
18 August 2011

Grand Rapids - Minnesota

In attendance:Officers and Staff:Mike Polzin (Chair, Minnesota Power),Greg Bernu (Treasurer, Carlton County),Kathleen Preece (staff - coordinator), Jim Marshall (Vice-chair, UPM Blandin Paper)

Directors and Agency Representatives:Blair Carlson (Itasca County),Bruce Cox (Clearwater County) Craig Engwall (Department of Natural Resources), Craig Halla (Forest Capital Partners), Steve Kuennen (Superior National Forest), Jason Kuiken (Chippewa National Forest), Jim Lemmerman(MFA/private landowner),(Richard Moore (Beltrami County) Robert Sonnenberg (MFA/private landowner),Kirk Titus (Crow Wing County), Bob Tomlinson (Dept. of Natural Resources)

Guests: Andrew Arends (Dept. of Natural Resources), Brian Aukema (University of Minnesota, Calder Hibbard (Minnesota Forest Resources Council),

Pat Miles (US Forest Service)

The meeting was called to order by chairperson Mike Polzin at 10:12 a.m. The Anti-Trust Statement was read by Kathleen Preece.Introductions were made around the table.

Chair Polzin explained the change in traditional agenda time line, noting that presenters had requested morning sessions in order to accommodate their respective afternoon schedules.

New Business: Presenters

Pat Miles

USDA Forest Service - Northern Research Station: Forest Inventory and Analysis

Pat Miles described the Forest Inventory and Analysis Unit of the U.S. Forest Service’s annual inventories of the nation's forests. Results from the 2010 Minnesota inventory were presented along with data from earlier inventories to highlight recent changes in the resource and provide insight into future directions in regards to forest management.

Brian Aukema

McKnight Land-Grant Professor - Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota

Brian Aukema recounted his journey to the University of Minnesota, resulting in his role as grant professor. He described forest entomology in Minnesota; research and service needs. He emphasized challenges specific to the mountain pine beetle, emerald ash borer, and eastern larch beetle.

Andrew Arends: Community/Private Lands Supervisor – Minnesota DNR

Andrew Arends described 2011 legislative and policy changes including:

- DNR's Private Forest Land program

-Farm Bill Opportunities

-State Tree Nurseries

--SFIA Incentives

At 1:40, the Board returned to corporate business of the MFRP.


The minutes of the June Full Board meeting were reviewed. The minutes were approved on a motion by Bob Sonnenberg; second by Craig Halla.


Financial Report

Greg Bernupresented the August financial report. He started that the MFRP account at Grand Rapids State Bank to-date, stood at approximately $32,276, with $2,600 of that amount contributed by the Weyerhaueser grant and $3,400 contributed by the Ash Diversification Collaboration. He added that, after the MFRP Executive Committee’s approval of invoices on August 18, the balance stood at approximately $24,800. He added that he felt the MFRP budget was in good standing for the balance of the year.

Old Business

Kathleen Preece provided updates on the Intermediate Stand Treatment (IST) and Ash Diversification Collaboration (ADC) projects. She shared that the New York Mills workshop held on July 7 at the Sonnenberg Tree Farm was successful, based on participation and evaluations. Bob Sonnenberg expressed his appreciation of the workshop, noting that the hands-on activities and networking between participant loggers and landowners was extremely valuable.

Kathleen Preece announced that the next workshop will be held in the Aitkin County area: August 25; the final workshop will be held in Brimson October 6.

She encouraged MFRP members to attend. The participant list will be limited to 25 landowners and loggers, with 10 guests included in the planned-for workshop. Both classroom and field sessions will be part of each workshop

New Business

The Board held a general discussion about its upcoming October 20 full board meeting. Program suggestions included:

• strategic road plan systems, including the idea of a bonding bill proposal that might improve road infracture regardless of land ownership

• continued discussion with Pat Miles regarding comparisons/changes occurring in forest industry

• biomass update, presenter Anna Dirkswager/DNR

• Northern Minnesota Climate Change Response Framework

Bob Tomlinson and Kathleen Preece will work together to develop October’s agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. on a motion by Bob Sonnenberg; second by Craig Halla.

Respectfully submitted 24 August 2011 by Kathleen Preece