Please read the attached in association with your CAP. Progress is noted on a pledge by pledge basis with reference to the relevant reference number in the CAP. Where a partner agency has made particular progress which is not in the CAP but is relevant to local concerns, that is also noted under each pledge.

NB The current CAP and its targets run from April-2006 - April 2007. The new CAP is to commence in April 2007.

Apologies if the brevity of the attached report undersells any contributions - which I would be happy to amend.


General progress:
* The PCT has announced that they are to double the local access to a Health Improvement Officer. We currently share Liz Thomas with Walkden/L.Hulton however a new HIO, Anthony Ainsworth, starts in the new year dedicated to our area.
* The PCT has obtained NRF money which has been devolved to each area to be given out as grants to community groups promoting health and well-being. W&B has been awarded £8k per year for 2 years which is being managed by budget group.
1.1 / HAP formed and operating. Attractive minutes circulated widely. Has developed detailed 2007 action plan. HAP agenda needs greater engagement from Community Committee.
1.2 / Groups supported. Boothstown post-natal group supported towards self-sufficiency. Grant application currently with budget group.
1.3 / Flu vaccinations went well. Consultation with older people has informed the development of a 12 week programme to be delivered by Age Concern – currently with budget group.
1.4 / Some progress and planning in draft action plan.
1.5 / 16 people attended and passed a food hygiene course. CC funded fruit and water bottles to summer sport sessions –article in Advertiser. Healthy Hips and Hearts project developed and funded by budget group – commences asap. Volunteer (Cllr Gray) trained and new weekly health walks going well in Boothstown.


General progress:
GMP report a **% (check figure) reduction in crime across the F5 area, which includes W&B, in the last year.
2.1 / 2 new Homewatch groups formed. Map produced to allow targeting. Large local Homewatch event held. Homewatch groups now receive regular communications from NM team.
2.2 / Drama event held at Beesley Green. We have not had a local problem with this issue in this period. General advice given regularly by PCs/PCSOs.
2.3 / CCTV installed at both locations. Dispersal order ran successfully at Ellenbrook from Dec-March. Youth Service detached work increased and targeted. GMP dedicated patrols on Friday nights – warnings, arrests, alcohol seizures. Names taken by GMP and warning letters sent by Nuisance Link. Names considered and actioned at CST. TW/GMP met with off-licensees. CC funded targeted school holiday schemes. Moorside - Residents actions, alleygating progressing, forecourts included in highway resurfacing scheme, took part in In Bloom project, first meeting held about the Dell, meeting held with local young people.
Above actions also applied to Standfield. Bushes removed and area resurfaced. CCTV now ordered. Threshers asked for £5k. Grafitti artist arrested. CC motion considered by cabinet.
2.4 / See 2.3 above. CST has a detailed action plan for each of these issues.
Above actions plus, presentation to Community Committee. GMP operation and arrests re burglary and vehicle crime. Seizures of off-road motorbikes. Barriers to prevent off road motorbikes. Met with pubs/hotels. GMP formed Boothstown pubwatch. Applied for gating order at Boothstown tunnels – ongoing.
2.5 / Actively considered but agreed not to pursue at this stage. Remains under review. Needs to pass a threshold test.
2.6 / Barriers installed around Monton Amateurs’ site. Last gate under consideration –drawings and costs supplied. GMP policing/seizures. Emerging GMPA and national approach.
2.7 / Youth service restructured – new detached service and management capacity. CC funded holiday schemes. Brokering access to Moorside CLC and Leisure Centre – ongoing. See also pledge 4. Work reported to Community Committee.


3.1 / Sue Bowen co-ordinated college-funded research into local adult learning needs and earned £1k for CC funds. This can inform future planning.
3.2 / Progress delayed due to a relevant staff vacancy in Libraries.
3.3 / Forward strategy report devised. Then government funding changes saw loss of IT courses at Boothstown, retained at St Andrews. Discussions secured new community access to IT facilities at Moorside CLC – it is now the strategy to maximise use of these facilities – ongoing.
3.4 / Key local rep agreed to attend training. More progress needed, linked to Pledge 5 work.
3.5 / Supported Urban Stage to successful Lowry production. Existing and new dance classes developed. Existing work of WEG. Initial Arts and Flowers strategy generated ideas and funding ideas. Applied to be included in a Lowry outreach project. Local strategy needs more work and momentum.
3.6 / Significant investment announced in Linear Walkway re-surfacing. Learning curve and more progress needed. Suggest moving to Pledge 7, with other transport issues, in new CAP.
3.7 / Process ongoing. Feedback needed. Link to BSF in new CAP.


General progress:
SCC departments are emerging from the major restructures of former Education and Social Services functions into a new Children’s Services Directorate delivering the Every Child Matter Agenda. Major re-structures also of Early Years and Youth Service structures. BSF programme announced.
4.1 / Gaps identified and reported to Community Committee. CYP continues to work to align users, premises, staff, budgets, volunteers etc to create new provision for young people. Brokered access to Moorside CLC and Leisure centre – ongoing. CC funded holiday schemes. New dance class developed. Boothstown Juniors opened new facilities. Access under negotiation to Middlewood scout facilities – first meeting booked. Active discussions with partners eg Worsley URC.
4.2 / Study visit went to v.impressive premises in Cheadle. Needs further consideration locally. Do we have/can we fund shop premises? Other solutions? Key lesson about the capacity of united church groups.
4.3 / Some progress in identifying potential members and supporting them to an initial meeting. Paper produced for CYP on potential model. Remains a priority.
4.4 / CC-funded holiday programme – Easter, whit, summer, October. New facilities at Boothstown Jnrs. Proposal re Moorside Leisure centre goes to school governors in Oct. If all approved, should re-open to community use before April.
4.5 / See above. No saved resources available to re-profile. Remove from CAP.
4.6 / Dance and sports showcase opportunities delivered. Citywide competitions as part of school holiday programmes. Supported Urban Stage production at the Lowry. Several positive articles in the Advertiser and Newsletter.


5.1 / Several new attendees at CC. Numerous groups supported with constitutions, funding bids, CC grants, volunteers, transport etc. Deeper understanding of local priorities reflected in new CAP. Remains a priority –see new CAP.
5.2 / Info collated and compiled. Final draft can go to printers asap. Launch needed.
5.3 / Local premises audited – access, facilities, costs, availability etc. Findings are informing plans to maximise usage.
5.4 / Discussions held with relevant SCC Director. Ongoing. Keep in CAP
5.5 / Plans for a residential development at this site have been consulted on and a S106 settlement negotiated. This will not fund a community centre but will be targeted appropriately. See new CAP.
5.6 / Attractive newsletter produced Autumn 05, 2nd edition currently at the planning stage to go out before Xmas. New CAP suggests 4 per year. In addition, regular e/mail-outs now sent to 200 local groups – events, consultations, news, funding available, training dates, etc.
5.7 / Examples include In Bloom, new dance classes, churches looking at youth provision, access to Moorside CLC, access to Boothstown Juniors facilities, etc.
5.8 / New volunteers have been found and underpinned Café 55, Disability Arts group, etc. VSRB-funded programme developed and can now be offered out. Volunteers have taken up training including food hygiene, funding available etc.
5.9 / Substantial progress on several of these:
A – Supported MSRA - shop forecourts included in a £1m highway resurfacing scheme. Now completed.
B – Supported Users’ Group – bid approved and SCC match funding secured. Work to be completed before Xmas.
C - Supported WVCA – bid approved, awaiting start on site. Supported approach to HLF for Worsley Green.
D – 1st meeting for Ellenbrook is 8th November.
E – progress needed.
Lots of new additions see new CAP.
Progress under this pledge has been hampered by staffing vacancies, recently resolved, in SCC Economic Development section. This section has been reviewed for the new CAP and agreed that much of what was included here was not a true priority. This section of the new CAP has therefore been fundamentally trimmed and re-written. See new CAP
General Progress:
A busy year for EPT with progress on lots of fronts –see below.
SCC launched new Greenspace strategy which CC commented on.
7.1 / DW has been re-convened and is progressing well. AGM held. New logo/brand developed and approved. Progressing draft constitution. John Wilkinson welcomed as new Chairman. Updated and working within action plan.
7.2 / Moorside, WorsleyVillage and Boothstown entered the Neighbourhood category and were each awarded certificates at a ceremony in September. Lots of enthusiasm to widen the project and build it year on year. Ongoing.
7.3 / Withdrawn from the new CAP – mixed picture at local schools from Gold standard to not pursuing.
7.4 / Remains under focus. SCC launched new Supplementary Planning Document – guidelines on this. NMs developing new protocol to ensure community committee/Political Exec input into S106 plans.
7.5 / Done as standard by Env Services. Area has good local take-up. Promote through In Bloom. New CAP seeks to use this agenda to engage young people.
7.6 / £100k devolved to each CC area by Urban Vision –currently planning to spend. Greenleach Lane resurfaced and traffic calmed. £1m invested in Worsley Rd and Moorside shop forecourts. Detailed discussions underway on E. Lancs road safety issues –speed limit will drop to 50 mph.
7.7 / Worsley Woods is now adopted as an LNR. New group formed – Worsley Woods Action Group. Conservation events held. Several meetings held re OWD. Key stakeholders met recently and progressed a shared position statement and began to form a shared vision. Will be reported to CC asap.
7.8 / Some clearance of undergrowth carried out at the Delph. Senior level discussions held with SCC and Peel. SCC then lodged an initial bid to a Landfill tax budget. Recently heard unsuccessful. Ongoing.
7.9 / Lots of dialogue (identified as best practice) with UV accident reduction team. Making plans for the devolved £100k, influenced mainstream plans eg Walkden Rd/A580 junction to be re-marked, negotiating investment at Newearth/Ellenbrook/A580 junction, reduction of A580 speed limit, etc. Grrenleach Lane traffic calmed. Roe Green consultation held informing yellow line scheme, etc.
7.10 / Application lodged under new gating order powers – awaiting panel date. Working to address road safety concerns by investing in A580 junctions. £40k secured from UV budget to block up the tunnels if approved. Ongoing work of Nuisance Link/GMP/Youth Service/Fire Service/CST in relation to youth nuisance.
7.11 / Lights installed at several locations last year, new tree installed at Ellenbrook. £5,500 per year allocated to lights for future years. Christmas 2006 plans underway. See revised wording in new CAP.
7.12 / Racecourse process ongoing and watched keenly by local Councillors/CC. CC Chair is on several transport forums. Representations made in relation to re-scheduling of local bus services. Ongoing. Transport issues highlighted in new CAP.
7.13 / Explored at Political Exec and not to be pursued. Wigan MBC have progressed alone.
7.14 / Begun but stalled. Needs finalising and production. Dropped from new CAP.
7.15 / Parking managers briefed EPT. Roe Green consultation held. Scrutiny role is highlighted in new CAP.