Minutes of Meeting
Pre-Bid Conference meeting for "In-Situ FTIR"
Date: 14thMay, 2013 @ CSIR-IIP Dehradun
The Pre-Bid Conferencemeetingfor the procurement of In-Situ FTIR system was held at CSIR-IIP. The meeting was to discuss in detail the technical specifications of the equipment with vendors interested in quoting against the tender. Following people were part of the discussions
CSIR-IIPDr. Y. K. Sharma, Chairman
Dr. Anil K. Sinha, Member
Dr. Suman Lata Jain, Member
Dr. Raja Ram Bal, Member
Mr. G. M. Bahuguna, Member
Dr. Pankaj K. Kanaujia, Member
Mrs. Poonam Gupta, Member
Mr. Anand Mohit
Equipment Manufacturer Representative
- Mr. Dinesh Malviya, Skytec Systems India Pvt. Ltd (Remspec Corporation)
- Mr. Mukesh Saxena, Mettler Toledo
- Mr. A.K. Jain, Parshvanath Associates (Mettler Toledo)
Remspec Corporation and Mettler Toledo representatives detailed about their technical capabilities with respect to the tender specifications.The following were the points of discussion
Remspec representative detailed about the high pressure and high temperature probes offered by their company. He also mentioned about Exxon Mobil and DOW Corning using their Insitu FTIR measurement systems.
Remspec however did not have any installations in India but they assured uninterrupted service and after sales support.
Mettler Toledo representative also detailed about their technical capability regarding Insitu FTIR measurements, they suggested separate probes for both high temperature and high pressure measurements.
Mettler Toledo representative requested for 2 weeks time for confirmation from their head office regarding issues with respect to reactor and probe insertion into the reactor (bottom/side wall entry).
Mettler Toledo representative also requested for changing the 5 year extended comprehensive warranty clause to 1 year warranty and 4 years CMC as it would not be acceptable to their company.
Action Points:
The committee members asked the vendors to include the detailed specifications of FTIR spectrometer (which would be attached with the Insitu measurement probe) in the technical bid document such as detailed specifications regarding source, standard optics, interferometer, detector, spectral range including spectral resolution, S / N ratio, software capabilities, thermal stability and precision at high temperature etc.. for clarity
To change the 5 year extended comprehensive warranty clause to 1 year warranty and 4 years CMC
To provide 2 weeks time to Mettler Toledo for confirmation.