Oak Park High/Oak Park Freshman Institute School Compact
Quality Learning for Every Student, Every Day
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We believe that students succeed most when teachers, students, and parents all work together. We highly value your role in helping to ensure that our students achieve high academic standards, in order to be ready for college & careers. This compact is an agreement between the school, students, and parents, in order to have a common understanding of the responsibilities of all partners who are involved in student success.
I understand the importance of a quality education for every student, and my role as a teacher and professional role model. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
1. Provide high quality instruction in a safe, caring, supportive, and effectivelearning environment.
2. Provide on-going communication with parents and students, including regular phone calls, e-mails, and
Parent Conferences.
3. Continuously update progress on student learning in Parent/Student Connect.
4. Make every effort to be aware of your child’s needs.
2013-2014 Oak Park High School/ Oak Park Freshman Institute Staff
I understand that I am responsible for my own education. The hard work I do now will help me achieve my goals, as I prepare for college and a career. I know that my teachers and parents/guardians are here to support me, but I am ultimately accountable for my learning and performance. Therefore, I agree to do the following:
1. To attend school every day and arrive to all of my classes on time, prepared tolearn.
2. Respect myself, respect others, and respect the school community.
3. Hold myself accountable for my own actions.
4. Do my best in every class, every day, and ask for help when I am struggling.
5. Regularly check my own academic progress using Student Connect.
Student Signature______Date:______
I realize that my child’s academic education is important. I understand that participating in my child’s education will help him/her succeed. I will support my child in making proper educational and positive life choices, working towards success in college and a career. Therefore, I will commit to the following:
1. Ensure that my child attends school every day and arrives to school on time for 1st Hour.
2. Encourage my child to complete his/her classwork & homework, and to ask for help when he/she is
3. Regularly check my child’s progress & attendance in school using Parent Connect and make every effort to
communicate with my child’s teachers and other staff members.
4. Make a commitment to attend the annual open house, parent-teacher conferences, and at least one other
school event.
5. Volunteer in my child’s school.
Parents Signature______Date: ______
William Washington, Principal
Oak Park High School
13701 Oak Park Blvd
Oak Park, MI 48237
Pam Vermiglio, Principal
Oak Park Freshman Institute
22180 Parklawn
Oak Park, MI 48237
Attention Teachers/Parents/Students,
As you may already know, Oak Park High School is putting forth plans to become a Title I school. We are currently taking the steps necessary to become a Title I school, in order to obtain support to continue providing high quality learning experiences for our students.
A part of that process requires us to develop a Parent Compact, which is an agreement between the school, the parents, and the students, that explains how everyone can work together to support students meeting high academic standards of learning.
Your input in this process is needed!
This is a draft version of the School Compact, developed by our Title I Team, using data & feedback from teachers, parents, and students. We now need your feedback on this draft. In the space provided below, please give us your opinion of this draft. Feel free to make comments regarding what you would like to see changed, added, or deleted from this Compact. Based on your feedback, a final draft will be developed and published for use during the 2013-2014 school year,
Please return feedback to Steven Snead. 248-336-7737