneumoconiosis and Progressive Massive Fibrosis in former coal miners in Bassetlaw, this Council calls upon the Government to ensure that all former coal miners have the benefit of regular CT scans of the chest (instead of a traditional standard x-ray) and calls upon the Secretary of State for Health to ensure appropriate funding is made available.”

Councillors M F T Critchley, D Challinor, M T Gray, K H Isard, D R Pressley, D J Merryweather spoke to the motion, with Councillor D Challinor summing up before the vote was taken.

RESOLVED that the motion be supported.


(a)  Audit and Risk Scrutiny Committee – 9th February 2016 – Minute No. 42(b) – KPMG External Audit Plan 2015/16

RESOLVED that the KPMG External Audit Plan for 2015/16, as appended to the report, be received.

(b)  Audit and Risk Scrutiny Committee – 9th February 2016 – Minute No. 42(d) – Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) – Review and Update of RIPA Policy

RESOLVED that the Council’s Corporate Policy and Procedures Document on Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (as amended), as appended to the report, be approved.

Councilor R B Carrington-Wilde, Chair of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee, thanked all Members and officers, both internally and externally, for the work involved in these two reports.


(a)  Members’ Expenses Arrangements

Members’ approval was sought for the proposed amendments to Members’ expenses arrangements as detailed in and appended to the report.

RESOLVED that the changes to Members’ allowances/expenses, as detailed in Section 3 of the report and contained within Appendix 1, be adopted with effect from 1st April 2016.

(b)  Pay Policy Statement

Members’ approval was sought for the draft Pay Policy Statement for 2016/17 which was appended to the report.

RESOLVED that the Pay Policy Statement for 2016/17, as appended to the report, be approved and for publication by 1st April 2016.

(c)  Appointment of Deputy Electoral Registration Officer

Members’ approval was sought to appoint the Electoral Services Manager as the Deputy Electoral Registration Officer (Deputy ERO) to undertake hearings after a person has been advised that they are not eligible to be registered and have requested a hearing.

RESOLVED that the Electoral Services Manager be appointed as the Deputy Electoral Registration Officer (Deputy ERO).


(a) Appointments to Council Committees and Outside Organisations 2015/16 Municipal Year

Members’ approval was sought for a revision to Councillors appointed to Outside Organisations for the 2015/16 Municipal Year, namely:

·  Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board – Cllr S Fielding to replace Cllr S Scotthorne

RESOLVED that the proposed amendment to the Appointments made to Outside Organisations for the 2015/16 Municipal Year be approved.


(a)  Neighbourhood Plans: Designation of Neighbourhood Areas - Ranskill

Members’ approval was sought for the designation of the Ranskill Neighbourhood Area for the purposes of producing a Neighbourhood Plan, as defined in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. A map defining the proposed Area was appended to the report.

RESOLVED that the Ranskill Neighbourhood Plan Area designation, as outlined in the map appended to the report, be approved.

(The meeting was adjourned from 7.40-7.50pm for a comfort break.)

(Councillor M W Quigley left the meeting at this point.)


(Key Decision Nos. 545, 546, 547, 548, 549 and 552)

The Council Tax Resolution and Budget Book 2016/17 had been circulated prior to the meeting, which included the figures for Nottinghamshire County Council and the Nottinghamshire Combined Fire and Rescue Authority.

Members were asked to approve the recommendations as set out in the Council Tax Resolution and Budget Headlines 2016/17 report which comprised the Budget Book.

Councillor J Evans, Cabinet Member for Finance and Property, presented the Budget proposals for 2016/17, which were seconded by Councillor S A Greaves.

Councillor T Taylor responded to the proposals on behalf of the Opposition Group. No alternative Budget proposals were tabled, although a statement was made which included a few suggestions.

Councillors J M Sanger, D G Pidwell, G A N Oxby, D Challinor, M F T Critchley, D R Pressley, H M Brand, G Clarkson, S Scotthorne, K H Isard and S A Greaves spoke to the Budget, with Councillor J Evans concluding.