Teen Contestant Contract

Attachment C

Miss Pierce County Scholarship Program

2018MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen


As a Contestant in the 2018MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen Program, scholarship information of the 2018MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen Scholarship Program is outlined as follows:

  1. Applicant understands and agrees that the purpose of the scholarship award is to provide a means to achieve a desired goal of higher education. The scholarship recipient must be enrolled full-time in an approved school or educational institution. MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen Program takes its role in this process very seriously. To this end, applicant agrees to provide the Miss Pierce County Scholarship Program (MPCSP) with a claim for scholarship funds on the appropriate form, including all required information.
  1. Scholarships shall be disbursed for tuition, other necessary fees, and required course materials a provided for in Section 117 of the Internal Revenue Service Code. For purposed of paragraph (1.), the term “qualified tuition and related expenses means:
  2. Tuition and fees required for the enrollment or attendance of a student at an educational organization described in section 170 (b)(1)(A)(ii).
  3. Fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses on instruction at such an educational organization.
  1. The MPCSP will allow MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen Program scholarship money to cover room (dormitory) and board at an accredited college or university (not to be used for off campus housing). However, MPCSP will not allow the funds to be used for paying off student loans or for purchasing a computer.
  1. Applicants must have incurred the expense(s) at a qualifying school. Qualifying schools may include:
  2. Accredited community colleges.
  3. Accredited four-year colleges or universities.
  4. Accredited trade schools and technical schools.
  5. Other schools if approved prior to attending such schools.
  1. Requests for disbursal of scholarship funds will be processed only upon receipt of original statements, invoices, or bill (keep a copy) from the qualifying schools to which the applicant owes the funds. Requests must be made by completing the official “Scholarship Request Form” (available on the MPCSP website)and submitting to the MPCSP. Funds will be paid directly to the qualifying school, but may be disbursed to the applicant upon submission of a properly completed “Scholarship Request Form” with the necessary documentation and original receipts (keep a copy). Applicants should be aware to allow up to 4 weeks for processing a scholarship request and issuing a check to the school; thus it is advised to submit requests as early as possible.
  1. Applicants shall not request payment for reimbursement for any otherwise qualifying expenses if such expenses have been or will be paid through any other financial aid source.
  1. Contestant is expected to use herMissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen scholarship funds by May 31 of the year following her High School Graduation. If a scholarship award is not utilized by the May 31 deadline because of a valid and compelling reason, and extension may be requested. Requirements for an extension are as follows:
  2. If the MPCSP does not receive a properly completed “Scholarship Request Form” or a written request for an extension from the Contestant by May 31 of the year following her High School Graduation, the balance of the scholarship award will be automatically forfeited by the Contestant.
  3. An extension request must include the reason for the extension and must be for a valid and compelling reason.
  4. The MPCSP will review the request and determine if the extension request is a valid and compelling reason. The decision of the MPCSP is final and binding.
  5. If an extension request is granted, the scholarship award will be available for an additional twelve (12) months and will expire on the following May 31.
  6. Only one extension period will be allowed.
  7. An extension request must be in writing and received by the May 31 deadline and must be submitted via registered mail, FedEx, or another type of traceable and verifiable means of delivery. Requests will not be accepted via email, fax, telephone, or regular mail.
  8. Any funds remaining from the Scholarship Award after the expiration date will be forfeited.
  1. Any and all forfeited scholarship funds will be retained by the MPCSP in the scholarship funds account to be disbursed to future Contestants.

Contestant SignatureDate

Parent / Legal Guardian SignatureDate

Teen Contestant Contract

Attachment F

Miss Pierce County Scholarship Program

2018MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen


I, , a contestant for Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen2018, agree and understand that this Letter of Acceptance and Understanding is intended to document and provide clarification regarding the Miss Pierce County Scholarship Program’s (MPCSP) total material and monetary obligation to the Contestant who is awarded the title of Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen2018 and an outline of expectations of her and her duties. The following is a complete and all-inclusive compilation of all scholarships, gifts, and all other remuneration, services, benefits, or awards that the MPCSP shall be obligated to provide and to which the Titleholder, MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018, shall be entitled.


  1. A scholarship in the amount to be determined and any additional preliminary scholarship awards, trophies, or other honors as may be awarded to MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018, in the amount published in the Official 2018 Miss Pierce County Scholarship Pageant Program Book. One-half of the scholarship amount is available upon selection as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018, and the remaining half will be available after successful completion of her year of service as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018, including fulfillment of duties and responsibilities, as well as attending all scheduled and approved appearances.
  2. Participation in the 2018 Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Competition, including transportation, which shall be strictly limited to items, services, and vendors that have been authorized and provided by MPCSP and/or MWaOT (Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen). MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen’s family may incur costs associated with lodging for the Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Competition.
  3. I understand and accept that MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018 is required to make any and all appearances associated with any scholarship and/or awards presented to her. These appearances will be scheduled by MPCSP and placed on my calendar by me. I also understand that I may not commit to any appearance that may be presented to me without prior written authorization from the MPCSP.


I understand and accept that as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018:

  1. A wardrobe allowance, to include competition, travel, and rehearsal items of clothing for the Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Pageant weekend, to a maximum amount, is to be determined by the MPCSP Board of Directors. This amount is to include any/all funds and wardrobe items as might be provided by organizations other than the MPCSP, such as the MWaOT, shops, malls, or other vendors or individuals that might contribute to Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen2018’s wardrobe. In regard to this wardrobe allowance, I understand, accept, and agree that all expenses associated with procuring, preparing and handling of this wardrobe, whether purchased, borrowed, or personally owned, in include by not limited to: communication, travel, shipping, insuring, altering, cleaning, repair, and/or replacement of any damaged, lost, or borrowed items, shall be deducted from the allotted wardrobe allowance and that under no circumstances shall MPCSP be held responsible for any amount exceeding the agreed upon wardrobe allowance amount. Furthermore, it is mutually understood and agreed upon by both parties that any source of wardrobe as may be provided by the sole effort of Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen2018, her family, or acquaintances, to include personally owned items, shall not be deducted from the amount allotted for Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen’s wardrobe expenses.
  2. The MPCSP has final approval rights to all competition wardrobe. Furthermore, competition wardrobe shall be packed for Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Competition weekend with the assistance of a designated MPCSP representative. Thereafter, changes to this wardrobe shall not be made without the consent of the Executive Director of the MPCSP.


I understand and accept that as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018:

  1. A preparation allowance, not to exceed a maximum to be determined by MPCSP, shall be provided for the sole purpose of covering expenses for:
  2. Required photos
  3. Music
  4. Coaches
  5. Trainers
  6. Gym
  7. Salon or studio time
  8. Any other needed preparation that is pre-approved by the MPCSP.
  9. It is mutually understood that many of these items and services are awarded and provided by vendors and that these monies are intended to be supplemental to those provided.
  10. All matters concerning my preparation for the Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Competition must be pre-approved by the Executive Director of the MPCSP. I acknowledge, understand, and agree that I will not engage any coach without written approval from the Executive Director of MPCSP. To do so is a violation of the Miss America Organization (MAO) rules and will result in my disqualification to compete in the Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Competition.
  11. After awarding of the title of MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018, at a time to be determined by MPCSP, I will be apprised of the budgeted amounts for provided services, wardrobe, and preparation.


  1. I understand that MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen’s duties will take precedence over any and all personal and family obligations unless approved in writing by the Executive Director of the MPCSP.
  2. I will send appropriate Thank You notes for every appearance I make.
  3. I will keep my online appearance calendar current.
  4. I understand and agree to make every effort to support the MPCSP in whatever manner best suits the Program. Examples: Attending and participation in local festivals, fundraisers, special events, pageants, etc.


  1. Access to laptop or desktop computer.
  2. Cell phone.
  3. Personal cash and/or Credit/Debit card for incidentals while on appearances.
  4. Thank You notes and postage.
  5. Autograph cards & “Sharpie” pens.
  6. Promotional photography approved by the Executive Director of the MPCSP.
  7. Appropriate wardrobe and accessories; and kept in good condition and repair.
  8. Grooming items and makeup.
  9. Car in good repair, properly insured, and fueled.



I understand and agree that:

  1. I will be provided media training and assistance with the development of my Platform.
  2. I will be provided with a Local Traveling Companion (LTC) for appearances when deemed necessary and appropriate by MPCSP.
  3. I may need to provide my own transportation to and from appearances when necessary.
  4. I should be prepared to manage my food costs while traveling to and from appearances.
  5. I shall be responsible for the necessary preparation for each appearance, meeting, and interview. Preparation shall include, but not be limited to, reviewing all information and background material that is provided to me for review, conducting independent research when necessary, and, with respect to appearances, preparing my own speeches and specifically targeting my speeches toward the audiences that I will address.
  6. I shall be responsible for having a substantial and appropriate repertoire for talent performances for all of my appearances.
  7. I shall arrive 15 to 30 minutes early for all appearances, meetings, and interviews, and be properly groomed at the time of my arrival.
  8. I shall turn off my cell phone during appearances, meetings, and interviews. As Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen, I shall deem all those in my company, or in close proximity, as honored guests and shall show respect by refraining from other conversation or text messaging during any appearance or when in any official capacity as Miss Pierce County’s Outstanding Teen. I will use my cell phone during this time for emergency purposes only.
  9. As MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen, during Miss Washington’s Outstanding Teen Pageant Weekend2018, my wardrobe selections will reflect MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen as a young professional business woman who is contemporary, classy, and appropriate. I will be groomed at all times and agree that all on-stage wardrobe will be approved in advance by the Executive Director of the MPCSP.
  10. As MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018, I will prepare a farewell speech (with Power Point presentation) for the 2019MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen Competition. I will limit my speech and Power Point to four (4) minutes and will submit my presentation to the Executive Director and Executive Producer thirty (30) days prior to pageant week for approval. My written farewell, to be included in the 2019 MPCSP Program Book, will be submitted for approval by the Executive Director and/or Program Book Editor at least thirty (30) days prior to publication. I understand that it is MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen’s responsibility to submit all materials within the set deadlines.
  11. I will not make any appearances in a swimsuit at any time unless authorized by the Executive Director of the MPCSP. This does not include swimwear for recreational activities.
  12. During my year of service as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen, I will not have any male friends or family travel with me, stay overnight in my room, or accompany me on any appearance unless specifically approved by the Executive Director of the MPCSP.
  13. As MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen, my private life should always be lived “beyond reproach.”


I understand and accept that as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018:

  1. All appearances are arranged and handled solely by and through the MPCSP as my sole and exclusive agent.
  2. Any individual or organization wishing to inquire or book MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen for an appearance must contact the MPCSP directly.
  3. Failure to follow this protocol will mean that the appearance will be cancelled if it conflicts with a MPCSP scheduled appearance. If I attend a function, event, or appearance which is not previously scheduled or approved by the MPCSP, I will and must do so as an individual and not as a representative of the MPCSP. I am not allowed to wear my crown and/or sash, and I may not use my title or be referred to in any way, in print or live announcement, as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018.
  4. The title of MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018 is not only a title, but comes with the responsibilities associated with a job. To that end, I understand that my duties as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018 will take precedent in the scheduling of my time.


I understand and accept that as MissPierceCounty’s Outstanding Teen2018:

  1. I am not authorized to incur any debt or obligate the MPCSP to any expense or obligation in any form, including wardrobe sponsorships, advertisements, or any other sponsorship which has not been pre-approved by the MPCSP Executive Director in writing or is specifically set out in this Letter of Acceptance and Understanding.
  2. I agree and accept that I alone shall bear sole responsibility for any and all expenses or obligations, in any form, which I might incur that exceed the limited obligations of the MPCSP as set forth in this Letter of Acceptance and Understanding.

Contestant SignatureDate

Parent / Legal Guardian SignatureDate

Parent/Legal Guardian Initials:______Contestant Initials:______Date:______